Part Three - The Court Cards - 4

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Part Three - The Court Cards - 4

Post by Gem » Tue May 22, 2007 3:19 pm

Image  Image Image Image

The wands, the suit of growth and looks like sandy deserts too?

These cards have a definate story behind them all, can you make a story with all four in any order?

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Post by chrisdee » Tue May 22, 2007 5:14 pm

(King-)There was once a man that could visualize a product finished but lost interest very quickly, he needed constant praise for his efforts (Queen-)his wife was able to put up with him because she to had a very creative side , although prone to accidents she enjoys challenging physical endeavours (knight-)always on the move and looking for action the couple met up with (Page-)a good friend that had some positive news about their latest creation

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Post by mysticcrystal » Fri May 25, 2007 5:15 am

The page of wands showed up at the knight of wands doors with good news about his career. "You will be a great artist with your creative talents!" he proclaimed. The knight, excitedly gallopped quickly to tell his parents of his good fortune. The queen of wands was pleased. She had always nurtured the knights talents and creative side, but the king of wands' fiery anger got the best of him, "No son of MINE will become an artist!"

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 4

Post by George » Sun May 27, 2007 2:24 pm

Gem wrote:Image  Image Image Image

The wands, the suit of growth and looks like sandy deserts too?

These cards have a definate story behind them all, can you make a story with all four in any order?
It was once told that a man took his family to the desert to build and new life and to get away from the rat race of the big city.  The land was barren and grew nothing. It was all sand and desert creatures that his family knew not of.  The man, who now called himself king sat on his throne next to his queen, a lovely lady adorned in yellow.  One day the queen encouraged her oldest son out on his horse into the desert to search for what he was looking for that would sustain his ambitions.  
Now, The king and the youngest son, his page, was the ones that were birds of a feather because they believed that the land that they now stood could produces a fruitful living with the tools of their trade, the staff.  Both of their staffs are firmly planted to the ground unlike the oldest son and his mother.
Now, it’s not that the two are opposed to the carefree ideals of youth and firm conviction of the king.  The oldest son, the knight, was going go out a find it wherever he could, with all his ability to get what he wants.
The queen tends the household and her own garden.  She is fond of sunflowers.  Although, she is not opposed to working the field herself since she likes to do gardening and grow her own for her household, but this queen takes on the role of the wife and mother and works her own household with verb.
Overall, this is a working family that will change a desert into a paradise.
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Post by Chooky » Thu May 31, 2007 6:16 am

A long time ago, a man (knight) was travelling the lands, he came to a harsh and very hostile desert, as he liked a challenge he decided that would try to make a life here as he had heard some people talking about new farming ways for lands just like this.  (Page) He hopped off his horse and planted his wand firmly in the ground, here is where my starting point will be, I can make this grow and I will nurture this land and watch it prosper.  He went back to his home to bring back workers and gather his belongings and see what his wife would think of this venture. (The Queen)  His wife was always very supportive of his ideas, and knew him to be very stubborn once he had an idea fixed in his head, so she obligingly packed her bags and they started travelling to their new home. (THe King) It was as he described to her, harsh, barren; but with a lot of hard work they managed to build the empire that he desired and in time she had come to believe in to this day they both watch out over their kingdom and remember it as it once was.

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Post by cedars » Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:21 pm

The idea of the wand (the staff) itself and its portrayal in a desert, depicts the very meaning of the suit of the Wands: energy, new ideas, creativity, competitive nature, challenge and struggle to develop one's ideas into a finished product/outcome/result.

The Page: The bearer of a new idea, new thoughts, the seeds to make a barren desert lush and full of fruits and vegetation. This is unlike his cousins, the page of swords, or cups, this youngsters is full of ideas  but needs the guidance someone older than him - his Knight brother - to guide him through.

The Knight: takes the page's idea and rushes to the desert to plant and start working on them. The Knight is the impersonation of that energy full of thrust and risk taking. It may work or may not - this project of turning the desert into green pastures. But the Wands family like taking risks.

The Queen: having taken the risks, their mother has been given a sample of the deserts products - a cut sunflower. She is pleased with the result and she sits their proud of her sons and she herself enjoying all the good things in life. This is a queen who likes her bright colours and adorns her throne with courageous elements such as lions and further pictures of sunflowers.

The King: The teacher of them all, almost saying: I told you it would work. He is now looking into the horizon on what other ideas can be implemented following the success of the desert project.

I like this family.

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 4

Post by weezerwall » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:36 am

Gem wrote:Image  Image Image Image

The wands, the suit of growth and looks like sandy deserts too?

These cards have a definate story behind them all, can you make a story with all four in any order?
(From right to left) - This king was not always a king.  He came to this seemingly barren as a poor lad with an enterprising, adventurous spirit!  He had decided to "go west" with a band of settlers who were seeking land and a better life.  When the group arrived at their destination - it looked like anything BUT the "promised land" they'd imagined.  Only the young man looked into the desert and saw potential.  He didn't see a lifeless desert, but a land of natural wonders (red earth and majestic stones) that was filled with mineral wealth - fertile and lush in its own right.  His ideas for mining the land helped the community grow and the settlement became prosperous.  He was elected "king" because of his strong leadership abilities and communication skills.  Once in power, he had to learn the hard way that goals cannot always be achieved using "iron fist" tactics.  He married a woman who was able to help him materialize his vision of "caring leadership".  She was always an equal partner - helping implement her husband's philosophies.  She promoted education, culture and respect for the settlers traditions and heritage.  The Queen bore two sons - the oldest is a reflection of the fiery character of his father's youth.  He goes out scouting new territories and seeking more fertile ground where his father's and his own ideas/visions can take hold.  (He's learning how to become a leader himself).  The youngest son is still too young to set out into the world, but he is already an inquisitive lad - enterprising, smart as a whip and knows what he wants. In this family, ideas, an enterprising spirit, taking charge of ones life, hard work, personal power (influence), daring and bold leadership are the "keys to success."


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Post by cedars » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:41 am

I like your story Weezer !

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Post by weezerwall » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:00 pm

cedars wrote:I like your story Weezer !
:smt006 Hey, thanks, Cedars!!  I really had fun with that family!

Warm wishes!!


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Post by pamDemonium » Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:42 pm

I can see one person's journey to success in these four cards

Initially (princess or page) you dipped your foot into the water. You were enthusiastic and eager to explore your world.  Then,( Prince or knight) revealed how driven you were by ambition. You would climb to the top of one mountain and be instantly looking around for the next, even higher mountain.  As you got older, (Queen) you became the self assured, charismatic person who knew how to get things done. Your creativity increased and you became an inspiration to all around you.  Finallly we see the (King) dynamic person you have become.  With your ambitions fulfilled you are a powerful person. You have understood and exploited the strengths and weaknesses in yourself and those you deal with
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Post by arianna » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:55 pm

The Rods

The page is a young person bursting with energy, a messenger that sparks the creative thought process. The beginnings of a new venture and or project

The Knight a little older and wiser takes it ones step further and starts to put the thoughts and ideas into action. He is enthusiastic and brings good news regarding work or home - This could be a change of residence a new job

The Queen - A very creative woman who has worked for what she has - I see her showing leadership qualities and always moving forward - This woman knows what she wants and continues the pursuit until she gets it

The King - I see him as a teacher of sorts actually a mentor someone who has worked hard but wants to show others how to achieve - This man is still full of ideas (a jack of all trades) not afraid to try something new

The Story

A young page who is eager to please studies hard and works on his creativity as he matures (knight) his thoughts and ideas become developed projects and has strong ethics which his mother(Queen) taught him never to give up and one day he to will be a respected leader (King) in his community - I will definately be working on the story aspect - lol
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My RW Wands story...

Post by pirbid » Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:00 pm

"Once upon a time, there was a family of modest but happy peasants. The parents had worked hard to get some fruit out of their dry land and now enjoyed some measure of comfort, though they still had to work to keep it going. Their youngest son was happy to take their animals to graze and spend his days daydreaming about the distant lands visible from his perch high in the hills. But the oldest son wanted to go see for himself, so his parents outfitted him with the best they could afford and he galloped off in search of adventure with hardly a look back at his home".

What I love best about this family is that they look so natural: no false posing for them. Whatever you have to say, you can do so to their faces and they will do the same with you. They are sincere, warm, open hearted and unsophisticated. They seem to communicate better than the other families and think of each other and their tasks in equal measure, even if some dreaminess can be expected of the two younger members.


Robin Wood's is so bright in its yellow colors as to be blinding: no doubt sunshine and fire are the elements present. The family members certainly  boast sunny dispositions: they seem to find joy in a barren desert and create things out of the warmth of their hearts and their enthusiasm. The knight is mounting a steed with flaming mane and tail, reminding me of the fiery temper he can sometimes display (I should know, since this card usually represents me in readings).

Even though Cups are supposed to be more emotional, I have always found Wands the most impulsive of all and also very in touch with their emotional side and less brainy than Cups (and all the more happy for it, I suspect). :smt002
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Re: My RW Wands story...

Post by George » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:06 pm

pirbid wrote:"Once upon a time, there was a family of modest but happy peasants. The parents had worked hard to get some fruit out of their dry land and now enjoyed some measure of comfort, though they still had to work to keep it going. Their youngest son was happy to take their animals to graze and spend his days daydreaming about the distant lands visible from his perch high in the hills. But the oldest son wanted to go see for himself, so his parents outfitted him with the best they could afford and he galloped off in search of adventure with hardly a look back at his home".

What I love best about this family is that they look so natural: no false posing for them. Whatever you have to say, you can do so to their faces and they will do the same with you. They are sincere, warm, open hearted and unsophisticated. They seem to communicate better than the other families and think of each other and their tasks in equal measure, even if some dreaminess can be expected of the two younger members.


Robin Wood's is so bright in its yellow colors as to be blinding: no doubt sunshine and fire are the elements present. The family members certainly  boast sunny dispositions: they seem to find joy in a barren desert and create things out of the warmth of their hearts and their enthusiasm. The knight is mounting a steed with flaming mane and tail, reminding me of the fiery temper he can sometimes display (I should know, since this card usually represents me in readings).

Even though Cups are supposed to be more emotional, I have always found Wands the most impulsive of all and also very in touch with their emotional side and less brainy than Cups (and all the more happy for it, I suspect). :smt002
Wow, those are super bright and fun to look at!  i agree with you in this deck they look like they are a very emotional family!
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Post by glenellen » Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:47 am

once upon a time there was a couple with one son(page) he met up with his long lost  friend (knight) and brought him home to his parents (king and queen) the queen had noticed he had grown into a handsome young man and in turn the knight noticed how beautiful the queen was and on many occasions he was trying to impress her and brought her a flower the son felt a little jealous at the attention his friend was getting and put a strain on their friendship, while the king looked on in amusement that a young man had a crush on his wife but was confident of his wife's loyalty and love for her family

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Post by appylover » Sat May 03, 2008 5:30 am

On day as the page was out exploring the land he had an idea. One that could help his brother. He was so excited he had to run and tell him right away. The Knight who saw his brother running towards him decided to ride out to meet him. What is it?, asked the Knight. He was all excited as his brother told him of the news he had gotten about a new business opportunity that was starting up in town. The Knight had been waiting for just this kind of news. Now to consult with his mom the Queen. Being a sensible women concerning business and her family, she gave him her blessing. This would be a great experience for her son. But first he should go see his father who had been asking for him. The King asked how his day was going. Then the Knight told him about the business opportunity that he might want to get in on. His father was so impressed with his son that he not only gave him his blessing but also the funds he might need to help him get in on the ground floor.

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