Part One - The Major Arcana - 10

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Post by grmrsan » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:30 am

The wheel here is in the middle of a field full green growing things. Not doing anything special, it just is, while the world goes on around it. The priestess' cat from earlier is on top (magic, superstition) A snake is entwined in the spokes (temptation?  sexual energy) and a little terrier to hold it still. (Youtful energy, high spirits,). When the wheel decides to turn, these three aren't going to stop it, and they'd probably be hurt if they tried. The sun is either rising or setting in the background. It doesn't matter which, because they're both the same ultimatly. The world turns and life goes on. Things will change, thats just the way it is.

Celtic dragon-
This one shows a gnarly old dragon hand pointing to the book of life. It says "The Grimoire of Life, The Wheel turns, Learn to Ride with Dragons"
Yes the book of Life is thick and ancient. And whats written is written, but look, theres a pen and ink and even this can change. The wheel will turn, but if you take destiny into your own hands and "learn to ride the dragons" than you can write your own destiny. Change happens, nothing is set in stone.
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Post by littleone22 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:31 am

The wheel of fortune makes me feel apprehensive and blind! I feel blind because i dont know where the wheel is going to land so my fate is in the turn of the wheel! I also feel quite excited by the unknown of this card!  love littleone22  :smt006

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The Wheel of Fortune

Post by Cheyenne » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:25 pm

I think this card is all about change and fate. I get the feeling with this card that you don’t really have control over your life. This card can indicate new chances, new opportunities or fortunes and luck. However is that really true? It could also be that things change for the worst. To me this card is also about being uncertain.
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Post by BLouise » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:56 pm

This card makes me think of those games "spin the wheel and take a chance".  You could win big with seemingly little risk.

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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:18 am

I see this as a positive card the tides are changing in ones favour. Even if you are going through tough times the whell will turn and the situation can right itself

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 10

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:57 am

Gem wrote:Image

Try and think about your feelings when you look at the cards. Does the card make you feeling happy or sad? Frightened? Do you dread pulling it or it showing up in a reading?
I don't have a lot of comfort in this card.  I see it as meaning that something really good or really bad will happen, but whatever it is it will be totally unexpected.  It makes me feel like I have no control over a situation because too many factors are involved that will produce the changes.
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Post by winniewoo » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:32 am

Life keeps turning as the wheel does. The four creatures represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac. Aquarius (the angel), Scorpio (The eagle), Taurus (the bull), and Leo (the lion). Shows that spiritual reality is unchanging even though your personal life changes all the time. The letters TARO appear on the wheel. This indicates that destiny is at work. A turn of the Wheel of Fortune and great things are coming up. Your going to be very lucky. No matter what you do. A period of luck and good fortune.  A change for the better.

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The Wheel of Fortune

Post by pirbid » Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:45 pm

This is one of the few cards in the deck that literally do not speak to me (I believe I could get some chatter out of even the Moon and the Tower, but not this one).

It stumps me as well because I am not sure wether it comes up for good or bad (lucky for me I do not encounter it often). A wheel reminds me of movement, but it could move in any direction, even backwards, for all I know! The four Archangels do not have a very beatific meaning for me, and the other 3 figures are not specially reassuring, either. One is the enigmatic sphinx with the sword of truth and the blue of the Air Suit about it. Then there is a demon and a serpent, far from desirable, the way I see it.

So all I can usually tell when this comes up is that things will get a move on, and hope the other cards tell us what direction the movement takes. If it comes up upside down, I think we are trying to prevent any kind of movement and that things will be stagnant for a while, but that there is a necessary change pending that we will have to face sooner or later.

It all depends on the reading, but I find this card even more enigmatic than the High Priestess. Maybe I relate better to a central human figure.


The first image from the Chinese deck depicts the Feng Shui Bagua with the 8 directions and their respective associations deriving from the I Ching. The four animals are the red phoenix (our front or south), the green or blue dragon (our left or east), the white tiger (our right or west) and the black turtle (back or north). Because I am familiar with this system, it means more to me than the RW's Wheel. It would mean our luck varies depending on its source, so we should be ready to make the most of favorable winds while protecting ourselves from the harsher ones.

Robin Wood's seems to speak about our mood swings, rather than objective causes for them. But I suppose it could mean that we will sometimes have cause for happiness and sometimes pain, and learning to live with the swings as they come.

Spiral's depicts the three ages from mythology and the astrological wheel, so seems to deal more with the time aspect and the fact that nothing is eternal but moving in life cycles.

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Post by glenellen » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:35 am

The Wheel of fortune this card to me means easy money probably a claim or something legal, i can also see gambling someone looking for a quick fix.

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Wheel of Fortune

Post by windspirits » Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:20 pm

The Wheel of Fortune, to me represents the wheel of life.  We come into this world as an innocent baby, as we grow we become more and more mature and wiser until we reach the elder age and our wisdom is at full bloom , it would seem that the Wheel of Fortune would stop there, but it does not, the cycle begins a new, therefore there is a beginning, but no end, that is why the circle.  It contines to turn throughout our lives and along the way we learm many lessons.  It's what we do with those lessons that makes us who we are.
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Post by TravellingChristy » Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:31 pm

When I look at this card, I am surely not afraid of it.  I love leaving things to chance.  I see opportunity in this card.  Opportunity for what?  Could be anything.  New job, to right a wrong.  The wheel spins and you just never know what you're going to get.

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Post by farafina » Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:34 pm

Like many, I feel ambivalent about this card in a reading. I feel that I need another card to shed light on this one.

TIME, SPEED, rapidity... I feel this card tells me about the fact that the event will happen very quickly for example.

Opportunity as well, but it is one that must be seized extremela fast.

If the reading was generally bad news, then the wheel of fortune indicates that positive change is coming... this was all part of our destiny. Our fortune will change.

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Post by appylover » Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:41 am

Fortune,success,change,fate,changes that will come out of the blue. Unexpected fortune. Maybe it's pre-determined or your own doing.That job you've been wanting,finally going on that trip you've waited to take,finding that special person. Destiny or just luck, whatever it is it's  another part of the Fools journey in life. I see this as a good card.

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Post by mary grace gabriel » Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:31 pm


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New decks!

Post by pirbid » Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:36 pm


Now, the Wheel is not one of my favorite cards. Not because I abhor change in any way (after all, the Tower is one of my faves), but because I have never found it attractive in its design, so I am always on the lookout for an artist who has made it look better from my point of view.

In this case, neither Universal's nor Marchetti's do it for me: they look too mechanical and out of place, even with all the symbols engraved on the wheels.

Arianrhod I like better, since she rules the destinies of all through her wheel. I like destiny personified and the card is beautiful in its colors, specially the powerful red of her robes.

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