Part One - The Major Arcana - 20

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Part One - The Major Arcana - 20

Post by Gem » Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:29 pm


Judgement, Temperance, Justice? all similar or totally different?
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Judgement - The Mythic deck

Post by MissEm » Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:37 am

I tend to think Justice and Judgement go hand in hand.  Perhaps even the High Priestess is similar to these two.  All 3 cards have the pillars - HP and Judgement are exactly the same as well as the small window of greenery and prettiness  and the same stairway.

This is Hermes again (he was The Magician).

I get a sense of almost being rescued or at least being shown the way out of a desperate situation.  One must come to the conclusion themselves that they need to get out of a mess they're in and that there is a way out.  If you want to get out, there is a way and there is a guide to help you.  It's your choice.  Stay where you are and live a life of turmoil or confusion or come away to the clearer light of day.

This pic in my deck has the window in the top right of hte card and the 2 mummies are on the bottom right.  Hermes is also holding the cadaceus in his right hand in my card.
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Post by chrisdee » Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:09 pm

Justice is about been right before making a decision
Temperance is about talking things through
Judgment is more like stop hiding
All are about making decisions but all are different
The Angel calls for you to wake up from your illusions ,Its time to confront what you have buried with out facing . its time for you to face the truth ,take action and make those changes instead of just coping .Accept responsibility for what as occurred and forgive your self or another then move forward taking care not to get stung again on the way
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Post by starryskies » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:35 pm

Judgment can be about looking back at your life so far (perhaps after a big change) and evaluating and thinking about what you have learnt and what recent events have taught you. It can also refer to someone else "judging" you but the important thing is that you are happy, no matter if people judge you wrong.

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Post by lavirgo » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:58 pm

your true self calls you to now come out into the open,  everything that has been is now done,  rejoice in all that you have been through, this has made you who you are.  no more illusions, you see things as they really were and are.

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 20

Post by George » Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:33 pm

Gem wrote:Image

Judgement, Temperance, Justice? all similar or totally different?
Now our Fool must answer for his deeds on his journey.  Did i do wrong? Was that right?  Did i waste my life? What deity do i answer to?  Did i follow the right path?  Did i get too angry?  Did i forget to think about you?  Was i too happy? Was i too cheerful?  Was I kind to my fellow humans?  No matter the question, be it good or bad, today is the day of reckoning?  You will have to look at your own household and answer for it be it good or bad.  Of course, answering for the good is much easier for our Fool, isn't it?  :smt003

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Reap what you sow

Post by ellis » Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:06 pm

For me the Judgement Card has a distinct meaning, "You shall reap what you sow" good or bad. In other words Karma and a very clear warning of "Treat others how you would wish to be treated". I also think there is often the feeling that Judgement suggest that any court judgment, hearing, liability, etc, case is going in your favour. The horn represents something significant although this escapes me at the moments (fanfare). The angel depicted in the Gilded tarot (angel/messenger/whaever) obviously an heaven sent 'payback'
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Post by mysticcrystal » Sun May 06, 2007 7:15 pm

XX Judgement: I think Judgement is when you take stock of your life, check to see if your on the right path, and perhaps tweak your goals to fit the lifestyle you now want. You've gotten yourself to this point, and now it's time to do some soul-searching to see if you are happy there. If you are, great! If not, it's the perfect time to set out in a new direction. Karma, you receive what you give out to others.  Justice is moe about doing the right thing, fairness in your dealings. I suppose if you were fair in your decisions and lived a balanced lifestyle (Temperance), you are more apt to have a happier self-analysis.

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Post by Chooky » Tue May 29, 2007 2:00 am

Awakenings,  the horn is tooting, , are those people coming out of coffins??
Seeing things in a new way.  I think both decks suggest that we need to shed the old way and take and embrace the new way, if we want to be be awakened.  Maybe we have done wrongs in the past, we have righted them and seen things in a different way, and now we can move on.
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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 20

Post by dreamfairy » Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:52 pm

Gem wrote:Image

Judgement, Temperance, Justice? all similar or totally different?
Judgement - Angel Gabrielle - Last Judgement. You have already moved into a new life. taking control. I always feel when the Judgement card comes into a reading that nothing can ever be the same again, when the call comes, it is the fulfillment of past karma, it can't be undone it must be lived through and can lead to a rebirth.
Temperance - think before you act, decisions, taking control of your life, moderation - taking responsibility for what happens to you.  
Justice - taking control, the bringing of two together, examining your life, to weigh things up, to consider what you have done with with your life up to this point. A review.  

I feel all three cards deal with taking control and responsibility of your life, with Judgement and Justice it is a review of what you have done so far.  With Justice and Temperance you can review and change things but, with Judgement you don't have to weigh things up because they have all ready happened (past actions) you reach a stage in your life where you need to fulfil past karma and allow a rebirth.
Dreamfairy :smt017 hope that has made sense, I know what I want to say but it may not have come out that way!

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Post by Gem » Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:26 pm

Very good meanings, I understood, I think  lol.  Well done :)

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 20

Post by weezerwall » Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:50 am

Gem wrote:Image

Judgement, Temperance, Justice? all similar or totally different?
:) Could be I'm "stuck" in some childhood conditioning, but this card makes me think of resurrection.  The angel's trumpet is a call to "rise up" or raise ourselves higher.  

It's about accountability - taking responsibility for our own actions and growth - it's up to us to keep striving to live our highest self.  The Justice and Temperance card are two keys to accomplishing this.  Justice talks about balance and discernment - Temperance about balance and moderation.  

Both cards point to a kind of "detachment" from the more "worldly" level (again, taking complete responsibility for my life) and are a promise of the resurrection we can look forward to in Judgement.

This card evokes "serious" but positive feelings in me.  Serious because it calls for vigilance - I have to be willing to stand up when I hear the trumpet.


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the judgement

Post by SandiLJ » Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:16 am

They are similar because they do their best, to look at the situtation think about it, with their hearts & useing wisdom to. Judge fairly & do what is right, for the people as well as for their country, they also take a close look at, everything before passing judgement to make sure, that they had considered everything that was, presented before them so that they can give, a honest & fair judgement. SandiLJ

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Post by pamDemonium » Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:51 am

The card Judgement is beautifully coloured. It emits positive feelings. A hand raised in prayer and an angel responding with a trumpet to sound our success.  We have travelled far on our journey and now we reap the rewards. Success is ours.  We are applauded and future growth and opportunites are ours. The world is our oyster!
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Post by grmrsan » Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:11 am

Forest Folklore-
Ok, this card creeps me out a bit. The spirit rising from her grave, naked nothing to hide herself. And the gravestone looks moe like the reaper than the dude in the death card! This is where everything becomes clear. Nothing is hidden, and all deeds are good and bad are shown to you for exactly what they are. This isn't justice, where logic is the rule, but judgement where your intentions are laid bare. She's rising from the grave, so it's not the end, but it's darn scary anyways.

Celtic Dragon-
And here we have a dragon waking someone up. No more illusions or dreams, it's time to see wake up and take responsibility.
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