Interpretation Of Knight of Pentacles - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of Knight of Pentacles - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 1:02 pm

Knight of Pentacles - Upright

Minor Arcana

You love nature and animals. Your outlook may be dull but you have a lot of patience. You are trustworthy and take on responsibilities. You are very reliable, practical and a very hard worker. You may travel for business. Set you goals and achieve them.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by nicnic » Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:05 am

A young man is in a field holding a coin that is very dear to him. I see this coin as a special seed to him which he wishes to plant, to take care of and watch it grow. From something small, comes something big. There are small sprouts of new growth in the field so this means to me that it is some sort of financial plan in its early stages.

News about money or a job.

It could mean the need to think about planning for the future.

This also suggest to me maybe the season of spring.

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Post by nicnic » Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:17 am

Oops, that last post was for the page of cups!!! lol can someone please delete it! lol

Here is what I meant to say :-
This knight sits tall and proud upon his horse. His horse is unlike any of the other knights, this one is a work horse. He holds a pentacle carefully in his hands as if it of some great value to the person he wishes to deliver it to. He is very steady in his action. He doesn’t seem in any great hurry to do what he wants to do. He is willing to wait and take things slowly.

Could be offering some financial help.

This to me is a message saying, don’t rush into any big financial transactions.

Be cautious in anything to do with business of money.

This card is also telling me to slow down a bit on spending money. Be a bit more cautious.

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Post by Bhadra » Sat Jul 22, 2006 10:06 pm

The Knight of Pentacles
The Lord of the Wild and Fertile Land; The King of the Spirits of Earth

Numerical Value: 4
Elemental Name: Fire of Earth
Astrological - Capricorn or Virgo - the Virgin = Mutable Earth  
Season - Winter
Direction - North
Planet: Virgo
Element: Earth
Hebrew Letter: Heh
Direction: North
Stone: emerald, fossils, peridot, onyx, malachite, hematite
Plant: elecampane
Color: Green
Ruling Planet: Venus
6 Virgo (mutable earth)
Major Arcana Corresponding Card: The Hermit
20° 4 Leo to 20° 6 Virgo
August 12-September 11
Fire (hot,dry) of Earth (cold,dry)
The Will transforms the Senses
Qaballah -Chokmah in Assiah
The Wisdom of Manifestation
Appropriate Characteristics:
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Dark
Chen of Ken
62: Hsiao Kua
Power to the Small
To attempt the small & avoid the great

62. Hsiao Kuo / Preponderance of the Small

While in the hexagram Ta Kuo, PREPONDERANCE OF THE GREAT (28), the strong lines preponderate and are within, inclosed between weak lines at the top and bottom, the present hexagram has weak lines preponderating, though here again they are on the outside, the strong lines being within. This indeed is the basis of the exceptional situation indicated by the hexagram. When strong lines are outside, we have the hexagram I, PROVIDING NOURISHMENT (27), or Chung Fu, INNER TRUTH, (61); neither represents an exceptional state. When strong elements within preponderate, they necessarily enforce their will. This creates struggle and exceptional conditions in general. But in the present hexagram it is the weak element that perforce must mediate with the outside world. If a man occupies a position of authority for which he is by nature really inadequate, extraordinary prudence is necessary.

Perseverance furthers.
Small things may be done; great things should not be done.
The flying bird brings the message:
It is not well to strive upward,
It is well to remain below.
Great good fortune.

Exceptional modesty and conscientiousness are sure to be rewarded with success; however, if a man is not to throw himself away, it is important that they should not become empty form and subservience but be combined always with a correct dignity in personal behavior. We must understand the demands of the time in order to find the necessary offset for its deficiencies and damages. In any event we must not count on great success, since the requisite strength is lacking. In this lies the importance of the message that one should not strive after lofty things but hold to lowly things.

The structure of the hexagram gives rise to the idea that this message is brought by a bird. In Ta Kuo, PREPONDERANCE OF THE GREAT (28), the four strong, heavy lines within, supported only by two weak lines without, give the image of a sagging ridgepole. Here the supporting weak lines are both outside and preponderant; this gives the image of a soaring bird. But a bird should not try to surpass itself and fly into the sun; it should descend to the earth, where its nest is. In this way it gives the message conveyed by the hexagram.

Thunder on the mountain:
Thus in his conduct the superior man gives preponderance to reverence.
In bereavement he gives preponderance to grief.
In his expenditures he gives preponderance to thrift.

Thunder on the mountain is different from thunder on the plain. In the mountains, thunder seems much nearer; outside the mountains, it is less audible than the thunder of an ordinary storm. Thus the superior man derives an imperative from this image: he must always fix his eyes more closely and more directly on duty than does the ordinary man, even though this might make his behavior seem petty to the outside world. He is exceptionally conscientious in his actions. In bereavement emotion means more to him than ceremoniousness. In all his personal expenditures he is extremely simple and unpretentious. In comparison with the man of the masses, all this makes him stand out as exceptional. But the essential significance of his attitude lies in the fact that in external matters he is on the side of the lowly.

Six at the beginning means:
The bird meets with misfortune through flying.

A bird ought to remain in the nest until it is fledged. If it tries to fly before this, it invites misfortune. Extraordinary measures should be resorted to only when all else fails. At first we ought to put up with traditional ways as long as possible; otherwise we exhaust ourselves and our energy and still achieve nothing.

○ Six in the second place means:
She passes by her ancestor
And meets her ancestress.
He does not reach his prince
And meets the official.
No blame.

Two exceptional situations are instanced here. In the temple of ancestors, where alternation of generations prevails, the grandson stands on the same side as the grandfather. Hence his closest relations are with the grandfather. The present line designates the grandson's wife, who during the sacrifice passes by the ancestor and goes toward the ancestress. This unusual behavior is, however, an expression of her modesty. She ventures rather to approach the ancestress, for she feels related to her by their common sex. Hence here deviation from the rule is not a mistake.

Another image is that of the official who, in compliance with regulation, first seeks an audience with his prince. If he is not successful in this, he does not try to force anything but goes about conscientious fulfillment of his duty, taking his place among the other officials. This extraordinary restraint is likewise not a mistake in exceptional times. (The rule is that every official should first have an audience with the prince by whom he is appointed. Here the appointment is made by the minister.)

Nine in the third place means:
If one is not extremely careful,
Somebody may come up from behind and strike him.

At certain times extraordinary caution is absolutely necessary. But it is just in such life situations that we find upright and strong personalities who, conscious of being in the right, disdain to hold themselves on guard, because they consider it petty. Instead, they go their way proud and unconcerned. But this self-confidence deludes them. There are dangers lurking for which they are unprepared. Yet such danger is not unavoidable; one can escape it if he understands that the time demands that he pay especial attention to small and insignificant things.

Nine in the fourth place means:
No blame. He meets him without passing by.
Going brings danger. One must be on guard.
Do not act. Be constantly persevering.

Hardness of character is tempered by yielding position so that no mistakes are made. The situation here calls for extreme caution; one must make no attempt of one's own initiative to reach the desired end. And if one were to go on, endeavoring to force his way to the goal, he would be endangered. Therefore one must be on guard and not act but continue inwardly to persevere.

○ Six in the fifth place means:
Dense clouds,
No rain from our western territory.
The prince shoots and hits him who is in the cave.

As a high place is pictured here, the image of a flying bird has become that of flying clouds. But dense as the clouds are, they race across the sky and give no rain. Similarly, in exceptional times there may be a born ruler who is qualified to set the world in order, but who cannot achieve anything or confer blessing on the people because he stands alone and has no helpers. Is such times a man must seek out helpers with whose aid he can carry out the task. But these helpers must be modestly sought out in the retirement to which they have withdrawn. It is not their fame nor their great names but their genuine achievements that are important. Through such modesty the right man is found, and the exceptional task is carried out in spite of all difficulties.

Six at the top means:
He passes him by, not meeting him.
The flying bird leaves him.
This means bad luck and injury.

If one overshoots the goal, one cannot hit it. If a bird will not come to its nest but flies higher and higher, it eventually falls into the hunter's net. He who in times of extraordinary salience of small things does not know how to call a halt, but restlessly seeks to press on and on, draws upon himself misfortune at the hands of gods and men, because he deviates from the order of nature.

***Once again, while we are dealing with Rider Waite Tarot, the I CHING correspondence can bring out just the advice needed for oneself or a querent, that is its relevency and its importance.

Jung- Elemental personality-Will modifying Body

KEYWORDS: Heavy, Dull, Material, Clever, Patient, Laborious Slow, Enduring, Responsible, Able, Interested Preoccupied with material things, Success due to instinct Laborious, Patient.

As Signs governed by the element of earth, TAURUS, VIRGO and CAPRICORN are also associated with the Tarot Deck's Suit of Pentacles which belongs to the Minor Aracana. This Suit is sometimes referred to as Discs, Coins, Gold or Diamonds and its elemental ruler is earth. The season linked to the Suit of Pentacles is Winter and its direction is North. This Suit is grounded in the material and physical world, symbolic of accomplishment and manifestation. Issues associated with the Suit of Pentacles tend to be practical and somewhat mundane in nature with a distinct preference for the stability and security offered by earth.

Within the Suit of Pentacles, the card associated with CAPRICORN is the Knight (sometimes also referred to as the Lord of the Wide and Fertile Land and/or King of the Spirit of Earth). This card belongs to the Court Cards of the Tarrot and is known to be The Healer. It is the fiery quality of earth, symbolic of its generative property, associated with medicine, finances, hard work and the rewards of such labors. This card is indicative of excellent diagnostic abilities which can be applied to both the body and to finances. At its deepest level, it signifies material and physical resources, endowed with good management and attention to detail. The Knight of Pentacles lives a plodding life with a preoccupation for material things. This card indicates a relatively patient individual, but one who is not at all intellectual. Any success achieved will be due to instinct and hard work for there is a distinct lack of imagination. Responsibility and committment are the keywords for the Knight of Pentacles. Although there may be a desire to reach beyond the physical plane, it is doubtful that such will be realized. Any attempt to seek beyond the physical world would probably be deemed an escapist maneuver from material responsibilities. This is not to say that there is no desire for freedom associated with the Knight of Pentacles, only the belief that it cannot be attained in the physical world. This card is indicative of hard work, stability and trustworthiness. The Knight of Pentacles may never become fabulously rich, but he will never want for much in the way of material possession. The Knights of the Tarot represent some type of release from the past. This release may be from a relationship, employment or residence, for example. Thus, Knights are symbolic of "clean breaks." Each one appears upon a steed and bears a symbol of the Suit he represents. The Knight is a defender of his Queen.

The wheat depicted on this card symbolizes material wealth and abundance. It is also symbolic of successful work since the stalks appear strong and healthy. The Sun represents power...especially that of the materialistic variety. The shield is indicative of protection from the diseases of the world (including emotional stability) while the antlers are yet another health symbol, one which is often associated with the Shaman or Medicine Men. The armor represents the restriction felt in the world and the apparent near-exhaustion of both human figure and steed is indicative of fatigue of the world.

In a Tarot reading, this card is a good indicator for finances and overall prosperity. It also suggests opportunities and promotions. ... acles.html

Divinatory meaning
Upright - An impassive, indifferent and stoical person, who does not always appreciate the feelings of others.  A very traditional person who is clever in monetary affairs, patient and hardworking

The "knights" of the Tarot Oracle are traditionally associated with young men (and now, in a more modern perspective, with men and women), and with all those traits typical of a healthy and optimistic youth. The Knight of Pentacles is described as realistic and practical (but sometimes unimaginative, too prosaic, and pessimistic about life); hard-working and a good salesman or businessman (but also tending to excessively materialistic goals, and not well-rounded with respect to cultural interests); very methodical and thorough in approaching any project or problem (but too often stubborn, obsessive, and narrow-minded); strong and unwavering (but also lacking in compassion, inflexible, and inconsiderate of weakness in others). The appearance of the image of The Knight of Pentacles portends progress as one moves forward with the investment of time, effort, and money, especially in work or business ventures; with productive enterprise and organizational projects of all kinds; with constructive undertakings, and the purchase or repair and refurbishment of property.
Though his visions may not be earth-shattering, and his methods are certainly not original, the Knight of Pentacles sees that everything he undertakes will meet with nothing but success. He is the least kinetic of the four Knights, probably the least ambitious, though he carries the burden of responsibility that the other Knights often throw away in their haste to find glory and excitement. His energy manifests in three ways: as an event that you will experience, a person whom you will meet, or a part of yourself that needs to be developed and expressed.

As an event, the Knight of Pentacles often shows a time when you will have to assume responsibility and take charge of a situation. You could be assigned a project or given a task to do, and you will have to devote some of your time to see that project end successfully. Perhaps the responsibility will not be due to a new project, but an old failure that you have to account for. In either case, stand tall and accept responsibility without any complaints or manipulations. The Knight of Pentacles has the strongest body of all the Knights, as well as the strongest character. In situations like the ones he represents, the latter is often more useful.

Where another man will charge in head-first, and end up doing little more than hurting himself, the person represented by the Knight of Pentacles will assess the situation. And then he will strike with the force of a hurricane, decisively and implacably. He is a dedicated worker and a loyal servant; when he says something will get done, it will. His persistence is virtually inexhaustible and he'll keep at a task until it's complete. His word is as strong as his hand, and he takes all of his promises seriously. The Knight of Pentacles likes doing things the old-fashioned way, and it could be said that his weakness is his lack of imagination. The old ways work fine for him, and he disklikes those who cannot keep their heads out of the clouds.

There are many reasons to be like the Knight of Pentacles. In times when few people honor promises and value responsibilities, his energy is a welcome breath of duty and loyalty. When his energy is strong within you, never back down from responsibility and hold true to your word. Others will respect you if you give them reason to, and once they are your friends, never let them down and they will stay at your side through anything. Hard work produces the results you desire, if you are realistic in the pursuit of your goals. Leave nothing to chance, make plans and outline objectives. You have great potential for success if you stay firmly grounded.

Copyright 2000 James Rioux.

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Post by nicnic » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:48 am

Bhadra, you write the most informative things. I copy and paste it and keep it for references thanks and keep up the good work  :)

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Post by Bhadra » Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:24 am

Thanks so very much Nicnic!! That is exactly what I hoped for and I hoped too that our students would save these for future study and reference. I save them too and was thinking about creating a Tarot notebook with all of them in it. I am so glad you are getting something out of the research I'm doing.

Please remember, I am learning here too. Mainly I just google cut and paste. I don't want to mislead anyone or make them think this comes from me. But there is a lot of really good information out on the web about the cards and researching it, organizing it, and sharing it is helping me to learn the cards better too.

Putting all these bits and pieces together really helps me understand the deeper meanings of the cards and from now on when one comes up in a reading I will get a much fuller story with more detail and a deeper understanding of the story the cards are telling. I hope it will do the same for you and our other students as well.


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