Daily horoscopes for 19th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 19th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:30 pm


Your patience for indecisive people is running very low, right now. You know what you're doing today, so how come no one else does? Well, you'll never be able to get a satisfying answer to that question, so why even ask it? You'll only get frustrated or angry. To keep your resentment a bay, you've got to move past the nincompoops and just not give them a second thought. Focus your communication on getting your own stuff down, not on trying to get other people in trouble.


You have reached a critical point with someone you care about -- you actually know how you feel, so today is the day you need to communicate it! This isn't about having too many expectations, either. You just need to share what you are thinking and what you are feeling. How the other person reacts is not something you can control, so it's not something you need to worry about. You will still feel vulnerable, there's no getting away from it. But you need to make them aware of your feelings.


An interesting discussion early in the day will inspire you to get moving on an exciting new project -- try to make some time to give it all the dedication that it requires. A quick internet search will help you find the answers you need and get you going down the right path. And while you probably won't be able to make as much headway as you would like to, you can at least make enough progress to give yourself a strong sense of satisfaction and an excuse to pat yourself on the back.


Someone who lives a very flashy lifestyle might be charming and exciting, but they don't have the substance that you need in your life, right now. So have fun with the flighty folks, but don't get sucked into their way of doing things. Not only will it alienate you from the more high-quality people in your life, it could start you in on some bad habits. You can take a walk on the wild side every now and then -- just make sure that you don't go too far!


Right now you should research less and brainstorm more -- the facts and figures that have helped you in the past aren't going to be able to help you out today. There's too much emotional energy in the air for logic and reason to have any real impact! This is a fun day full of possibilities. The hardest task you have is to think up a way to enjoy yourself in a whole new way. Get started coming up with new ideas early, and by the late afternoon you should be having a blast.


Do your best to stay cool and calm when the drama erupts, today. If you stay objective about what is going on, you will find it easy to turn away from it all and stay unaffected and happy in your own little world. It's too soon to tell where this soap opera plot is headed, so wait until the dust settles and deal with the outcome then. You should not be one of the main players. You owe nothing to anyone but yourself -- remember that if someone tries to get you to choose sides.


A friend is telling you that they are doing one thing -- but doing something else. Their duplicity is probably due to their fear that if you really knew what was going on your feelings about them would change. But this is most definitely not true. Don't waste time being disappointed that they aren't trusting you. Instead, get in contact with them and ask them point blank about what is really going on. You need to reach out to people to let them know that you can be trusted.


By spending all of your free time with just one person, you are taking a risk. You cannot ignore the older relationships in your life just because a new, shiny one has started. If you stop paying attention to these people, they will stop paying attention to you. Check in with them today and make some plans. Get back in the old, familiar groove and remind yourself why you love all these people so much. They'll be thrilled to spend time with you again.


Watch out while you are dealing with others, today -- they do not have the same priorities that you do. While you want to get things done, they just want to goof off and have fun. So be prepared to deal with interruptions from them today -- and there could be many. But the one thing you don't have to worry about is them leaving you with all the work. You don't have to take on any of their stuff, so don't. Let them be responsible -- and take the heat if it's not done.


Getting more closely connected with the people in your life who you really value is easier than ever. Right now everyone's schedules fit together, and everyone is on the same page in terms of what things would be fun to do. This harmony is sure going to make your life sweeter for the next few days! The 'hands off, see-you-later' approach simply won't do for you now -- you need to get in there and get active with these people! They are going to add some good energy to your life.


If you are looking for a romance right now, keep in mind that not all of them start off as sizzling affairs. Many of the healthiest and longest-lasting relationships start out at a slow, steady burn. So instead of looking for a lightening bolt to strike, just keep an eye out for people who are interesting to you -- and then put in the time it takes to get to know them better. If you are not looking for a romance, you should be aware that someone might be looking for one with you!


There's been a nagging worry on your mind lately, and it's not going away anytime soon -- probably because you have been so busy lately that you simply haven't had the time to think about it or process it. So unless you want this thing to be plaguing you relentlessly, you have got to stop things today and give yourself the quiet time you need to get it out of your system. Call up a friend and talk it out with them. They'll help you move on and get your head clear.


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