Help with a reading please....

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What her reading has to say

Post by Bitterseed » Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:18 am

Well Cari and Weezerwall,
We seem to be back at squear one The lad should run and don't look back. I would really like to know the story behind this if you find out. We make good Tarot class maybe we should try and do a reading for each other and then check for accuracy. Take care you two

Self, Six of Swords: If she applies herself mentally and put the bad behind her she may come to a better outlook, but trouble is ahead with residual difficulties

Self-Undoing, Page of Cups: She feels she is being misunderstood. The Six of Swords enforce this. It’s like this, the man is the positive poll and the woman is the negative poll of an electoral current. If there is no current that can flow between them, there is no energy. What both sides should be asking is, what can I do for you? If one or the other says what’s in it for me, the current is broken. The Page of Cups here says there is no energy between them.

Higher Power, Five of Swords: her self-centeredness causes her to blame others when things go wrong.
Advice, Knight of Wands Revered: She should try to modify her self-image. She is unpredictable and intolerant, a Person of dissonance.

Close Contact, The World Revered: The World really has no revere to some readers, but here it is a card of change and disappointments. In what we have read so far, it’s time to move on.
Allies, The Queen of Wands Revered: This Queen is unfaithful. Does she sometimes run off some place unknown?
Potential, Ace of Cups Revered: The Queen has a false heart and she lives a life of instability. :smt014

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Good Idea

Post by Cari » Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:15 pm


I like the idea of doing a reading for each other and comparing notes.  It would give us all the practice we need (LOL, at least I KNOW I need practice) and help see how accurate we are.

How would you like to do this?  I'm up for it!!!  :)


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Story behind reading

Post by Cari » Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:47 pm


here is my friend's story behind the card reading and why he wants to know what is going on with this woman:

its a person he work with that wanted to leave her husband, they had an affair, she backtracked and is acting totally different now and things are tense at work because of this... she swore to leave her husband no matter what and supposedly wanted to be with my friend but now is acting weird about it...


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Re: What her reading has to say

Post by weezerwall » Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:29 pm

Bitterseed wrote:Well Cari and Weezerwall,
We seem to be back at squear one The lad should run and don't look back. I would really like to know the story behind this if you find out. We make good Tarot class maybe we should try and do a reading for each other and then check for accuracy. Take care you two


Hi Cari, nice to meet you, Bitterseed!  :smt006  Even though "Mr. X"'s readings and the story behind them were/are pretty "bleek" - our conversations have been great! Actually, "Bitter" I don't think any of us are really "back at square one".  Reading both of your interpretations has given me some insight and I'm sure Cari's certainly tried to give Mr. X "a train ticket" to a "better destination".  Mrs. X is not in my field of vision at all!  (Doing a reading for someone who hadn't asked for one - not my thing).  All in all, we really can't do any better.  "Time to let go and let grow".

I'd love to be in a card reading circle with the two of you so - count me in as well!  I'm sure you both know that you are also welcome to join the Tarot class running at the Academy.  The teacher is a real "gem" - her name fits (Gem) and my classmates are lovely as well.

I should say that I'm learning Tarot mainly to get to know MYSELF and develop my intuition not really to read for others. (Although my ego is probably big enough to assume I can help others, but my NERVES aren't always strong enough!! That's what happens when you're a Ram). :smt044

I do have an open heart, though and am passionate about the Tarot! !

Just let me know how you want to proceed!


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ok lets do a reading

Post by Bitterseed » Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:00 pm

What I learned from this session is not to let my imagination to interfere with my intuition. I could feel that this woman was cheating but could not link it to her own husband. I also felt she has the power within her to overcome her problem if she could get herself centered.

I agree with Weezer that we may have stepped on the Tarot code by not asking to do a reading for someone and thank Weezer for pointing that out. I think she is feeling guilty and don’t know what to do about and is why she’s acting weird.
I tried to sign up for the Tarot class but got confused on how to do that. Weezer can you help with that?

I try to visualize a story when I do a reading to stimulate my intuition. You may have studied the Fools Journey to help learn the Major Arcana. The same thing can be done with Minor Arcana. For example, Take out all of the Wand cards and put them in order from the ace to the king. Look at Ace of Wands and think how the story may begin. Continual on to the King of Wands to finish the story then Go over the cards again and see if you can improve the story, also Wright down your the story.

Ok let’s do a reading, and I will be your Querant. Click on by blog and there you will see something of my background. I am still working on the Blog. My birth card is The Emperor and my personally card is The Hermit. I also have a number that appears to me where ever I go. Can you tell me what that number is? That should get you all started. See what the cards tell about me. Ready Tarot Readers get set --- GO!

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Re: ok lets do a reading

Post by Cari » Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:45 pm

Bitterseed wrote:I agree with Weezer that we may have stepped on the Tarot code by not asking to do a reading for someone and thank Weezer for pointing that out. I think she is feeling guilty and don’t know what to do about and is why she’s acting weird.
I tried to sign up for the Tarot class but got confused on how to do that. Weezer can you help with that?
I agree with the not reading someone who didn't ask for it, so we will refrain from any further readings on her.  

I also am not sure how to sign up for the Tarot class.  I don't know which post to go on.  Weezer any advice?

I will do the reading when I get home this afternoon.  Don't have my cards with me.  :)

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Post by Cari » Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:13 am

Ok, Bitterseed, I did a general reading, 3 cards

9 of cups - past
3 of wands - present
ace of pentacles - future

is 3 your number?

I am thinking, from you blog, that 9 of cups is when you started to realize that life can be better if you change your view of things.  3 of wands, you looking into your future, the present is balanced and you are ready to start on your journey forward, leaving the past behind you.  ace of pentacles, there will be success in your future on the material plane, but there is also an opening to the spiritual.

ok, i just used my feelings on this reading.  tell me if I'm correct or totally off.  I can take!  I'm here to learn after all. :)

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That works

Post by Bitterseed » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:14 pm


That's a good read and I hope the last part comes about too. For years the number 13 has hunted me. If I drive past a time and temp sign I will usually pass by at 13 past the hour. if I wake up in the middle of the night and look at the clock it will be 13 past the hour. I don't know way. Not bad trust your feelings Cari

Take care
Bitterseed My real name is Gary

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Post by Cari » Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:15 am


well, if you add the number of the cards it does equal a 13...9+3+1.  Interesting.  I didn't think of it that way.  I thought of it as divisions only.  I need to trust my instinct more and open my intuition.  I was very open to intuition in the past but with all the changes in my life, I did end up shutting that down.  It's not easy opening yourself back up.  I always end up second guessing myself and only later realize that I was correct.

Well, if you would like to do a reading on me, here is a bit of background...I was dating my soon to be ex husband for 4 years, we were married for 2 and are now separated as of June of this year.  no kids.  I think we were just too different to ever have it work out.  I made mistakes, and so did he, except that I am the only one admitting to having made mistakes.  He thinks he did  everything well.  The cards have told me that our marriage was karmic and that it seems the karma has been worked out.  I don't know where my future is going.  I sometimes get glimpses of what I want but not sure if or how I will get there.  

Light and Love,

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9 plus 4 is 13

Post by Bitterseed » Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:26 am


My birth card the Emperor #4 and my personality card The Hermit #9 Equal 13. The day my wife left was on Apr 13th 1999 and that adds up the the Hermit. The Death card #13 is the card of change and new beginnings. 4+9+1+3=17 The Star renewal hope or ...4+9+13=26=2+6=8 Justice balance. So far I have not seen the last two cards, at lest I don't think I have. Ill wait when the movie comes out lol.  So now you know why your 3 cards hit home.  :smt002

I know I lack confidence when reading Tarot and that is where i want to build upon. I will meditate on your reading then pick a spread.
Take care

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