Part One - The Major Arcana - 14

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Post by infinitii525 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:41 pm

The Temperance also shows me balance. It shows that we are all connected. Maybe in a reading this card could show that a person maybe focusing more on one side and they need to look at both sides of the situation. Or to use compassion in dealing with a situation because we are all connected.

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Post by pamDemonium » Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:56 am

Well the definition of temperance is restraint and I think the card is telling us that  now is not the time for action. The person in the card is the querent and the angel is pouring her water (ie giving her the ability to show restraint, or patience.  The card is dominated by a clock. All i can think is 'show restraint because the timing isn't right'. Patience and peaceful and balance are words that spring to mind.  I like the card.

Wasn't there a society a 100 yrs ago calling themselves Temperance and they frowned upon alcohol and any excesses? Perhaps if I drew that card for myself now I would think the gods were frowning on the three glasses of Baileys Irish Cream I just finished.  :smt003
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Post by SandiLJ » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:19 pm

I, notice that their was several things going, on in the picture the first one, was the volcano exploding, on one side & spring time on. The other side it reminded me of, the different changes that we go through, in our life the other was the, life giving force of the water that. She was poring from one cup into, another she was also standing on a, river as well as land it was, as if she had control over the. Different earthly forces as well as spiritual forces, I noticed that see was wearing a triangle, which represents unity of all of the, life giving forces she is also wearing, a halo but her wings are red, it is like she has the power, to either temp you to see where, you should not be temped at for, that is your weakness or to help you, conqure your temptations. She is neigther good or evil she is neutral. SandiLJ

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Post by littleone22 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:25 pm

This card shows a higher being showing us the way! This being is very wise and knowledgable and she will make sure you get to your destination safely love littleone22 :smt006

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Post by grmrsan » Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:09 pm

Forest Folklore-
An angel standing by the water pouring from one cup to the other. She's wearing a gown of conflicting colors, all combined into one harmonic gown. The shore she's standing on is very dry desert, but it's the shore of a river. Opposites combined into a middle ground. Temperance is about combining conflicting sources into a harmonius whole. Finding the correct balance. Whether it's two people with opposite personalites learning to compromise, or balancing the pleasnt effects of alchohol, food, sex, etc, with the devastating effects of overindulgernce. Finding the right balance to keep thing complimentary instead of overwhelming.

Celtic Dragon-
I'm not real up on celtic symbolism, so what I see here is three dragons in an intricate dance.  They're all identical in strength an ability, but they are each separate elements with thier own colors, and (assumed) skills and personalitis. In order to keep up the dance/pattern there has to be agreement, compromise a certain amount of give and take. Otherwise the pattern fails and the dance ends unsucessfully.
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Post by Cheyenne » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:11 pm

One foot in the water and one on the ground signifies balance. The water flowing seems to be about combining or uniting something or someone. Maybe a relationship. But it could also be work related. This card can also indicate that one has to balance themselves by developing skills or qualities that they don’t possess. I think the main theme of this card is cooperation and balance between 2 people or groups. Whether it’s love, business or something else.
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Post by BLouise » Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:43 pm

She seems to be mixing fire and water from a gold chalice to a silver one.  This suggests to me the blending of opposites.  Finding middle ground so both sides can exist in unison.

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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:27 am

I have always had a hard time reading this card - all I could really get is patience and virtue - have not had it come up to often though

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 14

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:00 am

Gem wrote:Image

The Angel next to the Devil? Peace and Cupid spring to mind or do they?
Being that this immediately follows the Death card, My first thoughts when I look at this card are alchemical transformation and healing.

It brings balance, harmony, and renewed health on all levels.  In a reading it may show that a situation needs to be brought into balance.

With the Thoth deck, I'm still struggling to find meaning.  There is a cauldron in front the person, and there are two creatures, one red and the other white (don't know what they are or what they signify yet) sitting on either side of it.    The card in the Thoth deck, referred to as 'Art' has a more masculine, fiery feel than that of the Rider Waite deck.  I interpret both cards in the same way, but I feel differently about them.
Thoth Deck - Art (Temperance)
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Post by winniewoo » Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:58 pm

My first time on here, so I'm going to give it a try. The angel represents Michael the Arch Angel. The square on the angel's breast is four-square reality (earth), and the triangle with the square is that of spirit manifest on earth. Michael is pouring the essence of life from one cup to the other. Symbolically, the water flows from subconscious to the conscious, unseen to seen, and then back again.  Past to present into the future. Notice that Michael is balanced with one foot on the water and the other on terra firma (earth). Water represents emotion and earth logic. They are perfectly balanced in this card. Perhaps the message is to maintain balance. Find balance and harmony will provail. Emotions run amuck can be nothing but trouble. Temper it with logic and you have a solution everyone can live with. Learn patience and develope understanding of where others are coming from. Learn balance in all things.


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My RW Temperance says...

Post by pirbid » Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:22 pm

"I am concentrating on keeping a balanced flow, on feeling the water on my feet without letting myself be carried away by the current. And, oh, this makes me feel so good, so attuned with life and nature and my own feelings all blending nicely together".

Yes, this card is also difficult for me, specially in the RW with so many religious symbols on it: this is literally an angel of God and I frankly have no idea what I am supposed to learn from it/him/she? I also see there are half as many pages of answers than in previous Major arcana, so maybe I am not the only one having trouble with this. Let's see if other decks can give me more clues...


Scapini's is more of a female angel than RW's (if there is such a thing as female or male for them) and so I find it easier to relate. She also looks more relaxed and less fixed on what she is doing, and that seems to be transferring some fluid from a lunar vessel into a solar one (turning ideas into actions?). She seems to be standing on stones or bricks, not water. And the peculiar thing in this card is that it depicts Jesus' baptism (right down hand corner). So that would be being introduced into a new way of life or a new set of ideas.

The Chinese version is clearly learning to meditate and be with yourself, rather like the Hermit and the Hanged Man, stillness rather than action.

Spiral's angel is also quite female and bathed in soft, sweet colors and glow. Her cups are silver and gold, set in rich stones. I wonder what the card means by playing with these valuable vessels? I really cannot see what they might mean, save for our yin-yang natures and feelings flowing from one to the other.

The only idea that comes strongly to mind when looking at the RW version is the psychological description of FLOW, as in that moment of perfect concentration on any thing we might be doing when time stops and our ego ceases to exist and we are one with our actions. Also known as self realization, for long term jobs when we can dedicate our lives to that we love best. I suppose both halves of the mind are working in unison during a flow experience and maybe the flow between vessels is showing that.

I seem to remember this card being somehow associated with healing, recovering and getting better or resting after a hard time, but I really cannot see where that meaning is coming from. Does the figure look like she is dosing us?  :smt003

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Post by glenellen » Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:05 am

Temperance....she is trying to balance emotions but someone is taking and not giving in return she will sacrifice thing to bring harmony

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Post by windspirits » Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:57 pm

Temperance is the holder of something which you require but she refuses to give it freely.  She mixes all kinds of elements but yet holds them seperately so that you will be able to decide the ones you need for your situation.  She is strong and allows you to decide the right mixture of the strongest elements.  You almost have to take the things you need from her for she is unwilling to hand them to you on a silver platter.  She wants you to work for them.  She wants you to make the right choices and decisions, but is willing to hold back the most essential ones until you have truly earned them.
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Post by TravellingChristy » Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:50 pm

The temperance is contantly testing the waters to try new things.  A person who is drawn to bright things/ideas.  Transferring the water from one cup to the other represent bordem.

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Post by farafina » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:04 pm

This card is very similar in the RW and in the Marseille tarot (see the picture below).

The fact that the two jugs of water are of two different colours ( symbolizing opposite qualities, behaviours, attitudes) shows that the woman -angel finds a balance ebtween the two...

Also, wings are a symbol of spiritual elevation, no? The woman is not about the physical world, but about the world of mind (?)
Let Nature guide you... Let Nature balance you. There is always a way to accommodate situations.
Peace and flexibility, and vacation, and free-flowing.
Easiness, also, comes to my mind...
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