Daily horoscopes for 1st November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 1st November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:30 pm


You'll be the consummate student, today -- your mind is inquisitive and your energy is focused on acquiring new knowledge. You are also already smart enough to know that you don't know everything, so why not just admit it? Don't be afraid to show the holes in your intelligence -- after all, that's the only way to fill them up! Your ego is strong enough to weather a lesson in something simple that you think everyone else already knows, so step up and ask an expert for a lesson.


No matter what behavior you encounter in others today, nothing will phase you. Or stop you from getting on with the good times! You mind is wide open, you're thinking positively, and you are ready to connect with other people in a new way. You are seeking inspiration, but it's not a frustrating quest -- it's a joyous exploration, full of adventure. This is a wonderful day for you to start something new -- preferably something strange and even a bit mysterious to you.


Your opinions are valid, but so are everyone else's -- even the ones that clash with yours. So today, stay open to compromise and listen to what other people have to say -- even if it's stupid. Having a dogmatic attitude about life might make things simpler, but it will also make them a lot more boring. You're smart enough and charming enough to know how to listen to something you don't like without losing your cool. You'll impress people and make more friends by keeping an open mind.


Why spend all of your energy making other people happy? Today you have to switch your focus and start working harder at making yourself happy! Do at least one nice thing for yourself, today. Cancel a meeting you've been dreading, with no guilt. Take yourself out to dinner at your favorite restaurant. Skip making the bed this morning. Doing something for yourself every once in a while is not only a good idea, it's a smart idea. After all, you need to treat yourself well if you expect others to, too.


Your future lies ahead of you, so why are you so busy thinking about stuff that is far behind you? You can't change what has already happened, no matter how badly you want to! So if you don't like what went down, the only thing you can do is move away from it quickly. Think about what's next, what is coming down the road. Look at your calendar and see whose birthday is coming up -- then start thinking about the perfect gift. Being forward-focused is fun.


Your sense of humor offers a great way to escape the tension of confrontation, so why not use it a little bit more to deal with a particularly annoying person? When they come into your world today, crack a joke to let them know you're not amused by their immature antics. It will be easy for you to find the right words to help them realize that they need to grow up -- and fast. Plus, when you deliver this wit, you'll also be entertaining the people who are watching.


You're finally going to start seeing some positive results, today -- your current projects seem to all be turning the corner at the same time. And while you are certainly going to be busy right now, you are going to feel exhilarated by all of the activity, too. Your buzzing brain is feeding off all the stimulation, and it's getting faster and smarter, to boot. This is not the time for slowing down -- it's time to hang on and just enjoy this wonderful, unpredictable and slightly dramatic ride!


A good friend has been going through a life change that has caused you to look at your own life differently. This kind of self examination is very valuable, but it can also be a bit of a trap. Don't spend too much dwelling on your own thoughts about the future -- it will only isolate you from the here and now. You have to let yourself get caught up in the moment every once in a while. You cannot always be reflective or ponder the ins and outs of what you should do next.


Everyone will be delighted with your answers and ideas today -- enjoy the confidence that other people have in your abilities, and then maybe you might start having a little more confidence in them, too! You are so much more capable than you think you are, and these other people are finally helping you to understand that. Having a healthier ego takes a little work -- you have to nourish it and be comfortable bragging about yourself. People will not be put off by it.


There's not going to be any real structure to your day today, which could be a good thing or a bad thing -- depending on your energy level. So to increase your chances of having a great day, get as active as you can as early as you can! If a morning job isn't your idea of a good time, how about a walk around the block? Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Try doing jumping jacks at the copier. Whatever little ways you can make your heart beat faster will keep you smiling.


Tell someone what you really want out of them -- stop expecting them to read your mind, because they will only disappoint you. And keep in mind that having clear communication requires more than just honesty and simple language -- it requires full disclosure and total trust. It's okay to be vulnerable when you are with the people you know care about you. You've made some real connections with these people, so why not believe in them? Say what is on your mind.


You have every right to your viewpoint on the topic of the day, even if your boss or other authority figure might have a different opinion on the issue than you do. You can't just agree with whoever holds the power -- it's weak and it's not being true to who you are. So if you are the only person in the room who feels the way you feel, be proud of it! It not only makes you unique, it shows everyone what a strong will you have. Just make sure you respect the opinions of others, too.


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