I need a hug....controlling husband

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I need a hug....controlling husband

Post by wiccan_goddess2002 » Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:12 am

I am so depressed.  I moved from WY to Texas to get away from a bad relationship.  Now i find myself married to the most controlling ,jealous man i have ever met.  He treats me like crap and I am beginning to hate him.  I have no car no money and he is always there.  I just want to get away from here but I dont know how.  He will be a major ass one minute and then the most sweet loving guy in the world.  I feel like I amon a constant roller coaster.  I am writing this while he is asleep because he watches me like a hawk...........help

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Post by Evie » Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:26 am

Hello Wiccan_goddess2002

Here's a big (((HUG))) for you.
I don't know how else to help you other than the hug.
So sorry about your situation...  :smt009 it sucks to walk around on
egg shells all the time!



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Post by LibB » Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:08 am

wiccan_goddess2002, Hi I know how you are feeling. Your angels asked me to choose some angel Oracle cards for you. I will post these in psychic reading forum.Here is the link for you http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=29865

Lots of really big Heavenly Light Hugs to you both. You don't have to give them to him, his angels will. Forgiveness and Love and Light is needed right now for your stability and wellbeing.


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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:24 am

A big bear hug to you....and maybe the advice to leave him as fast as possible.
It's much better to "suffer" alone, then to be braked down by those control types.
If you stay on...you have to give up your will or you will have fighting every day.
I have a sister who live with one of that kind, she has chosen to stay on and even if she has passed 60 she can't do anything for herself.
She have chosen to "please" him and in that way have a "normal" (far from that) marriage.
The control thing is an illness which are very hard to cure (the way I see it), so you have to evaluate your situation, if you find that "renounce your will completely" is worth the marriage...then stay on....if not...take action to  get out of it...you are still young....you might find much better companion then this.
And this is said from a man :)
Good luck to you and many Bear hugs!

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Re: I need a hug....controlling husband

Post by Nicole » Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:16 am

wiccan_goddess2002 wrote:I am so depressed.  I moved from WY to Texas to get away from a bad relationship.  Now i find myself married to the most controlling ,jealous man i have ever met.  He treats me like crap and I am beginning to hate him.  I have no car no money and he is always there.  I just want to get away from here but I dont know how.  He will be a major ass one minute and then the most sweet loving guy in the world.  I feel like I amon a constant roller coaster.  I am writing this while he is asleep because he watches me like a hawk...........help
This is me..
What I would do is have a plan, and when he falls asleep or goes into the shower or bathroom. Grab his money or your money and run and hid... Call someone you trust or get a rid out of town~!!
Cook turkey that makes ppl sleep it's got a chemical in it..LoL
Have some close put aside in a small bag and when you go just grab it or leave to~!!

I'm a great helper as to getting friends out of bad places...
And there b/f was Nuts-O~!!!!!!!!!!!
Now my friends turn on them when they see there Ex's... rofl

So anyone whose mean to who ever first watch out, they will turn on you back when there not scared anymore..LoL

Good luck let us know how you did~!  :smt006
Your strong you can get out..

Have faith in your self g/f, we do for you as-well~!!  :smt020

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Post by PurpleHaze » Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:21 pm


I am sorry to hear this.  I know this may sound judgmental, but trust me, as I have been there before.  If you stay, this negativity will eat you alive.  Make a plan to leave and do it.  Do not tell him where you are going, make sure he can not find you, and file all necessary paperwork to dissolve the marriage before you leave. After you have begun the legal process, advise your counsel you will provide a PO Box and cell phone number for him or her to contact you. In some states, last known contact information has to be provided to the other party's representation upon request.  This could lead to being found and has before.  Get a PO BOX that autoforwards if you can.  Find one in another state, or at least city.  With cell phones, get an international company, not a local and request a phone number with a different state's area code.  You can do the same for your home phone with VOIP.

I don't know why I wrote all that, but I just felt I should.

I do hope you are able to get away and find peace and happiness. It will be hard; I will not lie about that. The first several years will try your patience, but you will find later it was worth it.


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I Need A Hug .... Controlling Husband

Post by Dave K » Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:31 pm

I have a hug for You. That is a tough situation. Are there any counselling services
near where you live where you could get help? I know they have women's
shelters where I live. If you do decide it is better off without him they could give
you a chance at a clean break.


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Post by LibB » Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:54 pm

I've sent you a private message with links to another post and this one.
Please keep in touch with us and let us know how you are. We will help in any way we can.
Love and Light

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Post by Evie » Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:24 pm

Wiccan_goddess2002      :smt006

          Hun, I been thinking about you a lot today, my heart so goes out to you.
You moved to Texas ... to be with this man... he is controlling you and I suspect
you haven't made any friends...   :smt009  Gosh, are you feeling alone?

Family?  Is is hard for you admit you made (another) mistake and can you go back home...?
Is there anyone who will prepay a bus ticket so you can leave....? If you can't reach
out to  family or a friend from your past then please go to a woman's shelter.
Women's shelters are there for those who are emotionally and mentally abused as well.
There are lots of places that are just waiting....  for you ..... to ask for help.
There is not only a roof over your head and food, but counselling and guidance to help
you become independent again. I know it is scary, but you can walk away... with nothing
but the clothes on your back and zero money in your pocket (but your pride) and survive, hun.  

When one door closes,  another opens....


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Post by tengypsies » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:50 am

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, Wiccan Goddess.   Unfortunately, you are going to need to make a decision of whether you should stay or go.  You won't be able to change him.  The longer you're with him, will make you more depressed.  Do you have any family in other states that you could stay with?   I feel for you, believe me.   I have just the opposite for a husband.  Mine is hardly ever home and always hanging out in a bar.   It's very lonely.   Don't let him break your spirit!  Try to find your own happiness.   Get involved in some outside activities that are inexpensive.   Look on the net for any metaphysical groups in your area that meet for discussions.  You need to get out of the house more.  Possibly getting involved in activities that he wouldn't be interested in.   Love & Light to you.  I'm hoping for all the best.

Brightest Blessings,


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Controlling Husband

Post by Antiquis Animus » Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:30 am

I very sorry that you have meet one of the lesser male. A relationship is about sharing, good and bad together. When it becomes onesided it's time to bale. There are agencies out there that assist people in bad relationship with no way out. You will be looking for a safe house organization.

When you get free, you need to look inside yourself and see if there was a reason you got into this situation. this way you can avoid getting into it again.

You are scared and not thinking clear, control the fear and allow the positive energy that is coming your way to engulf you  and allow you to see the path that is right for you to follow.

Good luck, I know you will succeed  :smt006

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Big Hug

Post by lunarcraft » Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:11 pm

I am sending you one of my HUGE hugs - I cannot begin to imagine the situation you find yourself in as I enjoyed a truly blissful relationship with my husband for 25 years (until his death earlier this year).  I think that I would try to remove myself from the situation as quickly as possible but I do appreciate this is easier to say than to do.  However, I do know that you are a truly beautiful individual who is entitled to live your own life and to be happy & contented.  Do what you need to achieve this ... so long as it is legal!!!

I will be thinking of you and praying the the Goddess on your behalf - she will give you strength and protection ... have faith.

Blessed Be


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Post by iamme » Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:45 pm

im sorry youre in that situation... been there b4 myself.  and i know its a terrible hard thing to move on from.  never think it will get better, cuz i wont.  more than likely it will get worse.  So, that being said, you may not have your exit plan yet, but get one as soon as you can.  hugs to you & i hope you get out of this sometime soon.  

its better to be alone and miserable, than with someone and miserable.

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To live in a hell

Post by kalimullah_3 » Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:14 am

Dear wiccan_goddess2002
I am very unhappy to know how you are living.
There is a limit of every thing. No sane person will advise you to live in a hell. If the sitiation not change you shoul seprate from him.

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Post by zastrox » Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:52 am

I cherish my relationship everyday. My wife and I walk this life as equals. I could not bear to subjugate someone,. I certainly could not be subjugated by anyone ever again. Even though I am male and built like an ox I have experienced emotional control from a previous girlfriend whom I dated about 5 years ago. It doesn't matter how big and strong you are or think you are people like this know which buttons to press. She nearly destroyed me before I built up the courage to leave. I had nowhere to live and a suitcase full of stuff when I left but luckily managed to find a flat quickly through a friend. I know that somewhere within you there is the courage to leave and start a new and better life. Break the cycle, you are worth a lot more than you think. I send you a big hug and feelings of courage to help you face the emptiness and despair in your life at the moment.


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