Part One- The Major Arcana - 2

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high priestess

Post by netthef1 » Fri May 18, 2007 12:41 pm

there are a lot of different cards here and thay are all a beautiful design and thay all have the same meaning from what i can see

My card of the High priestess she is dressed in white walking down a flight of steps droping flowers as she goes. there is a open door behind her. coming down the steps tells me she is going into the undrworld because the open door is behind her. she is holding a fruit in her hands which i looked up and its the pomeganare which is the fruit of the dead and conjugal love. there are also two pillars one on each side of her a white and black which reflect the dualiy contained in the underworld.

the priestess augurs the heightening of the powers of intuition and implies that there will be an encounter of some kind with the hidden inner world.The individual may be drawn to this world through an interest in the occult or the esoteric. Or through the effects of a powerful dream or the sence that something is at work in ones life.

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Re: high priestess

Post by George » Fri May 18, 2007 10:45 pm

netthef1 wrote:there are a lot of different cards here and thay are all a beautiful design and thay all have the same meaning from what i can see

My card of the High priestess she is dressed in white walking down a flight of steps droping flowers as she goes. there is a open door behind her. coming down the steps tells me she is going into the undrworld because the open door is behind her. she is holding a fruit in her hands which i looked up and its the pomeganare which is the fruit of the dead and conjugal love. there are also two pillars one on each side of her a white and black which reflect the dualiy contained in the underworld.

the priestess augurs the heightening of the powers of intuition and implies that there will be an encounter of some kind with the hidden inner world.The individual may be drawn to this world through an interest in the occult or the esoteric. Or through the effects of a powerful dream or the sence that something is at work in ones life.
all good stuff, i really like but i'm wandering what deck you are using and is there anyway that you could post a picture of your High Priestess. btw, which deck are you using?  


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the high priestess for george

Post by netthef1 » Sat May 19, 2007 12:45 am

i could send you a copy of my high priesress card if someone told me how. i,ve made a copy but never put a card on the forum so i dont know how. my deck is the waite deck bought a lot of years ago couldent even say how old thay are. My first deck my only deck and my last deck i use them for everything thay are a part of me.

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Post by George » Sat May 19, 2007 10:05 am

click on "Post a reply" as if you are going to post to this topic.

put in any text that you want

scroll down until you see "Filename" click on the "browse..." button. sreach for you image on your computer and click on it and the name should show up in the empty box next to the "browse" button.
when you are ready to post your message just click on the "Submit" button and the image will upload then when that is done your message will have been posted and your image online for others to see.


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tarot card hgh priestess

Post by netthef1 » Sat May 19, 2007 12:38 pm

here is the picture of my high priestess from the waite deck I bought the deck many years ago its the first deck the last deck and the only deck i have it is part of me.
thanks for telling m how to post this picture because i nevr done it before
scan0002.jpg (439.51 KiB) Viewed 6571 times

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Re: tarot card hgh priestess

Post by George » Sat May 19, 2007 3:21 pm

netthef1 wrote:here is the picture of my high priestess from the waite deck I bought the deck many years ago its the first deck the last deck and the only deck i have it is part of me.
thanks for telling m how to post this picture because i nevr done it before
its very nice.  :smt003   although i get a different feelings from it then i do from mine.  this one is more rich in feeling and image.

thanks for posting it  :smt020

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your welcome

Post by netthef1 » Sat May 19, 2007 6:31 pm

once i learnt how it was easy but i think i got it too big but i,m forever larning something which is great.

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Re: your welcome

Post by George » Sat May 19, 2007 8:33 pm

netthef1 wrote:once i learnt how it was easy but i think i got it too big but i,m forever larning something which is great.
yeah, maybe too big, but thats okay that's way i can get a good look at it  :smt003

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The High Priestess

Post by dreamfairy » Tue May 22, 2007 8:24 pm

When I look at the High Priestess I see a mysterious and reserved woman, she seems to be a keeper of some ancient knowlege (holding a scroll with Torah, the Jewish bible).  She makes me feel that if you approached her with a problem she would try to guide you with her knowledge.  The presence of the moon would indicate that she is also guided by her intuition as well her knowledge and wisdom.  I feel that as well as helping you with your problems she would encourage you to use your own intuition and would pass on her knowledge to you. There is a link with feminine goddessess, Isis and Hathor, (Headdress and the mirror of Hathor at her feet) and feminine intuition.

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Post by Chooky » Sun May 27, 2007 11:48 am

Quite the mysterious one... a person with a lot of knowledge on a spirtual level,  she is like a guardian to the worlds of good and bad, quite simplisticly.  She holds the key but its up to 'the fool' to find his own way, but she is willing to give him the tools to find and research all the information so that he can make his own mind up in which direction to follow next.  I feel she could also be a bit untrustworthy.

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The High Priestess

Post by weezerwall » Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:29 pm


Reading all the posts on this REALLY HELPS me articulate my feelings about the Priestess!  (Thanks) - With time maybe she'll become less of an enigma to me.  BEFORE reading the posts and spending time with this card over the last few days, I always had the feeling of standing in front of a Sphinx - just waiting for answers which never seemed to come.

Now I feel that the Priestess is the gatekeeper of the intuitive wisdom and divine secrets we hold within (who knows? even some memories our soul has of other lives).  She's the attendant of our feminine, receptive side.  To discover her secrets (which seem to be buried in our "subconscious" layers) I think she's telling us to make "conscious" attempts by using some "tools".  These are represented by the religious symbols in the card.  (Religious practices - AMONG OTHER THINGS can make us AWARE of a world beyond the one our eyes see).  I also think the the moon and water shown in  2  of the beautiful cards we've seen here have the same purpose:  the moon and water both "reflect" - a call to dig deeper as well.  

We could also just try mirroring her behavior:  clear our minds and be receptive to the space between the pillars.  (HOW PEACEFUL!!)  Basically, I think we're free to try almost anything.

In any case, the Priestess invites us to try and glimpse beyond the "curtain" by being  more receptive (as opposed to active - like the magician).  When the Fool meets her, he certainly learns that there is "more to life than meets the eye"!

Hopefully, by the next time I encounter the Priestess in a reading, I'll be ready to be receptive to those things that are "hidden from me"  and to those things I am hiding as well!  :)


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Post by anandutsav » Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:53 pm

The HIGH PRIESTESS appers to be the gaurdian of the deepest secrets of life, balancing the good and the evil.
She seems to represent the feminine side of the person who appeared very strong as the MAGICIAN. She seems to the "know all" who is teasing and inviting you to learn and discover the secrets of the conscience. A mysterical aura surrounds her as she masters the knowledge of teaching that there is more to everything than what appears to be!

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High Priestess

Post by Dcruddy » Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:29 pm

The High Priestess represents inner wisdom and knowledge that really is available to all of us, but so often we don't realize it.  I like her energy that is associated with the Moon.  Yes, I think of the Moon as a little "deceptive" but the Moon and the High Priestess are a couple of my favorite cards.  I try to bring the energy of the Moon and the Wisdom of the High Priestess together.  ~Jennifer~

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Post by Magewyntyr » Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:47 pm


The High Priestess....embodiment of the Goddess herself. Drawing down the power of the moon to create desired effects in her cauldron. The rainbow signifies the seven levels of initiation. Forget not, her connection with witchcraft. Holding closely and guarding the scroll in her hand. Looking at the runes you can see:
Tiw (a God) T
epel (land/estate) oe?
rad (Journey/riding) r
Os (God) o
perhaps Torah? Perhaps a story of the journey we must all make? She guards this information closely. Maybe it's too soon to know the purpose of our journey.

Standing between two columns.. one dark, one light. Just as the moon and Goddess both have a light and dark side, so do we all. We MUST have both parts to be whole. The key to it all is balancing both parts to be truly equal.

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Post by Mystical Princess » Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:56 am

The card Gem shows gives me the feeling of importance and power. It looks as though she has a crystal
ball in her crown which, to me, represents that she can show you more if you want to know.

She looks serene and peaceful.

My card, again, looks different. She is sitting on a throne with a round back. She's dressed in a
green gown that stops at points at the bottom and has a star at the end of each point. She holds a
mouse one hand while a cat sits next to her throne. She holds a staff with crinkled ends which may
mean that she is not out to hurt you by pyhsical means. A crescent moon rests upon her head and the
sun and a star are also shown which may mean that she can gain knowledge from them all.

In my card, she seems Wise and sad. It feels as though she knows something more.

Powerful, yet gentle and a feeling of "do you really want to know?" feel about her. With her holding
the mouse and having the cat nearby, I wonder if she seems to like having control over the situation
of both creatures.

If this card were to come up in a reading for someone other than myself, I would be led to believe
that there is something more. Either something left undone, or not said either by the person asking
the question or by someone the question may be about. I'm guessing the cards around it would answer
that question?

I still get a sense of fear when I see this card. I feel this card knows too much when it pertains to
me. I get a strong sense that this card somehow represents me..I feel as though I'm looking right at me.
Its an odd feeling and I can't get past it. I'm very uncomfortable with this card in general.

Ok, next


After I finished this message and had it posted, I decided to see if The High Priestess would come up in a reading for myself again...just out of curiosity..I shuffled the cards many times, cleansed them, and drew 3. The very first card drawn was, you guessed it, The High Priestess. What does this mean???

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