Part One - The Major Arcana - 3 & 4

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Post by anandutsav » Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:21 pm

The EMPEROR is the father who is all powerful, authoritative and protective. He seems to be in total control of his actions and reflects total responsibility towards the others. He is the person who can control others weilding his power and authority. He might represent the head strong ruler who wields the iron rule.

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Post by Dcruddy » Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:34 pm

I view these cards as "Mr. and Mrs. Major Arcana".  Usually they don't come across in the same reading, but that's how I view these two cards as a team.  Every good thing I associate about a marriage I associate with these two.

Regarding pregnancy - To me the Empress represents this either wanted or unwanted.  The Emperor represents a "man who will stand up and take the responsibility" either way.  ~Jennifer~

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Post by Magewyntyr » Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:33 pm


The Empress is a mother. Her focus is on her children. She will be just as fierce as the Emperor if they come under attack.

She symbolizes creativity. To create life and bear it is one of the greatest acts anyone can accomplish. Our ideas and dreams are like children. They have to be protected and nurtured just as much to be a stable realization. (ideas such as the airplane, the automobile, the refrigerator, the washing machine) Because these ideas have been protected and loved, they have grown and helped us grow with them.

Without growth there is only stagnation.

The Emperor is a father. His focus is not only on his family, but on his subjects as well. He is always ready to fly to the aid of those who seek his protection. He has had to fight to achieve this position.

The Emperor is pure will power. The runes on the throne symbolize wealth and the God Ares. He has wealth, and he will fight for it.

These two cards complement each other. Creativity and Willpower. To achieve abundance and prosperity, you must have both of these. Unlike the's not just a roll of the dice....

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Post by pamDemonium » Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:47 am

I love the Empress card. She is voluptuous and beautiful and very creative. She is warm and loving. I would say she enjoys her creature comforts ( her beautiful rich purple dress) but she is barefoot therefore down to earth and a nature lover. She looks  comfortable, motherly and entirely approachable. I would love to know her. Does it sound conceited if I say I can see some of myself in her? Anyway I adore her.

Now the Emporer sits in rich robes looking at ease and confident. He is surrounded by large mountains signifying his success. He appears to have achieved his ambitions.  While the Empress might  be more trusting and base her opinions more on intuition, the Emporer would use would rely on logic and wisdom. He gets what he wants but I don't see him as unfair.

you can see my farber/zerner cards here. I thought I'd be able to scan and paste the cards here but I don't seem to be able to. ... size/3.jpg ... size/4.jpg

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Post by pamDemonium » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:17 pm

oooooooh i can add the pics now  :smt003
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4.jpg (14.5 KiB) Viewed 3629 times

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Post by infinitii525 » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:57 pm

The Empress seems very open to the world, she is non judgemental. She has a calm strength and confidence about her. She seems to rule my genuine feelings. Her eyes seem to be looking directly at me.

The Emperor seems stern focused and uncompromising. He very guarded even when not at war since he has armor under his clothes. He seems cold and his eyes seem to look past me as if he is always looking for something other than what’s directly in front of him. Leadership and protector

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Post by SandiLJ » Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:45 pm

Hi I noticed that the Empress is truly a reagel lady, who rules with fairness. Useing her staff wisely she commands respect, with dignity & grace she also has a devious side, to her she is also a strong woman of her beliefs. the Emperor chair is not as soft as the Emprees's chair he is very masculine & strong in his beliefs he is ready at a moments notice about anything. He rules with wisdom & strength, he doesn't always let you see his soft heart that is hidden under is macho man image. They are both rulers it is interresting to see how very differant their staffs are even in their designs as well there backgrounds behind the chairs that they are sitting in his is made out of stone while hers is nice & soft.

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The Empress & The Emperor

Post by Cheyenne » Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:44 pm

The Empress
She seems a mother type. Mother feelings. Mother concerns. Feeling one wth nature. Gentle, considerate, nurturing, fair, generous. Defending and caring towards the ones she loves. This card could indicate that in order to get to your goal you have to pay attention to the mother inside of you. That you have to act like the Mother/ The Empress. In a negative sense this card may indicate that you are mothering too much, that you are possesive, overprotecting etc. I think this card has to do with development.

The Emperor
He seems a father type. Although he seems tough on the outside, I sense he's tender underneath the surface. Strict, order, discipline, confidence, ruling, keeping things/people under control. I think the emperor has to do with one's responsibility. I think this card has to do with leading the way, controlling oneself, focusing on what's important, acting responsible.

I think that the empress is more about development and the emperor is more about managing. To me the empress and the emperor seem a bit like yin & yang.
TheEmpress.JPG (112.28 KiB) Viewed 3617 times
TheEmperor.JPG (115.79 KiB) Viewed 3617 times

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Post by grmrsan » Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:42 am

The Empress-
This is a woman of early to middle age, not a young girl, but definatly not old either. She's dressed in a purple robe, which might be an indication of royalty of importance. (However the artist really LIKES purple so maybe it doesn't) She holds a staff topped with a globe in one hand, some (wheat?) in the other, and has a crown of flowers. Everything about this picture shouts SPRING and GROWTH! (ok, everything but the eagle shield, that just shouts HUH?) All the elements are represented here too, but you have to be a bit creative to see them. The clouds in the background are air, theres a waterfall, falling from a mountain of rocks and some red flowers that look like they could be tounges of fire. She's very Mom looking, down to earth, cheerful, she looks like she's in the middle of a friendly chat. Probably trying to explain why's she's sitting in the middle of a hill holding wheat.

The emperor is rather differant. He's sitting way up in the mountains. Everything is stark, and harsh. He's holding an  (ankh?) staff, and a round stone, and wearing a crown of something rough looking. He's also wearing purple, but unlike his wife even this is pracital, and logical and only what is needed. He also has the eagle shield, at least for him it could synbolize majasty, and strengh. For her it just looked out of place. This card  is very much opposite, while the empress is spring, the Emperor is winter. It also would take alot of strength and determination to get up on those rocks. Either that or since he is representing the masculine half, maybe he just refused to ask for directions? I also like that they're facing opposite directions, the empress is looking forward to the future, and the emperor is contemplating his past.  And as Husband and Wife they're facing each other, maybe he's the one she's chatting with, planning and discussing, a true partnership of ideas and reality blended into a relationship. (And both feeling rather silly posing for thier portraits)
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Last edited by grmrsan on Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by grmrsan » Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:05 am

celtic dragons-
This Empress is obviously pregnant. I love her gown, it flows down and off the card, lokking like a river, while her red robes become the banks and blend into the ground.She's very much a motherly figure. She's chatting with a white dragon. I think these are supposed to be the really wise ones, and thier stances are just of two good friends chatting over the fence. She's standing in front of a very large tree  with a very strong root system. Tree of life? The elements are all represented well here too, the dragon is breathing white vapor an airy little cloud. The empress' robe and a reflective puddle are water. (And the puddle could represent spirit too with it's slight reflection?) There are rock, and mud, and the robe becomes Earth. The roses she's carying are like the tuli[s in the other deck and could be fire. The robe could be fire too, but mostly the way it flows is alot more obvious of menstreul blood.

This deck again nshows how it just likes to be differant. This Emperor is sitting in a garden watching his kids play, with the neighbors kids. Dad and the dragon are very kickback, you almost expect one of them to grab the celtic version of a bud! If the white drgons represent wisdom and knowlede, then the little ones the kids are playing with could be new thought, or knowledge. With Dad as the teacher.This is a very relaxed scene, very differant from the stark plain images everywhere else. However just because he's relaxed doesn't mean he's weak or unwary, he is very streong and fitand very watchful. He has his hand on his sword hilt, ready to get up and fight if he needs to at a seconds notice.

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Post by littleone22 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:42 am

The Empress- Symbolises a good mother who is gentle and kind and in touch with nature (hence the trees)! I find this card very comforting and the golden corn at her feet reminds me of wealth, the cushions represent a woman who likes her comfort and her face appears to be glowing!

The Emperor-A good father full of wisdom and advice, I think he would always be there to show you the way and has a very righteous face! I find his face shows some dicipline and he would reprimand you if need be!  love littleone22 :smt006

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Post by Delirium » Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:22 pm

The Empress
Birth of all kinds- children, ideas, hope.
She makes me think of family life and chilling out on a sunday in the garden with all the family over for a BBQ.
Newness, free flowing energy.
sexuality (well she is pregnant!)
I know emotions and the mind are normaly shown as water in the cards but the forest behind her makes me think of the unconscious mind as the fool would see it at the start of this journy.

The Emperor
Family obligation, the father that makes you go to school when you really dont want to because he DOES know whats best for you! The stern boss that ask's you to redo an important report because he knows you can do better.
Leadership and strength of will(you would need it to rum an empire)
He's the king of swords moved upto the next level! The rock surrounds in the card represent the logical mind without emotions to colour it.

Just my thoughts x

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Post by BLouise » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:47 pm

The Empress - The Symbol she holds is that of femininity in all forms.  All the colors of the suits are present in her outfit suggesting she rules or influences all as a mother figure would.  The signs of the zodiac encircle her which makes me feel as though life itself emanates from within her.
The Emperor - He has a staff topped w/ the solar system suggesting he has the world or universe at his fingertips.  The gold jewelry he wears suggestions wealth and his position as Emperor is one of achievement and power.

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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:03 am

A definate mother father feel to this pair very comforting cards that make me feel very loved someone watching over us


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Post by Sabra » Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:40 pm

When going by the Rider Waite deck, The Empress is everything maternal and nurturing.  I see this card to represent all forms of motherhood, including that of the Earth herself.  This card card makes me think of abundant harvests, fertility of both women and Earth.  I also see a protective side - not really physically aggressive protection, but more on a mental and emotional level.

In the Thoth deck, the colors of the Empress are more peaceful and intuitive looking. There is a dove in the direction she is looking, a shield at one side of her feet and a swan on the other.  I'm still pondering this and haven't quite made the connection.

The Emperor is also the protector and nurturer but on a more masculine, fiery level.  He can be loving, but I also see a stern distance.  I don't connect with or understand him as well as I do the Empress.  It is clear that he is very authoritative, which scares me a little because authority can be abused.

I didn't notice until seeing the cards side by side, but in the Thoth deck the Empress or Emperor face each other.  I don't know that it means anything other than being 2 parts of a whole - it's just something that caught my attention.
Thoth Deck - Empress
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Thoth Deck - Emperor
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