Maybe a hug or two would help

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Maybe a hug or two would help

Post by FlutterbyFotos » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:45 pm

Hi..I am a newly divorced mother of 2...eli-6 and olivia-4. Its hard being a single parent! I have a wonderful boyfriend that helps out a LOT. My ex up and moved across the country as soon as we finalized our divorce and sold our house....he took his stripper girlfriend and her kid. He hardly EVER calls his own kids and I have to call him EVERY month and BEG for the child support hes supposed to pay. I hate having to do that! It just adds stress and he always has an excuse why he cant send all of it at once. Hes living rent free with his cousin and I am sure the rest of his money goes to his dead beat girlfriend that doesnt have a job..shes making him support her and her kid. Ughhhh! I wonder how hard it is to go back to court and see about getting it taken straight out of his paycheck?!

Thanks for letting me vent...I needed it....  :smt013

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Post by ResQDonna » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:15 am

Hi FlutterbyFotos...I understand your frustration..
Here is a BIG (((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))!

Please try to stay positive...I know it's difficult but positive attracts positive!
Good, happy thoughts tend to bring good, happy things!
I wish you the best! :)

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Post by FlutterbyFotos » Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:41 am

Thanks girlie! That was much needed!

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Post by swetha » Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:42 am

Hi there,
Lots of hugs and love to u.. things may seem bleak.. but I am sure u will find a way to fight it:D
be confident and brave and all will seem easy:)

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Post by MissBennet » Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:22 am

hi! I'm sending you a big hug  :smt006  I understand the difficulty of the situation and I totally feel for you. I hope everything will get better. By the way, you are lucky to have 2 wonderful children!  :smt002 You should be proud!

Many hugs and positive thoughts to you  :)

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Post by Aiyu » Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:54 am

Heyy there :)

I don't have kids, nor have I ever been married, so I'm not too sure of what would be the right thing to say regarding your predicament. I've learned that problems are often temporary in nature, and God would never give us something that's more than we can handle. So in other words, you're strong enough to pull through this! Believe! :smt003

Megatons of HUGS for you! xXx

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Re: Maybe a hug or two would help

Post by rozrokz » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:13 am

FlutterbyFotos wrote:Hi..I am a newly divorced mother of 2...eli-6 and olivia-4. Its hard being a single parent! I have a wonderful boyfriend that helps out a LOT. My ex up and moved across the country as soon as we finalized our divorce and sold our house....he took his stripper girlfriend and her kid. He hardly EVER calls his own kids and I have to call him EVERY month and BEG for the child support hes supposed to pay. I hate having to do that! It just adds stress and he always has an excuse why he cant send all of it at once. Hes living rent free with his cousin and I am sure the rest of his money goes to his dead beat girlfriend that doesnt have a job..shes making him support her and her kid. Ughhhh! I wonder how hard it is to go back to court and see about getting it taken straight out of his paycheck?!

Thanks for letting me vent...I needed it....  :smt013
Hi there. Sorry to hear about your predicament. You are young and having to look after 2 kids is expensive business. Did you not get a portion of the sale of the house or you could actually fight to get the house as part of the divorce settlement. Rather than depend on his child support money to get in, I would rather fight for a big chunk of his savings as that will guarantee your children's education etc. If the divorce had been adultery on his part it would have helped you to get a better deal. Try those free law adviser for the needy in your local community centres especially catering to women issues. Besides pointing a gun to his head :smt003  that is the best I can help you. BIG HUG and keep yourself strong.

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Big Hug

Post by lunarcraft » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:32 am

I am sending you some of my HUGE hugs - hope they help to give you a bit of support through this difficult time.  Do your best to remain positive and to visualise what you want to manifest ... it does work.

Brightest Blessings


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Post by taraprincess » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:19 pm

here is a huge hug for u sweetie hope everything turns out well for u gd luck huggies

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Post by FlutterbyFotos » Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:33 pm

Thanks guys! I really appreciate your support!!

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Post by Samson » Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:15 am

Here you go FlutterbyFotos, I'm giving you a {{{{BIG SAMSON HUG}}}}

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Here's a big huggie from me!

Post by Suzanne888 » Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:35 pm

Poor dear girl....I have been there too.  You have to work with your state child support agency.  Communicate with them regularly (and more importantly in writing) to do something about the non-support.  Write your state's governor as well as the state governor where your ex moved to if the child support agency seems to have put you on the back burner.  Your ex can first lose his driver's license for non-support...and, if he's six months behind without a single payment, can then be liable for a jail sentence.  Its a long tedious battle when a parent does not honor their obligation but if your diligent, he will be forced to pay (plus interest on the arrears).  I did not receive barely an iota of the child support due me until well after my two sons turned 18.  Child support obligations do not go away if you keep the need alive AND kept regularly and politely in the eyes of the authorities designated to assist in such matters.  My ex spent 6 months in jail for non-payment and when he refused to work while in jail...they sentenced him to another 6 months.  He got the message then....I now receive weekly payments ever since.  Altho, my assistance was not realized until my sons were grown, I was able to help them buy vehicles to drive, pay for schooling (my youngest is dyslexic and had to attend boarding school for three years to be remediated for his learning difference....the oldest went on to university), a trip to Disney World that we could never afford or dream of while growing up, etc., etc.  I hope this is helpful and hopeful for you.  I look back and wonder how I did it all....but I DID manage and even bought a house care of federal funding for low income families when my boys were young.  The help is out there.  I'm happy you have the support of a caring new partner too.  Good luck.  Stay strong.  Hugs.

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