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Post by pirbid » Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:54 pm

:smt052 Same here, Cedars. It's been good fun and I was really glad to see George had posted something after so long an absence, but he must be still really busy. We all disappear for a while sometimes, except maybe you, so you deserve all your adoring Tarot fans, since you have kept the Tarot forum alive and well for so long now.

Hope we still have many good readings ahead!

Super hugs {{{{{ :smt023 }}}}}

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Tarot intterpertation

Post by johannecornell » Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:14 am

Learning tarot. I want to learn and I am presently learning the Arthurian deck.  :smt006  I love it and would like sugestions on learning faster. :smt051 thank You I am a newbie

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Post by cedars » Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:25 am


These things cannot be hastened. Tarot is not something you can learn 'faster'. Learning faster gives the impression to me that one wants to learn the textbook meanings by heart. Do follow the textbook meanings, but let your intuition teach you.

I dont know about the Arhturian tarot; it would be good if you could post some pictures here or guide us to a site where we can see what they look like.

The on-line tarot lessons here (inactive though) are based on the Rider Waite deck. Please go and have a look and find out if you can see any similarities between your deck and the RW.

Also, come to the other Tarot forum where we have some in-depth discussions on the tarot.

Enjoy your stay on MB.

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Post by pirbid » Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:04 am

:) We can also try to infuse life to some of the old threads here.

To begin with, I would certainly follow Cedars suggestion of trusting your intuition more than book meanings. I know it is the hardest part for a newbie, but there are some exercises you can practice for that.

We'll be in touch!  :smt002

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:12 pm

Hi Pirbid.

I have a reference where the author actually lay three cards for the interpretation of a single one card.

Blessed be.

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Post by pirbid » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:12 am

PW, please explain! Don't be so cryptic. Come on, we are waiting...


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Post by Payewacker » Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:30 am

Hi Pirbid.

The way he explained was to take each card out of the deck, then he shuffles all the others and lay three cards face up.

He then draw on the original interpretations from the deck to formulate an interpretation of his own.

Blessed be.

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Post by pirbid » Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:23 pm

:smt017 I never heard of that before. Does it work? Have you ever tried it?

I usually find new meanings to each card while adapting them to a full spread and the general story that spread is telling about my querent at the time. I guess you could say it is the meaning of the surrounding cards that ultimately shape or modify the meaning of each.

The more we talk, the more I realize I still have loads to learn and experiment and too little time to do it. You are inspiring, though. Keep it up!  :smt002

Hugs  :)

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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:29 pm

:) Talking about experiments, let's see if the newbies around here are ready to experience the following, as Cedars was advising Johann not to take book meanings too seriously, and Johann was asking how he could learn much faster.

Well, here is the answer to both problems. Go ahead and experiment!

Fire (Wands) and Air (Swords) are considered as the active elements and also as allies: they fan and reinforce each other. Air directs the energy of Fire towards a certain objective.
The problem in a reading when both Water (Cups) and Earth (Pentacles) are lacking is that the action will have little stability or permanence without an Earth base, and it will disregard any feelings involved. So, the nearest thing we could compare a Fire/Air action with is a military assault, for example: the cold minded rulers (Air) send their raw power (Fire) to destroy the enemy, regardless of any ensuing misery (Water) and not thinking about long term results (Earth).
Seen through these examples, isn't it hair raising? It certainly helps to understand so much better...  

Earth (Pentacles) and Water (Cups) are the passive elements (yin, I guess) and also great friends, with Earth usually containing Water, as in a vase, although Water can overflow and dampen the Earth, as with the Nile's yearly floods which make the Earth so fertile. But without focus, energy or direction, they stay stagnant and cold. It's like having great empathy and being ready to work hard at helping others, but not being able to decide how to do it or take a step towards your goal. You will sit in contemplation of what could be but never will.

Of course, Fire and Water are enemies, which should be quite obvious. Air and Earth are also enemies, although that is not quite so obvious, so we'd better imagine those permanently wind swept plains where nothing can grow.
The meaning in a reading when you get opposing elements is that the contradicting forces stop things from happening. BUT, since Fire is stronger (more active) than Water, it will keep trying to act, even if it gets dampened (or rained upon) once in a while, unless there is also Earth to back up Water, or Air to back up Fire (in which case the Cup card's influence would be negligible). Air, being more active than Earth, will push the querent to think in circles without being able to persuade his/her more cautious Earthy nature to act (no Fire).
See? a Wands card + a Cups card will probably mean bursts of aimless activity driven by raw emotion rather than thought, and with no tangible results.
While a Swords card + a Pentacles card will probably drive an unadventurous person mad with worry, guilt, insecurity and whatnot, while nothing gets done either.

Of course, we don't usually encounter the cards just by pairs, save on very specific spreads or positions (like one of Cedars I haven't been able to try yet). So imagine how things complicate themselves when you are trying to judge the weight of each element when 5 or more cards are combined, as in most spreads.
However, I have always tried to do that at the beginning of the reading, only not in such a detailed way. If you have read some of my answers on the Reading forum, you will see that I often count and translate the number of cards of each suit appearing in the spread and how I feel about it (also the amount of Major Arcana and the amount of reversed cards, for those who use them, are important).
If there is one element completely missing, you have a lot of info on why things aren't working properly for the seeker: you know exactly what is missing or what is not being taken into account. If there is a clear predominance of one element over the rest, that also gives you a good hint as to the problem.

Come on, imagine with me a little and see if you get the same impressions I do from the following 'imaginary' spreads:

- Predominance of Cups and Swords, one Pentacle and one reversed Wand, plus the Hermit, the High Priestess and the Moon. What do you see? DEPRESSION. The whole feeling of the spread is cold and clammy, even the dark colors and the night scenes. No movement whatsoever. Death and decay.

- Predominance of Wands, with a few Swords such as the Knight, a couple of upturned Pentacles and the Sun, the Wheel, the Fool... What do you see? someone full of life and energy but utterly out of control. Probably a young man or teenager in his most rebellious and party going phase.

- Predominance of Cups and Pentacles, the 4 of Swords, the Hanged Man. ROUTINE. This is probably a lifestyle that hasn't changed in years, like an old couple living in the country. Same things day in day out, with a sort of dreamy feeling of contentment permeating it all, plus a few nostalgic memories to be fond of. They have sacrificed passion to security.

See what I mean? You can get a very good general 'feeling' of a spread or a random group of cards without even beginning to think about their individual meanings. Care to try it?

Good luck! Tell me all about it  :)

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Late Starter

Post by littlespook » Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:47 pm

I just found this site on the web... Is it to late to join in?

spook :smt036

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Post by cedars » Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:51 pm

The course is not running.... but please go to the tarot forum and see Tarot topics - plenty of tutorials there and ask questions and will be happy to answer. :)

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I'm signing up

Post by lilmogirl » Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:59 pm

Hello I would to sign up for this class. I have already submitted my interpretation of The Fool, yesterday, and I am going to do The Magician today. I have tried to learn the Tarot in the past, but could only get half the reading, the other half didn't make sinse. I hope that this class can help me solve this problem. Thanks!


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great thanks

Post by shim » Fri May 21, 2010 4:50 pm

Loved to learn

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Post by Kyanite393 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:06 pm


   My name is Allen Anderson. I have been interested in divination for like four years now and am still very much a novice.

I have the Hanson-Roberts tarot mini-deck. I got it at Barnes&Noble some little kit thing. I think this deck is very similiar to the RW deck if not based off of it just form looking at the pictures of both.

The deck I bought.

I like the style of the images they are light, bright, and happy.

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Post by misty sur » Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:30 am

i'm in.


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