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Post by peaches » Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:44 pm

hey everyone when i last came on my grandad had just died and i didnt imagine life could get worse for me but it has much much worse im just curious if anyone can see where my rainbow is? i guess im just askin for some reasurance that things are goin to get better... and im sorry if ive posted in the wrong place xxx   :smt010

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:22 pm


 I am very sorry to hear about the passing of your grandfather. It is always tough to lose a person you love very much. It DOES get better.  Yesterday was 9 years since my grandfather passed away and not a day goes by that I don't miss him.  It's gotten easier because of my memories of him. I know that sounds odd, but its true.  Let the memories of your grandfather flood you and eventually you will be smiling through your tears.
Your emotions over his death could be affecting other aspects of your life which is why things have become more difficult for you. Allow yourself the time to grieve for him. You will never forget who he was to you and what he left behind IN you.  Just remember him and he'll always be with you. Change the energy from grief to happiness. He's in a better place and he's happy. Be blessed that you had him in your life as long as you did and rejoice in the love you felt for him. He'll always feel that love.

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Post by Reverend Dr » Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:44 pm

I too am sorry you have lost your grandfather. It has been many years since mine passed and I miss him a lot. The good thing is he is on the other side, so I know he is always close.

Yes things will get better. Your grandpa is with the other family members that have passed. He is happy. If you ever get a chance to watch Lisa Williams on Lifetime you should. She has a lot of interaction with spirits. It is comforting to know that our families are always around us in the after life.

Here is a big hug for you. (--------------------------------------------------------------)

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Big Hug

Post by Phoenixx Charmed » Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:15 am

My heart goes out to you! When things that are bad happen to us, our world clouds over. I know things seem really grim, but the sun does shine again. Things are negative in my world right now too. To help get through this time, I look for the small seemingly insignificant moments and hold on to them. It helps me. The small joys can add up and hold you through to brighter days. I send you love, light and happiness dear!

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:59 am

A big Grandad hug to's always hard when someone you love pass away....but remember it is as natural as it is only we ourself that allow us to suffer.

Your Rainbow are present and will always be there for you......but in order for you to see it you must be filled with positive thoughts.
Sorrow and "negativity" clouds our mind and we are not able to see the little joy that can change a "bad" day to something better.

Another big Grandpa Hug to you and the hope for a speedy Rainbow over your head!

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Big Hugs

Post by lunarcraft » Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:55 am

I am sending you one of my HUGE hugs to help you through this difficult time.  Everything that has been said is very true and the more positive your thoughts and the happier the memories that you recall, the easier the path through grief is to travel.

I lost my husband in February this year and, yes, I miss him dreadfully and I do shed tears from time to time but, thanks to people here and those close to me in my life, large parts of my days are filled with laughter and it helps.

Here's another HUG for you ... keep smiling and the sun and rainbows WILL return to your life, I promise

Brightest Blessings


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Your Rainbow

Post by Alasandro » Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:07 am

I believe that your rainbow will arrive when you decide it is time to accept it.  Acceptance being the key word here.

Thank you for allowing me to share with you my humble opinion.


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Post by taraprincess » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:54 pm

a big hug to u  sweetie sweetie its always difficult to lose loved ones, im sure he is looking down on u smiling huggies

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Post by peaches » Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:42 pm

i really want to thank you all for your sweet replys and sarah im so sorry for your loss, im glad you have family and friends who love and support you...

a week after my grandad died i had to move out of my home as my landlord had gone bankrupt and his mortgage company repossesed his house on the same day my ex husband kidnapped my 3 young children and said some really wicked hurtfull things about me, i love my children with every fibre of my being and it broke my heart into millions of pieces every day when i called his phone to talk to my children, my youngest daughter is a tiny little thing very dainty for her 5 years as she is the baby of them all she has been treated as such and to hear her sob on the other end of a phone asking her mummy to take her home couldnt have hurt me more, i feel like someone has reached into my chest and pulled my heart out....

i do welcome a change in the way my life is going and i desperately try to be positive even if it is for them i knw i have to be strong and fight to get my children back i just hope that that things will turn out for the best and i can live my life out with my children happy and safe with me well away from my violent, abusive ex husband it has been 7 weeks on friday and counting ipray i get my babies back before they forget me


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Post by Reverend Dr » Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:39 am

Can't you find him? Why haven't the police picked up the kids and returned them? If he has a past history with abuse and not a fit parent, you should have no problem in getting them back.

Our prayers are with you.

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Post by peaches » Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:06 am

Reverend Dr wrote:Can't you find him? Why haven't the police picked up the kids and returned them? If he has a past history with abuse and not a fit parent, you should have no problem in getting them back.

Our prayers are with you.
i know where he is now but i didnt when he first took them, the police wont touch it as it was just a verbal agreement that they stay with me and also i never went to anyone about the violence or abuse, i didnt want anymore trouble i only told my family after i left him and to begin with they didnt believe me...

it is now going through the courts but they have to stay with him until the matter is resolved

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Post by Katie07 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:00 am

My heart goes out to you peaches, as does the biggest hug I can manage. Grandpas are so special to little girls, which I believe we always remain when we think of them. I am so sorry to hear that things are going so poorly for you.  Just remember hon, tomorrow can always be a new beginning and bring grand things. I wish nothing but the best for you and well keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there girl. Even though I can't reassure you that the worst is over I can certainly be with you in spirit hoping and praying that it is. Try to keep your chin up and as I have been reminded, remember that you are never really alone. You have more people than you could ever realize who care for you and are with you, whether physically accessible or in thought and spirit. And we all need that. I'm coming to believe...finally...that is the only way we make it through this life.  Much love to you peaches.  KD

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Post by Reverend Dr » Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:19 am

Tell your attorney to file an Ex Parte' motion based on him taking them and not bringing them back. That will speed up the process. The longer it takes the more leverage he will have against you.

Good luck.

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Post by Katie07 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:40 am

awww sweetie...i am so sorry. You must be going mad. My son moved to my ex husband's in january and my heart broke every day that he was gone. The Reverend Dr. is correct. The longer he has your children the better it is for him as he can show that he has been able to provide a stable home for them. I hate that you are going through this because as a mother I understand the pain you feel. All I wanted to say really is that you have someone in your corner and I am praying for you and your children. For your ex husband also. I wish you the very best and hope that this situation is resolved as quickly and painlessly as possible for all involved, especially the children.

Hugs and love to you

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Post by Suzanne888 » Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:04 pm

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( HUG )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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