Part Two - The Minor Arcana - sixes -6

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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - sixes -6

Post by weezerwall » Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:40 pm

Gem wrote:  Image Image  Image  Image

Following on from the fives where we made-up storylines, I want us to do the same with these pictures but also can you tell me where the querent is in these pictures? Are they one of the figures? Are they watching? Are they the person that is the main figure or are they a hidden observer? Is this them doing, or should they be learning from these cards?
:smt003  These questions are REAL EYE OPENERS?  Yes, where is the querent?? I think the cards are mirrors - but mirrors can deceive - sometimes we see what we want to see.. Do I have a big ego??   :)  Is that what makes me see myself/querent as the central figure in every card??  LOL!!  Too funny!!  Remembering where I/querent came from as a means of realizing where I/querent am...

6 Pentacles:  It WOULD be more comforting to be the wealthy, benevolent guy.. but remembering what I/querent looked like in card 5 - this is a lesson in "give and take".  If I/querent find myself in a position of plenty again - remember to share.  If the situation is otherwise - there's NO SHAME in poverty - accept the help that's offered humbly.

6 Swords:  I/querent am the person sitting in the boat. Paid the nice man whatever I could to cross the river.  Taking my child with me.. the remnants of my happy home? and travelling to another place.  Taking myself out of the situation - withdrawing from the battle.  (willingly or unwillingly).

6 Wands:  I'd love to be the man on the horse riding triumphantly through cheering crowds.  Perhaps I am?  Or am I (the querent) looking on in admiration?  Is there someone to look up to and learn from?   Am I looking at the "leader" in me??

6 Cups:  I see myself/the querent as the little girl.  Remembering my first love, or the first person who loved me.  It's romantic, nostalgic.. looking back to my early beliefs of love.  Innocent and untainted.


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Post by pamDemonium » Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:50 am

I don't believe the querent is represented by the people in my deck

Pentacles. My pic shows a woman with a jug that is overflowing with pentacles (gold coin) Be generous with the wealth that you have. Share with others spiritually or materially

Cups I love this card. It shows children wearing old fashioned clothes and playing joyfully.  Happiness surrounds you. Happy memories

Wands. This card shows wands spread in the shape of a V with a warrior riding between the V. Victory is yours. All that hard work has paid off and you can enjoy the fruits of  your labour

Swords A beautiful card with a boat, rough seas and a rainbow. This card tells the querent to go with the flow. Yes there may be turbulant and troublesome times surrounding you. You have no control over them so be flexible, go with the flow and you will see you will weather the storm and be triumphant.  I'm thinking a mental or emotional journey but I spose it could mean you are going on a cruize

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Post by Cheyenne » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:23 pm

6 of Pentacles
Here we see a giving person who’s holding scales in his hand and giving money to the less fortunate. I always wonder though, are they really less fortunate or are is it just an act. Are they taking advantage of the giving person?? This could very well be possible. The querent could be either the giver or the taker. Or if it falls at a certain position of a relationship spread it could indicate that giving and taking is the basis of the relationship. Or worse: that one is a giver and the other is taking advantage of it. Him holding the scales reminds me of the Justice card. Anyway I think that if this card pops up it would be great to check to see if everything is fair and square and you aren’t being taken advantage of. Or that you don’t take advantage of someone else. And to balance everything.

6 of Cups
To me this card either means looking back or hanging on to the past. I think the querent is the one receiving the flowers. However the querent can also be the one giving the flowers. I think the giving of flowers represents something. Perhaps the one getting the flowers has done a good deed for the giver in the past and is now being paid back in a simple way. Or it could be that someone is thinking to much about a past relationship. Someone who can't seem to get on with their lives.

6 of Swords
The querent is one of the two people sitting in that boat. OR someone the querent ‘knows’ is sitting in the boat (ie. partner/coworker whatever). This card can indicate moving on after a long hardship. Finding rest and entering a new period in your life. I think that this is a transformation card like death. However this card indicates that a lot has happened before the people actually got in the boat.

6 of Wands
I think where the querent is on this card depends on the cards surrounding it. The querent could be the one sitting on the horse. Finally getting acknowledged. Finally being put on a pedestal. Or the querent is looking at their rival sitting on the horse getting acknowledged for something the querent has done!

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Post by arianna » Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:19 pm

Hi everyone,

I am really enjoying this and love seeing some of the cards that others have.
I had difficulty with the six of cups because my deck shows six cups filled with flowers (no people - no gesture of one person giving to another and no children to relate to "the past"

I have known from books that it is happy memories possibly someone returning from the past and also love blossoming - If I look only at my card I would not think of the past but I would feel love and the gesture of flowers being received so I would say that the questioner was the recipient of the flowers - possibly a secret admirer since no "face" is shown now that is different the possiblilities are amazing and I would have to see the rest of the cards before I could decide on its meaning

The six of swords is a picture of a boat with a rower and a lost soul burying her head - the swords represent what has been lost to her and the travel I think is more of the mind - I see her going within looking for answers and removing herself from the situation to recover. It is interesting as the questioner could be the one that is helping someone get through a difficult time someone who wants to care for and protect a loved one

The six of pentacles in my deck is a pair of scales with equal weight (wealth) I have to say that my first impression was that of seperation dividing ones assets equally like a divorce or an inheritence but now I can see that it could be a person who has balanced his life and money and knows he is in a good place and shouldn't take this situation lightly someone who is fair with money (scales of justice)

The six of rods is a someone returning home - he looks pleased with himself and his horse is magestic however I don't have a crowd welcoming him back.  Going stricly on my picture the rod in his hand has a victory wreath on it so I would say that this person has had a personal victory - like graduating or a job promotion something to make them proud a celebration is in order
I wish that your dreams stay big and worries stay small

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Post by Sabra » Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:05 am

6 of Pentacles

I have to really struggle with this card (from the RW deck) because it makes me feel extremely irritated.  

I don't really like it that the beggars have allowed themselves to fall into this position, but what bothers me even more is the attitude in which the central figure is giving.  

A wealthy looking man is shown dropping the coins from several inches above as though he doesn't want to take a chance on touching the beggar... and in his left hand he is holding a set of scales.  Why the scales???  It seems as though he has an ulterior motive as though he might be getting the beggars to do his dirty work and trying to decide if they have done it as ordered, and he is using the scales to decide if they really
even deserve the money.

I see the querent as a distant bystander.

Six of Swords

This is a family that is escaping from devastation and chaos.  The man feels obligated to get them to safety and doesn't have time to sink into a depressed state.  He is seeing his despondent,  and depressed wife and knows that there is nothing he can do at this time to bring her out of it.  He still moves forward.

I see the querent as being the man paddling the boat.  This card tells me that we can only be responsible for our own emotions and to keep moving forward and not our own depression or the depression of others drag us down.  The path ahead get brighter as long as we continue to move forward.

Six of Cups

My view of this is that of maybe a brother and younger sister.  The two don't always get along, but the little girl has always adored her brother and looks up to him.  Today is a good day because he is spending time and sharing with her.  She is made to feel very special, loved, and maybe even honored that he is taking time away from his friends to be with her.

The querent is the girl.

Six of Wands

The figure on the horse has been victorious and is riding with pride and confidence in his abilities.  Even the horse looks proud.

Querent is an onlooker.

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Post by anas » Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:32 pm

I got the six of cups reversed in more than four readings, back to back, and they were almost concerning the same issue (in a way)...

i think this card (reversed) means to let go a very rosy image of some memories that never existed and the querent has created them by his/herself

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My RW Sixes story...

Post by pirbid » Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:04 am

- 6 of Cups: "Long, long ago, on a faraway land, the court's jester whiled away the daytime playing with the little princess and teaching her not to take life too seriously. Because, he said, no matter how terrible things may seem now, you will always be able to laugh at them in the future".
This card can always take me back in time. Rather than seeing the querent in this card, I see him/her as looking at an old picture. Of course, pictures are static and capture but an instant: are our memories accurate or do we tend to remember only the good bits or those we are not ashamed of?

- 6 of Swords: "Their sorrow was deep as they left everything they knew. They had hardly been able to take anything with them but their guilt and hopelessness. Still, he was sure the barge was solid enough to take them to their destination: somewhere they could begin anew and put this all behind someday".
I find this card silent and tired, but also calm and with future hope in it. The querent's best bet would be to row along as best he/she could through a difficult situation, rather than take the more passive role, but it depends on each person and their approach to hardship. They certainly carry a burden with them!  :smt011

- 6 of Wands: "Fanfares sounded as they entered the city bathed in warmth both from the sun and the multitude gathered. Titus looked sideways back at his rider: why does he think himself so important? I am the one who has carried him into battle and out of it unscathed, after all".
Ooops... Yes, I have always loved that look on the horse's face and thought of him as the real star in this card. After all, his rider is looking away from us and we cannot see his expression, so he seems more distant. I guess the querent could be aiding someone else to achieve victory or certain goals, rather than take the limelight for themselves.

- 6 of Pentacles: "He was always careful when giving, lest he give so much he embarrassed, or so little that nothing could be made out of it. The important thing was letting them know they could always count on him... up to a point. As long as they did not stop working for themselves".
The querent could be any of them, depending on the situation they might be going through. I usually find myself trying to measure the time and effort I spare for others: there ARE unspoken limits to what you can do for someone depending on the degree of acquaintance: if you surpass those limits, the receiver will be embarrassed and confused, and will probably stay away in case he/she thinks this debt is beyond what they can in turn do for you. A sad way to lose friendships, really.


Robin Wood's 6 of Cups takes us back to our childhood, those sweet, unimportant moments one would forget forever if not on a photograph.

I have wanted to compare the 6 of Swords both from Robin Wood's and the Ancestral Path with that in RW.
The middle one is the Ancestral and depicts a beautiful oriental garden facing the open sea: calm is the main asset of this card, rather than sorrow: a time to reflect and meditate by myself.
While Robin Wood's, as usual, is much brighter and active: an unseen force is propelling the little hero onwards while he rides a beautiful swan boat and watches the scenery go by. Here the swords look like useful tools he carries to aid him, rather than burdens or sorrows: they do not seem to weight the boat at all, they are just nicely stored cargo. So this card would tell me of willingly venturing into the unknown with the help of our acquired skills and some good luck to push us along.
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Post by glenellen » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:38 am

six of pentacles... the querent is the beggar times are hard and there is a man that helps all he can but the scales in his hands says there needs to be balance and the querent must try and fend for himself and family he needs to make a stand so he goes to his family and they make a decision

six of swords.. there decision is to look for pastors new the querent is rowing the boat, his wife  is sad and heartbroken she has to leave all her family and the only place she has called home, the swords in front of the querent says this journey is not without its dangers and many things will get in there way

six of wands..he will struggle on because he has hopes and believe he will triumph in his journey to make a better life for his wife and son

six of cups...the querent is looking on at his wife and son, the son is giving his mother flowers he looks at her with love and admiration and he knows the sacrifices she has made for him, there my be a woman in his life now, because he keeps  one of the cups behind his back maybe he hasn't yet told his mother about this new love

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:27 pm

Hi Gem,
I am glad you brought up this concept to the forum as regards who is who in the Sixes.
I have often wondered if the querent is the giver or the receiver in the Six of pentacles or, EVEN, the one who is kneeling and is receiving nothing. I find this as one of the complex cards whereby I would have to involve the querent in my reading and get their feedback while continuing with the reading.  
As for the Six of Swords, my initial and instinctive reaction to this would be a father taking his family to safer shores. The wife/mother is so grief-stricken for what she has left behind, that she wouldn't dare look back. Perhaps she lost her home, a child, family and so on.
Six of Wands: Simply a victory card, but one or two in the background are sneering or sniggering. I had read somewhere that this victory is somehow a temporary one... that treason may be brewing in the ranks.

Six of Cups: a card of nostaliga of days gone by, missing what one had. I think the querent can be either or - as I think the girl receiving the flowers and the boy offering them could have been a couple in the past, friends at schook, soul mates......... etc..... etc.....

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:31 pm

I like the pictures in your cards... but what is the middle Six of Swords? What deck is that? I can't make a connection with it.
I like the idea of the other Six of Swords where the querent is being led to safer shores by his/her spirit guide and the Swan boat looks like a white bath tub...:-)

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Your Request of Answers+ 6's Witches Tarot

Post by windspirits » Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:38 pm

The couple in the RW 6 Pentacles to me represent the quereant.  They have come to the point in their lives when they need to ask for help.  The scales are balanced in such that what is received on one hand will be given or shared with those in need on the other.

6 of Pectacles- Abundance is plentiful and is there to be shared, but be wise to those who will try to use their influence to gain what they desire.  Hold onto your beliefs and don't be forced to go along with the deceivers.  Hold tight and be strong.

The quereant in the RW 6 Cups to me would be an unsited observer.  The couple in the flower shop are discussing the flowers and because they have so many, why can't they share some with someone in need of cheering up. or perhaps if they were to take some over to the castle in the background, then the king might be willing to see how kind they are and send business their way.

6 of Cups- The universe is full of power and joy, the holders of the 6 cups are seeking to fill their cups with as much of the knowledge and power their cups will hold.  The tree of life stands tall and is also being rewarded with the elements that is abundant.  It will flourish and bloom and rebirth anew.

The quereant in RW 6 Wands would be the main character on the horseback.  He is leading his men to the opposition, asking for a peaceful solution.  He is carrying his wreath on the top to show that he has come in peace and brings no harm.

6 of Wands- Here the lady meditates  at the start of the forest.  The wands are layed out in groups of 3 with a space between the groups.  She asks for guidence because there is so much space between the two groups, she needs some guidence to know how to fill in the huge gap.  There are parts missing either in her life, spirituality, or perhaps her future.  She is unsure.  Could the first group of 3 mean the past and the last group her future, or perhaps the first group is the past and the second group is her present.  Is it all the same or is it something brand new?

I believe the quereant in the RW 6 Swords is the entire family.  They are not quite sure where they are going, but they are looking for a better way of life.  They are a family and will always be family, therefore any and all decisions will be made together, regardless the consequences.

6 of Swords- Here we have the mother doing her duty and teaching her young.  The young are wanting to know how they can become strong and confident as the father, who is shown as the mighty eagle.  She stays with them and teaches them how to eat, drink, fly and survive.  She teaches them that there are many dangers in the world, but if they will listen to her teachings and heed her warnings, they will have a better chance to experience the great universe and become teachers someday to their young.
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Post by farafina » Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:17 pm

6 of swords: Feeling defeated and tired, the young woman and her young child are two refugees who have fled from their village that was attacked by a cruel and ruthless army. It is safe now, but they are quiet and resigend as the boatman paddles to get them to the other side of the river. There is a journey, a quiet journey. Not a vacation type of journey, but a travel for serious stuff.

6 of wands: victoriously, this horseman arrives. He is wearing a laurel crown on his head, because he has conquered lands. However, the people around him do not look too happy to see him: would he be the army leader responsible for defeating their town? Liberator or oppressor?

6 of pentacles: The wealthy man is kind enough to hand out his spare change to beggars on the streets. He is also holding a scale ( for justice, or to weigh how much money he is handing out?). If the querent is the generous one, then the generosity should be measured. Use balance when giving away things. If the querent is the beggar: well, hope for help from someone very generous!

Finally 6 of cups: This little boy, whose father is a florist, falls in love with his little girl and offers her one of his dad's flower pots. Childhood like love relationship starting... (Have you watched the film Little Manhattan?)

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Post by appylover » Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:07 am

Six of Pentacles: This is the story of a man who has lived a good life and is giving back to others out of kindness. Helping others that have been less fortunate and have fallen on hard times. Remembering how in the past somebody had helped him. It seemed just like yesterday............

Six of Swords: I remember when I was a child, when my dad was off working and it was just my mom and I. What fun we had. Then things changed. Dad had died and times got hard. We ended up losing our home due to not being able to pay taxes,their was no money for food. How would we get the money to leave this place. But then a stranger showed us such kindness by giving us a ride on his boat and taking us to a new town. He never wanted any money ,just wanted to help us as he hoped someone would help him.

Six of Cups: Life got better. Mom got a great job and I am starting to thrive and have such pleasant memories of our time here. I ran across a women from the village we used to live in. She sells flowers and is doing well, she is so kind and has a big heart. She gave me flowers to take home.  

Six of Wands: I have become a better person because of the acts of kindness that was shown to me by others as I was growing up. I have since went back to that village of so long ago to deliver a message. To let them know that whatever hardships they or others may face that showing them an act of kindness,helping them when they are down,will help them grow into a better person,a person they can be proud of.

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Six of ...

Post by deelitefullyme » Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:24 pm

Pentacles: A rich man stands in the courtyard.  He is apporached by two beggers.  Having money and good fortune, he gives the begger on his right some coins. Seeing this, the begger of the left asks for coins.  The rich man gives the other man coins as well.  The rich man knows  he got his riches from being rich in spirit and trys to pass on his kindness to others.

Swords: Leaving bad times behind, a man and his wife leave a bad situation.  The swords are a constant reminder of the tragedy they just endured.  The are going on to better lands and better times.  They will not look back.  Nothing is there for them.  Now is the time for them to move forward in their lives.

Wands: The knight is heading home after a sweet victory.  He holds the victory wreath announcing to all those that he is victorious.  

Cups: A man offers a little girl flowers.  He has so many.  He is actually selling her flowers but the innocence of the little girl just makes him want to give her some free flowers.  This gives him great pleasure

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Post by Mandimedea » Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:47 pm

The sixes - harmony and spiritual moving on
6 cups excepting emotional help, maybe learning to trust again.  Maybe moving onto a new relationship or friendship after the loss of one.  Learning to trust again.  Querent is taking the flowers

6 wands victory or reputation. overcoming struggles and picking self up and moving on.  querent is on horse

6 coins borrowing money to start moving on or investing, taking loan to pay back to get back up on feet after losing everything.  taking material help. querent is taking the coins

6 swords understanding humility and moving on.  excepting failure, shame of mistakes of self or others, taking responsibility and taking journey to learn from mistakes and move on from others that affected you.   querent is on boat, the hooded older person.

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