Help with a reading please....

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Help with a reading please....

Post by Cari » Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:19 pm

I did a reading for my friend yesterday and I just want to make sure I interpreted the cards correctly.  I did a 7 card spread and the question was in regards to a woman he is involved with and what the outcome of the situation will be.  They are having difficulties right now.

It's the Rider Waite deck and these are the cards:

1) Ace of cups
2) 2 of cups
3) 3 or swords reverse
4) 2 of swords reverse
5) Knight of wands
6) The Magician Reverse
7) 5 of Pentacles Reverse

I came out with the this interpretation:  The relationship started out well but there is heartache and deception.  He should move away from the situation because it will not be a favorable outcome if he stays in it.

Can someone please let me know if this is correct or if I'm missing something?  

Thank you so much for your  help.

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Post by weezerwall » Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:25 pm

Hi Cari   :smt006

Thanks for posting your reading for "newbies" like me to take a look at!!

Perhaps you could give me more information about the positions in the spread. I assume that card 1 is the past and 7 is something like the outcome, but what's in the middle?

Hugs and Warmest,

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Post by Cari » Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:30 pm


Cards 1 and 2 are the past
Cards 3, 4 and 5 the present
Cards 6 and 7 the outcome

Light and love

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What is he not telling

Post by Bitterseed » Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:29 am

A seven card relation spread can be tricky. Do the reading two more times and log what you find. Ask what is more to be known. What is it he is not telling? Do this and Post your findings

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Post by Cari » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:22 pm

Thanks Bitterseed.

I will do the readings and post them up in a little while.

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Post by Cari » Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:20 pm

Ok, so I did 2 more readings and here they are.

What esle needs to be known about the situation:

1) The Hierophant R
2) Four of Wands R
3) The Lovers R
4) The Moon R
5) The World
6) Ace of Swords R
7) Ace of Cups

What is the woman being sneaky about?

1) Six of Swords
2) Page of Cups
3) Five of Swords
4) Knights of Wands R
5) The World R
6) Queen of Wands R
7) Ace of Cups R

Thank you so much for any feed back!!!  :)

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Post by chrisdee » Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:05 pm

Hi ,Although a reading can be given for the spreads you have put up ,There's a lot of reversals in your spreads do you ever put them the right way up and back in order just interested because there are so many reversals

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Lets compare notes

Post by Bitterseed » Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:33 pm

I did a study on your friends reading to give me practice and see if we come up with the same conclusion. For my interpretation I get the same as yours but I wanted to know if the cards could tell the why.

The Ace of Cups is your friend, an emotional card that says he is in love with this lass. He is looking for his soul mate, but if not patient and proceeds without a deep mutual understand he could enter this relationship with regret. The three of swords backup the two of cups for his undoing and it goes on. The two of swords is irreconcilable differences. But what?

Close contact is the Knight of Wands the Knight is the lass. She is overbearing and the first to strike out in fear of being the first to get hurt. This could be paranoia from past bad relationships. The Magician in this position is their ally and it is here I wanted you to do two more reading before a conclusion is made. The answer is that both needs to meet their fears head on. If real love is here then the two must trust each other and confront what it is that stands between them.

The Five of Coins is a card of desire. It simply says if the two lovers cannot give each other there trust and be 110% honest to overcome their fears then the long-term cost won’t be worth the thrill of the chase.

Cari I hope your upcoming new life will be a better one

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Post by Cari » Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:22 am

Bitterseed thanks for the interpretation.  I pretty much think that if he enters this relationship, he will regret it because he is looking for something he thinks is there but will find out that it wasn't really in the end. (perhaps like you said his soulmate).  I think she is hiding a lot from him but neither of us can figure out why.  He even thinks she is hiding something and has to the need to find out but doesn't know how.  I think that the relationship will face much lack of trust if they do decide to pursue it further.

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Post by Cari » Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:24 am

chrisdee wrote:Hi ,Although a reading can be given for the spreads you have put up ,There's a lot of reversals in your spreads do you ever put them the right way up and back in order just interested because there are so many reversals
Yes, I actually turned them all around and put them in order a few days before the reading.  I usually don't get as many reversals when I do readings which I found interesting.

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known about the situation

Post by Bitterseed » Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:39 am

I do appreciate you letting me take part in this reading. I have tried to let my intuition take over in studying the reading but I don't know if I am in any way accelerate. Let me know how this is really turning out. I will get the third part shortly. :smt017

This is my interpretation for the second reading. May the arrow make its mark.

The Reversal cards are only modification for the meaning of the card. I am using a relationship spared. Seven cards the first card is self, 2 Self-Undoing, 3 Higher Power, 4 Advice, 5 Close Contact, 6 Allies, and 7 Protinual.

The Hierophant reversed on self; He is endanger of jumping the broom to soon if he throws caution to the wind. He does not want to hear the advice of others. He’s concerned with his own feeling or agenda.
The Four of Wands reversed on undoing; He is getting advice from all sides and becoming anxious. He is losing control over his own Problem – solving skills.

The Lovers on Higher Power reversed; He is under the conclusion that; we can just work it out; without considering the consequents first or even knowing what the consequent is.

Now here we come to the center of the spared, advice. The moon reversed is disillusionment what both sides are facing; although the confusion may be lessen in some way.

The World on Close Contact; It seems to be turning point shared interests drown from the relationship. Could it be that Romeo and Juliet have found common ground or realizing that both sides have had bad experiences?
Ace of Swords on Allies, is he misusing reason to make what he wants to be true in away like trying to put a cloud in his pocket? The Ace of Swords in this position has to do with helping and enriching each other. But if it is thumbs’ down on one side or the other then feeling will be hurt.

The last card for Potential is the Ace of Cups. If he truly loves his lass then he will try to first put his own feeling aside. He will help her overcome her fears and take down the walls she has put up to defend herself. The Ace of Cups is a cup of healing.

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Post by weezerwall » Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:50 am

Hi Cari,

As you know, I'm JUST A BEGINNER, but I'll take a crack..  :)  Thanks for explaining the positions! Since the question still didn't feel very specific - these are just the feelings I had.

One of the first things I found interesting about the spread was the progression of  "energy" - cups to swords to wands to pentacles with a little "Major Arcana" sprinkled in!  :)  Makes a good recipe!

Like you - I also had the feeling that things were really lovely at the beginning of the relationship.  Feels like they were "basking in love" and "poof" someone started "thinking" and out came the swords.   :smt002   -  disappointments, sadness, disillusionment and then stalemate and more stalemate, stopped talking. communicating, showing true feelings.. 2 and 3 of Swords are reversed BUT I don't have the feeling that the issues they represent are really RESOLVED - I don't feel any "clearing the air" or "forgiveness" . (Maybe things just got "shoved under the carpet" for the sake of peace or to save face?")

Of course - nobody wants to remain in this "icky" state so desire to move forward - here comes the Knight of Wands. Since Knights are about movement and in this case we have a Wand - it feels like your querent definitely seeks "change" and has some "new idea" or plan for doing so. BUT as the Knight - it's like HIS HORSE is pointing forward, but HE'S still looking backward - this makes the "new idea" feel more like a "scheme or plot" if you understand what I mean - is there a desire for "revenge" somewhere?
For me, the "deception" you mentioned as having taken place in the past appears with the reversed Magician.  The "standard words" like "cunning and trickery" came up but my feeling is more like "using ones gifts for the wrong purposes" .  It's easy to manipulate or pull the wool over the eyes of those who love us.  

Taking this approach COULD lead to what the reversed 5 of Pentacles is suggesting: gain, but through  "negative means" , material instability (not a "happy home"/money problems), harming the things we value, making our foundations "unsettled". In any case - there's no real "satisfaction" to be gained here - certainly no love either.  

That's it Cari - hope everything is clear.  Again - I'm just learning so I'd appreciate your feedback as well.  I'm sure that some of our classmates will also respond - we've got some "real ACES" in this class  - so reading their posts will be fun for BOTH of us!!  If I have time, I'll look at the other two readings you've done as well.

Until then, wishing you lots of love and light "back"l!

Weezer  :)

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Post by Cari » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:56 pm


You are right that he is not listening to anyone's advice and that he is jumping before he looks.  A few people have told him to stay away from her but he wants answers and possible a future with her.  I think that the cards are saying that if he continues with her, she will only end up hurting him.  I wish I could convince him to see this, but I can only stand by and watch.  I think that the Ace of Swords is saying that only heartache will come out of this but if he takes the other path it would be better for him, therefore the Ace of Cups.  The Lovers reversed shows that it's not the relationship he thinks it is.  I believe that it's a karmic lesson he needs to learn due to the major arcana cards, but like every lesson, it's his choice whether or not he wants to learn it and break the cycle, or continue on this path.

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Post by Cari » Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:00 pm


I agree with the lack of communication and stalemate.  That is where they seem to be at the moment.  There is a lot hidden.  I just think that he doesn't really want to see the truth of the situation and that is what the cards are saying.  I think that you're right on point when you say there won't be any satisfaction or love in this situation.

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Post by weezerwall » Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:18 pm

Cari wrote:Weezer,

I agree with the lack of communication and stalemate.  That is where they seem to be at the moment.  There is a lot hidden.  I just think that he doesn't really want to see the truth of the situation and that is what the cards are saying.  I think that you're right on point when you say there won't be any satisfaction or love in this situation.
Hi Cari,

Well, who knows?  :)  One thing I like about the cards is that they just give us the  "possibles and probables" if we choose a certain path - perhaps there's still time to change course if he really wants to.


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