Daily horoscopes for 14th February, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 14th February, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:31 pm


As you continue on your quest for a connection with someone today, it's time to take things to a much deeper level. Get as close as you can to them, but be aware that if you are too exuberant you could come off as overwhelming. Instead, opt for a quieter type of charm. Smile and find out if they want to talk. If they don't, then back off. You'll make a much better impression by respecting them than if you bulldoze all over them. Try to get them talking anyway you can.


A new beginning is coming in an old relationship, and you should start to feel it before the end of the day. This is a good time to reach out to this person and suggest an intimate and casual outing. The two of you could use some uninterrupted quiet time to catch up and create new plans for the future together. The balance between you two has shifted, and they are ready to let you take more control. They recognize the changes in you, and want to show you the changes they've made.


Starting a new romance might not be on your list of things to do right now, but sometimes you have no choice but to deal with the feelings that have been stirring right under the surface. You can no longer deny what might be happening, even if your life would be a lot simpler without it. It's coming, and it's a very good thing. If you are already in a relationship, you'll start to feel a rebirth in what the two of you share. A big transition could be coming.


Communication is vital for you today -- whether it's via emails, voice mails, text messaging, or good old-fashioned face-to-face conversations. You need to tell people things and you need to learn things from others, and this is the day for a couple of great exchanges. Start the conversations you need to start with a compliment and you'll start things off on the right foot! If the topic involves emotions, you need to be in charge -- and make sure you are not on the defensive.


Put one of your problems in the hands of someone else today, and your needs will be met by others. It's not about shirking responsibility, it's about delegating some of your work. You need to have more trust in the people you live and work with -- when they say they are going to do something, they are going to do it! You'll get a valuable life lesson if you put your faith into someone who is more powerful than you or something that is bigger than you are.


Sure, you can be impulsive and follow every whim you have today -- but that probably won't make you very happy at the end of the day. Right now, you need structure. Following the rules and behaving yourself might not sound like fun, but it's the best route to take today. Be more thorough on your current projects and show those who are watching that you know how to take big responsibilities seriously. Prove yourself today and you'll be well-rewarded.


Appearance is very important, but your outer attractiveness is nowhere near as important as your inner beauty today. So forget about overhauling your wardrobe and put your attention towards things that really matter. Your outlook on life needs to be polished up and made shiny again, and the best way to do that is to get together with the person or people who make you feel good about your life and where it is going. Get with them for a meal and talk things out, catch up with each other.


If you're looking for an easy way to get through a busy day, spend part of your morning getting the rest of the day organized. You might not be a morning person, but once you start seeing how things fall into place, your energy level will go through the roof. Nothing is as exciting as new possibilities for you right now, and there will be many in your day. Things are going to get done, deadlines will be met, and your schedule is going to have a lot more room -- for a lot more fun.


Feeling on the fence about something? Well, pick a side. This is not the day for wishy-washy feelings! When you see that something (or someone) is going wrong today, you have to speak up. Make sure that justice is served wherever you go. You don't have to put yourself in the position of being the world's police officer, but you should bring things to the attention of people who are in charge. You're not being a tattletale -- you're being a responsible human being.


Do whatever it takes to come to a compromise with one of your authority figures today. Because if you show the people in power that you are not only out for yourself, you can make a very good impression. Plus, as soon as you start getting things done, you can stop focusing on where you may or may not disagree, creating a happier vibe overall. Follow the path of least resistance today. Worry about accomplishing certain items on your own agenda some other day.


More than a few people are going to be eager to debate some recent events and discuss their personal issues with you today. But if you're not quite ready to devote your entire day to playing amateur psychologist, then you need to get busy as early as you can with your own private business. Otherwise, you are likely to be the shoulder that everyone cries on. Sometimes you like having that role, but sometimes you don't. Make sure you're up for it before you start listening.


It's wonderful that you have been so driven to reach you career goals, but being so focused on just one aspect of your life could be causing some disruption in the other aspects of your life, namely your personal relationships. Your friends and family miss you! So today, try to start making more time for your personal life. Putting things into their proper balance will help you keep your loved ones smiling -- and it will help you stay smiling, too!


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