Part One - The Major Arcana - 8

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Post by Gem » Thu May 31, 2007 10:38 am

Hi dreamfairy, I was wonering if you could tell me more about the 'Weakness and using strength in a destructive way' please?

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Post by dreamfairy » Thu May 31, 2007 8:22 pm

Hi Gem,

I'm trying to look at the cards and see how they would feel on a positive level and also on a negative level.  I don't know whether this is the right way to view them.  But I'm trying to get the `feel' of the them, in the past I have just looked at the traditional meanings and not really looked at them and examined how they made me feel.

The Rider Waite Strength card makes me think of my own personal power.  The card makes me feel positive if I used my power in a gentle way as in the picture.  So, then I thought what would it make me feel if I used it the opposite way in a destructive manner to hurt or control another person, and I felt that it would make me feel weak, not strong,because I would be controlling that person and not allowing them to assert their own power.  Also, on a personal level, if I used Strength negatively, I feel I would be suppressing my own emotions and denying my own passions, and therefore my personal power would be turning inwards in a destructive manner and I wouldn't grow spiritually.

Am I rambling or do I make sense????


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Post by Gem » Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:10 am

Perfect sense :) You are doing really well, not rambling at all look forward to the rest of your posts.

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 8

Post by weezerwall » Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:29 am


At first glance, this card seems a bit paradoxical -  :)  how can it be that the  "ferocious" king of the jungle could be so gently and lovingly tamed?  I feel "struggle" energy in this card - it's constant but somehow compassionate.  

I see 2 types of strength here - the raw, perhaps aggressive, instinctive vs. a softer, more intuitive, receptive type.  In any case,  I feel like the card is telling me to make an effort at balancing the two within myself (since there are only 2 figures in the card) - to "struggle" to bring forth a compromise between my emotions, intuition and the social conventions I've learned so far.  This balance is a source of strength that I can use to remain persistent  during the struggles outside myself.  

In either case, I should "struggle" in a way that is self-loving and compassionate.


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Post by pamDemonium » Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:38 pm

I love chooky's Strength card. It has a religious feel to it.

My card tells me I have the power to overcome adversity. I can do ALL things. Success is mine. Im strong and confident.  

This morning I was learning about the  chariot and I believe there is a link. THe Chariot spoke to me of  determination in the face of adversity. Dark clouds showing there might be problems to overcome.  

Now Gem explained how the first 7 cards are about the body. The chariot speaks of real situation that we must overcome ie body.

The beginning of the next 7....Strength shows how we have succeded thro the chariot phase and success is now here. It's only thro trials that we become strong.  This is certainly 'mind frame' thing.

Anyway I would be well pleased to get this card in a reading.
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Post by infinitii525 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:05 pm

The Strength card gives me a really positive feeling. Triumph, overcoming, success, control, gentleness, mental and emotional strength looking at the females role in picture. The lion role shows a weakness or a need for control or suppressing your true self.

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Post by SandiLJ » Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:18 pm

when I look at this lady I feel her warmth a kind strength about her as well as a strong love for those around her, she is protective she is not afarid of what the future holds for her, she also loves animals which just shows how much she is a caring person for all of life!. She also has great respect for all of mankind.SandiLJ

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Post by SandiLJ » Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:18 pm

when I look at this lady I feel her warmth a kind strength about her as well as a strong love for those around her, she is protective she is not afarid of what the future holds for her, she also loves animals which just shows how much she is a caring person for all of life!. She also has great respect for all of mankind.SandiLJ

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Post by grmrsan » Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:15 am

I get a kick out of these cards. In  "real life" I'm a dog groomer, and we spend a lot of time making big dogs do what they don't want to. The lion in my first card actually looks like a chow dog. LOL If any card represents a certain profession, this one does mine. Anyhoo...

Forest folklore-
Instead of a young maiden it's a gentle gramma type, closing the mouth of the lion. She has a "leash" of roses around i's neck, suggesting that it might be almost a pet. To me, red roses symbolize love, so the effect is that she tamed this animal with love, and now it's a trustworthy friend and protector. This card suggests gentleness, and courage (for daring to tame a lion) and definatly a sense of inner strength, and a strong self esteem. A person would have to be absolutly sure of themselves and the lion in order to have a close relationship with it.

Celtic dragon-
Here the tamer is a young woman, proud and sure of herself facing down a dragon much larger and stronger than she is. Again there would have to be extreme self confidance to do this, and know you will prevail. But she has no weapons, and isn't even wearing shoes. She's also carrying a red rose, so her love of the dragon is probably why he won't hurt her. You don't need to beat someone into submission, just be open and caring, and they'll often bend over backwards to help you.
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Post by littleone22 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:17 am

The strength card is very warm and inviting! This card shows bravery and courage! The lion, to me, represents something to be feared and the woman is taming her fears and not letting them control her! The woman is taming her fears with confidence and is really showing them who is boss! This card also shares the the infinity sign and the same flowers as the magician perhaps showing that though you are more wise and brave you still have much growing to do! love littleone22  :smt006

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Post by Cheyenne » Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:58 am

I think this card shows you that real strength comes from within. You don’t have to be brutal to accomplish what you set out to achieve. This card to me shows that gentleness, calmness, patience is the key to achieve whatever you want. I feel a lot of compassion and warm with this card.
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Post by BLouise » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:42 pm

She has tamed the beast.  She holds her chin high suggesting honorable intentions, having self control and pride

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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:14 am

A great strength within, digging deep to find out what you are made of - overcoming obstacles finding confidence and you own inner greatness

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 8

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:29 am

Gem wrote:
Strength is the other card that has the infinity symbol in it above Strength's head, the lion is a very good symbol of strength too., able to be tamed or rage on uncontrolled or turned into fierce protectiveness.

What do you all feel from this card?
This is one of my favorites and I have a print sitting on my bedroom dresser.  I feel the strength of the mind and intuition.  Diplomacy is favored over raw force and battle.  The lion could turn on her, but because of gentle strength, the cat is tamed.

This card tells me to work with patience and determination.  It comes up often in a reading for me, probably because I am often lacking in these qualities.

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Post by winniewoo » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:15 am

overcoming ones fears that may at first seem to scary to contemplate. Taking control of the situation. She is not wrestling the lion to the ground. She appears to be using gentle persuasion.

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