Tarot Gives Me Headaches!

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Tarot Gives Me Headaches!

Post by Gem » Sun May 13, 2007 1:24 pm

Sometimes if we concentrate too hard on something we can get a headache. This can also apply to tarot reading. After ruling out the obvious things like eye strain, (get your eyes and glasses checked) dehydration (drink more water), bad light (turn on a lamp or work near a sunny window) and stress, try and relax and allow enough time for your reading the reasons that are left might be do to with the energy the cards are giving you.

Start using a tarot ritual.

Something simple, but something that means "I am going to work with my cards and give a reading so please help me do my best" Something that puts you in the correct frame of mind to give a reading, and starts the connection process.

This might include any of the following things, and I am sure you can all think of many more....

Light some candles,

Spread  a cloth,

Play some music,

Light some incense or an oil burner

Say a prayer,

Tap the cards to waken them and then blow energy into them with your breath,

Order the cards then shuffle, tapping them three times or seven times,

Place crystals around your layout area,

Use a pendulum,

Clap your hands,

Ring bells,

Do breathing exercises,



Drink water, (also useful during and after reading)

Break bread or eat, (also useful after a reading)

Ground, earth and connect using whatever method you find easiest, below is just one to give you the idea....

....Take your shoes off or if not possible then firmly rest your feet flat on the floor so that you can begin to connect and tap into the energy of the universe, feel the energy come up through your feet and up your legs and into your stomach then  down your arms and into  fingers, at the same time feel the energy coming up your body and your chest into your head and then feel that energy filling your brain and eyes and allowing you to feel in tune with every thing around you. Let any excess leave your body through the crown of your head and then run down over the outside of your aura like a waterfall of light, smoothing it and strengthening it and keeping you strong and protected. Feel the excess energy then fall back to the earth to be recycled and used again.....

And the main two...




If you can't do these last two then, take a step back and take a break, learn more, ask yourself why you aren't enjoying yourself, or what you are worrying about? Do you need more practise? Do you not know your layout or deck well enough? Do you not really want to give this reading? Does the querent or question worry you?

Are you doing to many readings and under too much pressure to do them? Do you have to do this reading now? at all? Tarot reading is meant to be fun and entertainment, if you aren't enjoying it then you are doing something wrong. Ask for help, ask a friend or colleague, or me. Don't get stuck or upset or desperate or worse.. 'burnt out' take a rest and let others do the reading, come back later or just take a moment and breath.

There are so many ways but the event of using a ritual however simple will soon become second nature and will really help your energy levels

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Tarot can be enjoyed whilst learnt

Post by chrisdee » Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:52 pm

To all those learning Tarot ,when i first started putting up my
interpretations of the cards i was scared at what the more experienced readers would think about my interpretations of the cards  :smt100 but after my first post i wondered what i had been scared of no one knows me or can see me so why was i nervous  :smt119
Learning Tarot can be fun
It would be very boring if we all put up the same answers and we would not learn anything so if your answers are different or unusual please post them so that we can put a new meaning to the cards if it helps take your card for the day, along with you for the day when you take it out and look at it jot down notes of your observations then wright them up when you have got some quite time to go through your notes :smt024
Remember where all here to learn no one person will know all the answers( hem may be Gem does)so have some fun and wright up your feelings/observations for your cards

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Post by Gem » Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:35 pm

LOLOL OI!! If I knew all the answers would I be here? Hmmm.... don't answer that :smt003

Wise words there Chris, it can be a little scarey, I remember when I first swopped from in person readings to online I was yelled at all the time for not posting the spread and the cards etc, and then I realised that of course they couldn't see the cards online lol, so it makes for a much clearer reading if you post the positions and cards, and sometimes describe them too. Although it can be scarey thinking others are checking up on you :(  We really aren't its all about helping each other. :)

Each time I post this course I learn more!  Every student is a unique individual and has their own opinion, and thats what makes each post different and enlightening, and hopefully it's this attitude that helps us all have fun and learn whilst we are?
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Post by nashota » Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:25 am

Thanks for the tips!!  I have been knocking on the cards.. I thought that was to extract past energies.. but I haven't blown on them yet!!  Will do lol.

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