Please help a worried mother

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Please help a worried mother

Post by Azhar » Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:10 pm

I saw this appeal onsome of the sites,let us help the poor mother and child in our prayers and by sending our support through any of the system in which we are working.

                               Please Help

Dear , Family of Light . Calling All Angels ; High Priests , High
Priestesses , Reiki Masters , Magicians , Witches , Christian Mystics , Wizards ,
Sufis , Shamans, Magickians , Ecstatic Buddhists , Gnostics , Naljorpas, &
Nyingmas , Elementals , Lightworkers all......
I have a 26 yr old daughter , Heather , that I haven't seen in 10 yrs .
She has a five yr old daughter , Angell Rose ( my grand daughter ), who has
been repeatedly sexually molested for several yrs now by her father , David
Medina ( of Las Vegas , Nev - USA ) . My daughter has reported these atrocities
to the police , the Dept Of Human Services , Child Protection Agency
,appealed to the court system , took her to hospitals , but found no relief from
any of these agencies as they all said there wasn't enough physical evidence
to arrest or bring an indictment against this man . Heather and this David
have been separated since the baby was about 15 months old when the molestation
stated and she realized what was going on , then she desperately sought help
to keep this person away from her child , but to no avail. In fact the courts
ordered that she has to give Angell to this monster once a wekk or bi-weekly
. Angell almost always comes back saying how daddy spread her legs until it
hurt or she gets sick with urinary tract infections and exhibits strange
behaviors and demonstrates to her mother some of the games Daddy plays with her .
This man lavishes the child with toys and the like keeping her confused
about what's going on . Besides the damage this is doing to Angell Rose , it is
slowly killing my daughter Heather because she feels helpless in the situation
. Heather and Angell are here with me in Mississippi right now ,and have
been the last two weeks , but will be leaving this coming Monday to go back to
Las Vegas , and the following weekend she will have to give the child up to
this horribly sick and twisted individual ....I thought of many ways of
handling this . But in the end , or at this point anyway , I decided that The
Divine and those that wield the power , Light and influence of The Divine
energies of The Universe have always come thru for me in every way for my Highest
Good and those close to me as long as my Intentions and motivations were and
are of a high Order and Altruistic in nature .
So on behalf of my grand daughter Angell Rose Medina and my daughter ,
Heather Hoffman , I implore , beseech , and plead with all of you to use whatever
Spiritual , energetic , Magickal , Divine tools at your disposal to please
send protection to five yr old Angell Rose Medina & my daughter , Heather
Hoffman , and to bind this man , David Medina from causing any more harm
.......Please , Please , Please , help my innocent grand daughter and daughter to be
free of this sick and evil presence in their lives . I will do all I can on
my end , but our collective attention , Intention , and Focus , can and Will
, I know , cause miracles to happen . We can cause change to occur in
conformity with will . So ; Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law / Love
is the law , Love under Will ...... We must protect the children
..........From the deepest core of my being I thank all of you who take up this sacred
cause and take action. But the efforts of All of us
Lightworkers concentrated on this terrible situation can and will do wonders where
other 3-D actions have failed . I am convinced of this to the core of my
being without any shadow of turning . So Please keep sending energy of the
Highest Frequency possible to intervene in this for Angell Rose and Heather .
Also I ask that , if you all would , individually copy and paste my request and
send it out to other groups of The Family of Light that I may not know about
or be a member of or have run across yet . We all are a powerful force to be
reckoned with when we work together for a common cause . And what higher
cause is there than to protect the children ? I thank All of you for your love ,
Light and the action you have taken ........Many Blessings ....Love and
Light .....Blane
...Thank you , Thank you , Thank you .....Love and Light
to you All ...Love , Honor and Respect .......Blane Hoffman

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:19 pm

here is a huge hug to u angell rose and heather and blane and my prayers go out to u all, and im sending u healing energy your way stay strong, god bless all of u.
Last edited by taraprincess on Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by chrisdee » Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:04 pm

could it be suggested to the mother to give the child a teddy with a small camera in its nose ( i have seen such things where baby sisters are spied upon)telling the child to place the teddy over looking where the abuse takes place saying to the the little girl the teddy would help bring an end to it all.(not telling her of the camera) then sit out side in a van recording and put an end to this atrocity  my heart goes out to the mother daughter and grandmother i pray you find a speedy solution to prevent this monster from seeing your child

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Post by lunarcraft » Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:04 pm

I am willingly sending HUGE hugs to all three - Angell Rose, Heather and Blane, along with lots of healing energy, in the hope that the abuse will end sooner rather than later.

Brightest Blessings


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Post by memmons1959 » Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:11 pm

Hugs Hugs Hugs and more Hugs!My prayers are with you god bless

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Dear worried mother...

Post by Global_Breeze » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:49 am

It is so sad to hear that this beautiful "Angell" child is being abused. I am a child advocate in the court and I sit on boards to fight for children's rights and best interests. I am surprised that the court is not giving this child a supervised visit with the father.  Usually courts take these matters very seriously and they do not let father's have easy access to their child if any allegations of improper behavior have been reported.  Something is wrong somewhere in this case scenario.  Right now Heather's only recourse would be to continue to ask the court for intervention. She should demand that the court do more thorough investigations into the father's background and psychological testing. Which should have already been done by the court. Usually both parents are looked at with equal consideration. Bonding hearing should have been done. Custody hearings should be done. And more importantly, the child should be listened to by a CASA worker from the courts. Heather does have hope. She must present to the court her findings in an unemotional and stable manner and press the court nonstop with her concerns and before she turns this child over to this father, she should ask for a hearing to set full custody proceedings in motion. I pray that this father is not doing this to this child. You are right. Love will prevail. Heather needs to pray and ask God to bring the right people and circumstances into her life right now to resolve this awful situation. Prayer works and it will work if she focuses on God's promise of never forsaking those who believe in him. I will put you all in my prayers and I will ask the Lord to intervene in this situation and to bring about a peaceful resolution for all parties concerned...a win win is what is needed. Healing must take place in these parents hearts. Love conquers all...just remember that........................God's Got It!!!!!

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Post by symulhaque » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:14 am

I feel so pity for you my friend. May god bless us all.

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