Part Two - The Minor Arcana - fours - 4

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4's Witches Tarot

Post by windspirits » Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:11 pm

4 of Pentacles- Protection for the things you cherish most in life.  You have worked hard and earned the right to have a big home.  You have a great family whom you wish to have a pleasant childhood and to grow up with wisdom and knowledge.  Therefore you will do whatever it takes to see their hopes and dreams fulfilled.

4 of Cups- The sharing in the joys of life, and showing that each one can have what they seek with hard work and dedication.  Bridging the gap between those who have succeeded and those who wish to succeed.

4 of Wands- Reflection on the past, all accomplishments, seeking further guidence as to the next step in life.  Drawing in the energies of the future.

4 of Swords- Comtemplating his next move.  Will it be justified to lay the sword on the table to complete a square, or should he rethink and change his direction, what more can be accomplished.
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Post by farafina » Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:04 am

Am I the only one who sees the 4 of sword as being a dead knight whose body is being displayed on his coffin in the church during a funeral? This is to me the idea of retirement. Someone who has fought well and hard with honor and success, but who is now done. I dont see the idea of taking a rest ebfore returning to his activities. No, I see it as an honorable end.

4 of coins to me looks like a man who is a little stingy: holding onto his money and to all he has accomplished. Might be somene who is well in control fo his properties and finances, and home and accomplishments. But that is not everything in life... :)

4 of wands: there are several buildings in the back and many people... it looks like a wedding celebration, or a celebration based on social or family acomplisments. there is the idea of balance with the four sticks and also of beauty and joy beause of all the flowers.

4 of cups: this is someone who is not looking for love or friendship yet who keeps receiving it. It is coming out of nowhere.  :smt002

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Post by appylover » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:51 pm

Four of Pentacles: He has enough money,all he needs to make him comfortable to live the kind of life he's always wanted. Greed,hording his money,a reluctance to let go.

Four of Cups: Withdrawl,pouting,refusing to accept offers of help. Dwelling on past experiences.

Four of Wands: Celebration,happiness,romance,marriage. Celebrating a completion of a project.

Four of Swords: Prayer,meditation,the need for rest and relaxation. A time to regroup,think things over.

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Four of ...

Post by deelitefullyme » Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:33 pm

wands - moment of celebration, signs of abundance
cups - self absorption, you don't like what's in front of you
swords - taking a peaceful state
pentacles - miser, she won't use what she has

In my daily reading (day 4) I pulled the four of swords and was taking a mental break even though things were going on around me.  I didn't really notice it until I until I pulled that card for the day and read it's meaning.

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Post by Mandimedea » Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:19 am

The fours-Stability, what I've done so far, routine
4 wands - enjoying what you created, reward for hard work, building foundation
4 cups - dissatisfaction, restless, looking to escape routine, bored
4 sword - recuperation, rest, meditation, re-evaluation, gathering thoughts isolation
4 pentacles - responsibilities, investments, possessive, greed/hoard

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