Part Three - The Court Cards - 3

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Part Three - The Court Cards - 3

Post by Gem » Tue May 22, 2007 3:17 pm

Image Image  Image Image

Can you see the common theme with this family of court cards?

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Post by chrisdee » Tue May 22, 2007 4:23 pm

Yep water and they all look dreamy
Page- not sure how to display his emotions he sways from been emotional to showing no emotion
Knight-Hes willing to cross the line and express his feelings
Queen-Well out of it, surrounded by turbulent water that laps up the shore says she finds it hard to control her emotions
King- He seats him self on a ridged stone that wont move, he puts him self above his emotions ,which are breaking into big waves, so that he doesn't have to Handel them

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Post by mysticcrystal » Fri May 25, 2007 5:11 am

I agree. They do look all watery and dreamy. Also a lot of peaceful blues in these cards, and yellow, which to me stands for confidence and good self esteem.
page of cups: looks like he's contemplating life, or meditating about something.
knight of cups: White horse for purity and protection. He makes me feel safe.
queen of cups: emotional, moody woman. Wears her heart on her sleeve.
king of cups: He balances his emotions (the cup in his hand) with his sense of fairness and rationality (the staff in his other hand)

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 3

Post by George » Sun May 27, 2007 1:12 pm

Gem wrote:Image Image  Image Image

Can you see the common theme with this family of court cards?
Water is the theme.  The page, knight and queen are all looking at their cups where as the king isn't.  the only difference between the king and his court is that he sits on the water and they have water by them.  may mean that he has all that he wants and doesn't worry about it because all he needs is to dip his cup anytime and fill it.  
His page looks at a fish in a cup.  the fish is new and filled with wonder of all the things he may learn and know it his life.  a fish a symbol of spiritualism along with the water as life.  
the knight rides out with his spiritual armor and his cup as his causes or guide into a new world.  
The queen studies more and then some more of her charges: the page, the knight, and her own cup.  a spiritual women with a lot of studying behind and before.

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Post by Chooky » Thu May 31, 2007 5:55 am

Yes, most definately water based, and perserving what is in their cups.

The Page - He looks a bit awkward holding his cup, so to me suggest someone who has still got a lot to learn, but also knows that it is imprtant to keep his cup in balance while he grows  (A bit stuck on this one)

The Knight - Proud, focused, willing and able to help.  Looks like he would be open to others.  Looks like he is ready to take on new things

The Queen - looks a little distracted, preoccupied with her cup, perhaps doesn't notice too much around her, other than her own interests.  A quiet type, who would keep to herself

The king - Looks like he has everything he needs, he looks confident, and understanding to others, a good listener and wise in his counsel

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Re: Part Three - The Court Cards - 3

Post by weezerwall » Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:11 am

Gem wrote:Image Image  Image Image

Can you see the common theme with this family of court cards?
The water in all 4 cards is lovely to look at!  So peaceful - almost hypnotic!  :) I think the water symbolizes emotions and the family's cups remind me how we give and receive - accept and reject our feelings and those of others.  Each family member has a "dreamy" quality which reminds me of the main emotion (or FORCE) they are concerned with - LOVE.  

The Page - the seed of love.  A sensitive young person who cries easily. He has great empathy for animals;. Has his highs and lows - a genetic disposition in this family.  They can be blissfully happy or bitterly sad.  His brother

The Knight is a true "Romeo" - a dreamer, a lover of love.  He is passionate and can be obsessed with the object of his affection.  Flowers, love poems - Ah - how lovely.  Could symbolize the beginning of a new and passionate romance.   His mother

The Queen of Cups is the "ultimate mom" - affectionate, warm and lenient.     She spreads love and beauty wherever she goes.  Because she's highly sensitive, she may be easily distracted or become discouraged/broken hearted when the love she has to offer is not accepted. Her husband,

The King provides a strong shoulder to cry on.  He has the visions of the ideal love/unconditional embodied in his wife.  He heralds emotional stability and a long, lasting relationship.

Wishing us all many chances to bathe in the flow of love and let it stream outward wherever and whenever...


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Post by cedars » Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:18 pm

The Page of  Cups, in his true nature of the tarot meaing, is offering some news in a cup. In middle eastern cultures the offer of a fish is supposed to be very positive: good news, good fortune, kismet. He could be a love still in its early stages being offered to one.

The Knight of Cups: Knight on a white horse in shining armour, expressing his emotions and perhaps even offering his love. He is not reckless like the Knight of Swords, not hesitant like the Pentacles; he knows what he wants and is a gentleman enough to offer it with a gift - the chalice.

Queen of Cups: hmmmmm..... a mother, intuitive, psychic, in touch with her feelings and yet she could over indulge in drinks and possibly drugs that she may lose the plot sometimes. Let's not hold it against her (although it would be better without those over indulgent traits) but there is no shortage of love in her heart as a mother. You can go to her with your worries and pains, and she will comfort you with her wisdom, with her intuitive and psychic abilities.

King of Cups: Oh, stylish father figure who does not show his true age. Young in spirit and he likes to wear good clothes. He is firm with his beliefs and holds on to his throne and yet is very generous with his feelings towards his family and the world at large. You can get good emotional support from him and good advice on matters of life. He will calm you down when you feel emotionally distrubed, like his wife, the queen, except the King is always alert and does not give in to certain addictions.

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Post by Gem » Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:52 pm

Thanks Cedars and Weezer,

And yes Weezer the water is lovely to at :)

well done both of you :)

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Post by pamDemonium » Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:28 am

The cups (hearts in my pack)family are all emotive responses to others.

Princess:She's a tender sensitive person. I think it is important that you express your love to 'that' person. Let them know how you feel.

Prince: A charmer who can sell icecream to the eskimos. He is charming and attractive. Make sure he is sincere

Queen. She has learned the lessons of pain in life and is now in a position to be empathatic  and advise you

King A considerate and wise person. He will advise you when  you are surprised by your strong feelings.

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Post by arianna » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:29 pm

The Cups

The Page is pictured looking thoughfully down at his cup that has a fish in it and I never knew why until I read Cedars view on the fish (very interesting) I think this young person is full of emotion but brings with them good news something uplifting is about to happen -

The Knight - I get that he is charming and very charasmatic he is pictured upright but no horse he is overlooking mountains and water the colours are very romantic - soft purples mauves and pinks it tells me of first love the beginning of a romance

The Queen - pictured with her head down and eyes closed holding her cup close to her - This woman thinks with her heart not her head and has a tendancy to be over protective and possibly overbearing but means well - I believe that she is very intuitive and sticks with what her gut tells her a very nurturing mother

The King is pictured on the water with a fish and a boat in the background and although he is holding his cup he does not focus on it - His other hand holds a staff so he is very much in control and I think a very balanced individual - This person is at a good place in his life - a good father advisor  provider but is able to show compassion to

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My RW Cups family say...

Post by pirbid » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:39 pm

- Page: "Wow, look at this! Would you like to stay with me and keep me company? Or would I do better to throw you back into your watery home? So much fun we could have together...".

- Knight: "I am in love. Even if she is unaware of my feelings, I must go to her and offer her my life. It has no meaning without her":

- Queen: "Mmm... wonder if I could maybe give this a little more flair... Is it original enough to show others or should I work on it a bit more?".

- King: "Oh, it is a chore to have to pent up my emotions in order to be a good and fair ruler. But what would this all come to if I couldn't keep a tight grip on myself?".

Now, one thing I notice about this family, apart from the flowing water/emotions, is that both Page and Queen seem very self absorbed, while King and Knight are more socially oriented.

Another association is that Page and King are surrounded by more turbulent waters (though high and dry themselves), while knight and queen have more quiet flows to deal with. In fact, the Knight has hardly a meandering little stream to cross. The queen is the only one not afraid to get her toes wet, though she hardly notices.

One more: Page and Queen strike me as the most creative members of all families, pure imagination and dreaminess. I do not see the Queen as a mother at all (even though she might be): her whole creativity seems focused on her art. So I see both as extremely artsy people: the queen could in fact get her living out of it, while the page may point to budding or recently discovered talent in this field.

Knight and King seem to deal more with the emotional side of the suit. I see the Knight as the first, blinding, deep and entrancing kind of love, while the King deals more with the compassionate and understanding side of love.


A big difference with Robin Wood's is that his Cups seem to be all by the sea: the King on a rocky escarpment, watching the pounding waves at his feet and his tunic getting wet. The Queen is at the beach shore, so the waves lap gently at her feet. This Knight actually crosses the waves on a seahorse! It makes more sense to me that he should be surrounded by frothy waters, since he is the one dealing with passionate love. The Page is still some distance from the water, probably protected still from the stronger emotions she has yet to know. And she has a painter's implement hanging from her waist (I love the fact that pages are girls in this deck).

The skies are specially beautiful in these cards: rather than the blue or gray of RW, they all look like sunsets or dawns, and the Queen even enjoys the company of seagulls.

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:19 pm

The fact that the queen's cup in the robin wood deck is covered with a handkerchief, perphaps might say something about her psychic qualities, as in the Rider Waite deck where the cups are rather large and the Queen looks like she is in a trance i.e. in the Rider Waite deck.
To me the King looks like he is going to drink from that cup rather than offering love - dont know, the fact that it is a cup and not a chalice, gives me more of a drinking impression rather than an offer for love and understanding.

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Post by glenellen » Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:18 pm

Water is the theme here THE PAGE OF CUPS he hides nothing he cant because he is very emotional THE KNIGHT OF CUPS he is the only one that his feet are not near water he will hide his emotion at all costs THE QUEEN OF CUPS is daydreaming her hopes and desires are not being met THE KING OF CUPS is cold and uncaring when you put them side by side they are turned away from each other maybe his emotions and feelings lie elsewhere

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Post by George » Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:30 pm

glenellen wrote:Water is the theme here THE PAGE OF CUPS he hides nothing he cant because he is very emotional THE KNIGHT OF CUPS he is the only one that his feet are not near water he will hide his emotion at all costs THE QUEEN OF CUPS is daydreaming her hopes and desires are not being met THE KING OF CUPS is cold and uncaring when you put them side by side they are turned away from each other maybe his emotions and feelings lie elsewhere
i see your on top of your lessons, good for you!  yes, the cups are very emotional folk.  

commonly water represents life, spirit, spiritism etc so its no wonder this cups represent the human condition be it good for them or not.  


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Post by farafina » Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:05 pm

In the Tarot of Dreams, interestingly, this family are sea people. They live underwater so they are completely immersed in their feelings and emotions. The King has his head above water and basically is the one that takes the feelinsg and translates them into actions in the real world.

The others are completely immersed in water. The Queen lives deep in the sea world, like a mermaid. The Knight actually rides one of the sea animals that looks like a horse ( I dont know the name in English)... And the Page is under water as well and looks as if he or she is listening to some voices and is surprised at what she is hearing...

I wish I could post the 4 figures but I only found the Queen from the Tarot of Dreams.
tarot-of-dreams-03573.jpg (17.86 KiB) Viewed 7195 times

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