First Time Be Gentle

All discussions - suggestions, bug reports, upgrades, feedback, new feature requests - related to Mystic Softwares goes here. Co-Branding Mystic Softwares discussion also goes here.

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First Time Be Gentle

Post by Estaban1960 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:40 pm

One of the reasons I wished to gather the software was to clear my mind and open up the secret to what has been holding me back these years. There seems to be a gauntlet in order to do so here. Some of the system requirements  are completely too technical, example the computer ID. The instructions asks for it while not providing where you will find it. I would like to contribute in a meaningful way. It just seems the amount of information lends itself to abuse or identity theft if one is not vigilant. I would like to start improving my life and was informed this was a free program. Please help me in order we both are mutually satisfied with the result.

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