Please hug me - Im losing hope....

Here is the place to share your life's problems and questions, and to offer you possible answers and real, practical solutions. The best place on the internet for all members to exchange general advice, healing and support, and to help each other to get through at least to the next day. No readings will be given on this board.

Moderators: eye_of_tiger, shalimar123

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Post by Happy_Cappy » Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:07 am

The way to handle bullies is to turn the argument back onto them.  Do NOT be defensive.  You have done nothing wrong and therefore do not need to defend your actions.  If they ask a civil question, then give them a courteous reply.  But, if you sense that it is a snotty comment or that the bullying is about to begin, drop your voice and then ask them why they are looking at your actions instead of doing their own work.  They have no defense because it IS true!  They will shut up and walk away.  If they persist, then become a broken record.  Keep your voice lowered and keep repeating your answer.  The key is to NEVER defend your actions;  to do this just adds fuel to the fire.  Instead, give them a reply that will stop them dead in their tracks which means that you put THEM into the position of having to defend THEIR words or actions.  They will soon stop.

Remember, your boss will rarely be the bully.  It is usually co-workers who have no authority over you anyway.

Hugs and keep the faith.

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Post by Elisechaina » Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:55 pm

Thank you Happy Cappy. I'll try and keep the faith. x

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Hugs to you

Post by sunspun » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:24 am

Remember you are strong. You are  amazing and can create more prosperity in your life. Shed your perception of  yourself as picked on or a martyr and  get down to what is the real most probably fear based problem. Really take a look. It will hurt. This is one good support group and you probably have some more with flesh adn blood hands close by. Do not let your pain overtake you. Keep gratitude in your heart for what you do have.We are all rich in many different ways. When we worry, we create negativity around us and attract the same... I hope this helps. You are strong. You are lovable. You are a good person. Try to find positives in people that bully you, it will stop. DO not see them as stronger as bullies. Most bullies are scared and lonely. If you can feel compassion for them instead of feelings  like the nice one that is picked on your life will change and your  stressful load will be lightened.Then those arms will have room for abundance to enter your life. Bless you!

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Awsome hug

Post by nmcaldas » Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:28 am

Never ever loose hope....

My thought is with you and ill send you Hugs whenever u need them....

Stay positive , things will get better....

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huge huuuuuuuugs

Post by lluvia » Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:57 am

:smt006 hi swetie sending you a great big hug n good vibs n energy chin up shoulders back n march you could do it,dont let anything or no one get in your way love sonia :smt006

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Hello everyone!

Post by blackswan352 » Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:06 pm

Hi, my name is Romea and I'm new to this site. I've had a browse around and was blown away by the sheer amount of love and support that is offered in times of need. You may agree that there is not enough of this around in these modern times. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to join and share with you all. I myself have been through some extremely troubling times over the last 4 years and continue to have internal and external battles daily but the answer my friends is to never lose hope of finding the rainbow after the storm. I am clairvoyant and have enjoyed helping so many of the troubled souls out there but don't let that put any non believers off as I don't live my life pushing my beliefs into other people. So hello to you all I hope that my contribution will add to the magical aura of this site.

Love, light and peace

Romea x

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Post by taraprincess » Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:17 pm

here is a huge hug for u sweetie huggies

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