Interpretation Of Queen of Swords - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of Queen of Swords - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 11:33 am

Queen of Swords - Upright

Minor Arcana

You are warrior and always ready for a challenge. You are highly independent with your own set of ideals.  You may be witty and outspoken.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by nicnic » Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:54 pm

This queen sits confident on her throne looking out on her surroundings as if she knows everything that is going on. Nothing will get passed this queen. She is very knowledgeable almost to the fact that she can read your mind. However she does tend to hold in her true feelings. Warning do not cross this queen.

She is witty and can laugh things off.

She is very honest.

Out of all the cards in my tarot deck, this is the card that draws me the most...I am starting to think that I am the Queen of Swords! And I think she might also be Aquarius like me weird is that!

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Post by samantha234 » Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:46 pm

awesome, any card that draws you is definitly a keycard for you! And you interpreted that beautifully! :)

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Post by jacx » Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:33 pm

The queen of swords is sharp as a tack, she takes no crap. she can tell lies from truth and she always searches for the truth.
this usually indicates a woman who has had to learn from lifes harsh lessons.  i see this card a lot like justice just not so dramatic.

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Post by Bella » Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:05 am

Astrologically this Queen has been connected with Aquarius, the mutable air sign.

In Book T it  calls her The Queen of the Thrones of Air and says she Rules from 20 Degree Virgo to 20 Degree Libra.

The Queen of Swords is a card that can represent the character of a person who is strong, independent has determination and can show courage in times of adversity. She holds her sword in the upright positive position, like the Justice card it can stand for truth but also Swords being an air element can symbolism her ability to use her mind to the greater good. This Queen learns from the past and recovers from sorrow in order to use which she has learnt in a positive way. She often has a charming personality with an overall tendency to be logical in order to achieve her goals. She is someone who is self-reliant and more often than not able to use her innate intelligence from which to draw her wisdom when finding herself in difficult times or situations.

This Queen has the potential to become a good leader in her field, which makes her a desirable ally to have on your side.

However her sword is doubled edge, and negatively  she can become over critical, sometimes allow life to harden her heart, be cutting in her remarks and perhaps not always truthful in her actions.

On the positive side this Queen is a symbol of determination and courage which helps her through those most difficult moments life can dish out. She is able to be compassionate because she is elementally Air/Water and her ability to think clearly while detaching herself from her emotions is a great asset to her and those she helps.  This means she can maintain a perspective and this serves her well when she has to make difficult decisions.

Long Live the Queen  :smt029  


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Queen Of Swords

Post by Jolyn Woods » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:12 pm

I believe she is very honest and astute too, understanding the hidden motives.

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Post by pirbid » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:00 am

Wow, as usual, I take my hat off to Bella's description. She is as good as my best books on this subject. Nothing like having experienced each card in many readings, I guess. I never knew she was an Aquarian, although I knew she must represent one of the Air signs, and that changes my view of her a little. In fact, I am now realizing I have met quite a few Sword Queens!

Whenever I encounter this card and it does not directly represent the querent, it usually depicts someone towards which the querent has mixed feelings -like a mother in law, he, he-. She is usually a mature woman or at least a person with a lot of experience behind her, and that can make her a little sour at times -we like to call her "the widow"-. It can also be a man, but women tend to use their tongues as a weapon more often -as opposed to their fists, I mean- , and this one is certainly witty and quick with her retorts. She also reminds me of those stern teachers who were really shrewd and could look right through any tricks or lies.

So, intelligence and compassion, yes. Warmth I find she lacks a bit: not the typical loving mum, then, but more the critical in law  :smt003

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Post by cedars » Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:07 pm

I sense the same as you Pirbid in terms of lack of warmth about this queen, although I thought she was a Virgo rather than Aquarius. I have it that Queen of Pentacles is the Aquarius in terms of the astrological signs.....

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Post by pirbid » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:43 pm

:) I guess it depends on the sources. I was just quoting from Bella and it made sense to me that the Air Queen would be one of the 3 Air signs, like Aquarius.

She could just as well be a Gemini -really quick witted and sharp tongued, those :smt003 - or a Libra, though these are usually more gentle in their ways. I always thought of Aquarians as the most intellingent, really the absent minded genius type -I should know, my boyfriend is one of them!-.

As for the Queen of Pentacles, I always thought of her as one of the Earth signs, like Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. If I had to chose from these, I would say Taurus, the most traditional and hearth loving of them.

Of course, I realize there are many things published in this sense and I am just talking off my hat about what I sense or the way I see the court cards. We should maybe start a new thread elsewhere... :smt002

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