references to help with tarot readings

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references to help with tarot readings

Post by stirtime » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:10 am

I have my Tarot deck and the book it came with, I have also looked for books in the library (because my funds are really low) but they dont have many to chose from. is there any other way to get additional help in my interpretations?

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Post by swetha » Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:17 pm

you can take part on Tarot discussions on the forum. We have a Tarot class going on which will help you too.

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Post by whiteoracle » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:04 am

torrents may help you finding some fine literature about tarology

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Post by stirtime » Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:56 am

Thank you for you advise. I recently purchased a new set and with this one I seem to understand more and see things coming about. In  a matter of days even ie: A new grandchild, I had a date planned and I was nervous so I asked the cards if my sons fiance would have the baby that weekend (my date was planned for Sat, I was worried the baby would come during my date even though her due date was another week away just a feeling I guess) and the 4 cards I chose were amazing, all about birth, new beginnings, something of value coming out of pain and such! I took that as a yes, just was not sure which day, the baby was born that weekend on Sunday afternoon, the 14th, funny thing my phone was unplugged my future Daughter in law tried calling 10:30 the night of my date and my son tried calling at 6 in the am saying she was in labor!! I found out at close to 9am and the baby boy was born at 1:39pm Cooper Ray my new little angel joined our world at a wooping 9lbs 1oz and 21 inches, she had an emergency c-section (she is a tiny girl to have such a big baby) and oh the date went really well too! And just today I asked if they would come visit me and I read them as yes not 2 hours later they were here... I think my problem is trying to read too much in them (the cards) and I need to take my feelings with them to light!! I am still learning to trust my inner most feelings... Again Thank you for your help...

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Post by Silvaglo » Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:49 pm

Congrats on the new grandbaby stirtime! :) I have a new grandson, Cole, as of July 8th of this year. :)

It sounds like your getting the jist of the Tarot Cards. I've purchased a few different decks but always return to the Rider Waite Originals. I seem to feel more comfortable with them.

When I was first learning them I was told to randomly pick one card from the deck and carry it around with me all day and take a gander periodically and just get the feel of the card. It helped alot in learning both my own interpretation as well as what I have read about each of them. Then it is just a matter of putting it all together when you do a spread. :)


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