Daily horoscopes for 13th November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 13th November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:30 pm


Today you'll get a stronger sense of what your role in a relationship is -- and you might not like what you discover. You thought there was a permanence to this partnership, but now you're not so sure. Before you throw in the towel and assume that it's all over, have a conversation with the other person. Tell them what you think about the balance of power between the two of you and ask them if what you fear is true. Chances are, you have misunderstood something.


You can't let your flirting skills get rusty -- they're some of the finest in the world! Just because you're in a committed relationship, you haven't been feeling confident, or you've just gotten lazy, it is not an excuse to deprive the world of your charm and sass! Remember, flirting is just good, clean fun. It doesn't have to be a commitment. So today, try to use more flattery in your conversations. You'll brighten up everyone's day -- including your own, of course.


What your friends do today is anyone's guess -- they are very unpredictable right now, which means you need to have no expectations or even any preferences, when it comes to them. If they ask you for advice you should of course give it to them, but don't expect them to follow it to the letter -- or at all. This day will probably test your flexibility and your patience, but it will still be quite enjoyable and you are sure to have a very fun time. Your favorite people always make life interesting, don't they?


Help yourself today by helping others! Not only will the gratitude you receive from the people you aid lift your spirits, but it will inspire you to do bigger and even better things for the world at large! Now is the right time to move forward with big plans. People who have power will be receptive to your ideas, and they will be willing to give you the resources and encouragement you need. Consider a long term volunteer opportunity: It might finally be time to take that step.


If you meet up with someone from a different country or religion today, take advantage of their insight and learn about their background! Ask them more questions about why they do what they do and what it was like living where they lived. You will learn that you two have many differences, but you will be shocked to learn just how much you have in common, too. When you lavish attention on a person who doesn't quite fit in, you will soon become their hero.


A great big dose of a different country's culture will be stimulating and fun for you -- so go out and investigate something foreign and new. Check out a show at an art museum, have dinner at an ethnic restaurant you've never tried before, or just listen to music from another country while you're driving, today. You might not understand everything you're seeing, hearing or eating, but so what? A little bit of confusion is awfully compelling sometimes.


Your communication will be very rewarding and effective today -- all of your phone conversations, text messages, and emails will be full of good wishes and a new level of cooperation. People are more interested in what you have to say right now, and they are ready to help you bring your ideas to fruition. Do not let this day go by without moving forward with at least one project or goal. If you've been waiting to ask someone out, this is the day to do it!


Stepping outside of your comfort zone is by definition uncomfortable. But isn't it usually incredibly rewarding, too? You're in a strong phase of risk-taking and you are a brave person, so this combination means that right now you are in a prime position to make a huge leap in your life. Whether it's changing your job, moving to a new city, or starting a new relationship, you are ready to explore living your life in a new way. Talk to those who have done it before and get some tips.


Everyone is singing your praises right now, and boy it's a sweet sound! This extra level of attention you're receiving right now might not last too long, so you had better take advantage of it while you can. Gobble up the limelight, and be sure to savor all the adulation you're getting. In fact, when it comes to recognition, overeat! You know you rock, and it's awfully nice to have someone else notice it too! It's a great day for a celebration, so call up one of your fun friends and do something sweet.


Letting go of some of your negative energy is easier to do when you get your heart pumping! So go for a long jog in the woods, hit the gym, or just do some jumping jacks in your kitchen while the cookies are baking! As long as you can fit some kind of exercise into your day, you will help yourself get over an old grudge, forgive someone who wronged you, or shake loose a bad feeling about someone. Focusing on making your life better lets you be more positive overall.


Today might not be the most exciting day you have ever lived, but who says you always need excitement to keep you interested in what's going on? Besides, being bored is not the end of the world! When you have fewer things to keep your mind occupied, it finds it own ideas to contemplate, whether consciously or not. So if you are left with nothing to do, today, just soak it in. You will get comfortable people watching or just sitting quietly by yourself. It's a good break for you, so enjoy it.


The most powerful motivator for you right now isn't your ambition -- it's your emotions. So trust them and follow them wherever they take you today! Good or bad, they are genuine and honest. So if you want to spill your guts to someone who you're seriously crushing on, do it -- whatever the result, it will make you stronger and remind you how powerful you are. Being direct in your communication might be hard, but it will save you time and help you grow.


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