why arent there any good truthful people?????

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why arent there any good truthful people?????

Post by munit33 » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:21 pm

i just caught a lie from my girlfriend and am suspecting that shes lied to me about other more serious things. i really have been looking for years for a girl who is 100 percent honest and truthful, caring and kind, loving and there for me. i dont know. it doesnt seem like there are any girls out there like that. i dont know if my standards are too high for society or if there are actually purely loving people out there that dont lie. especially when in a relationship. ahhh. i dont know what to do. i know it sounds lame, especially coming from a 17 year old guy, but i need a hug. i dont feel i can trust her anymore and i never really felt i could ever trust anybody.

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huuuuuge hug

Post by lluvia » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:23 pm

:smt006 hi sweetie big huugs n more huuuge hugs 4 you things do get better love lluvia :smt007

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Re: why arent there any good truthful people?????

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:20 am

[quote="munit33"]i just caught a lie from my girlfriend and am suspecting that shes lied to me about other more serious things. i really have been looking for years for a girl who is 100 percent honest and truthful, caring and kind, loving and there for me. i dont know. it doesnt seem like there are any girls out there like that. i dont know if my standards are too high for society or if there are actually purely loving people out there that dont lie. especially when in a relationship. ahhh. i dont know what to do. i know it sounds lame, especially coming from a 17 year old guy, but i need a hug. i dont feel i can trust her anymore and i never really felt i could ever trust anybody.[/quote]


While parts of us grow and we seem to become stronger and more resilient and tougher if some would call it that, over the years, the part of you that is hurting and is 17 year old will remain at the same age forever. And that is how it should be!

You say that you don't feel like trusting anyone in the world, and yet you are sharing this with a forum full of strangers and writing knowingly because you DO TRUST US and know that our collective hug and show of love will reach in and soothe your hurting emotions.

Don't let that 17 year old part of your 'heart' ever grow because that is what will give you your empathy, your ability to connect to another one, even a stranger, and feel their pain and you will be able to hug them back.

Why people behave or act in a certain manner that is hurtful to their own loved ones is not a black and white or simple chemistry. There are always many complex reasons and excuses for their reaction or behaviour and our perception of other people's behaviours etc.

Loss of trust and loss of control are moments that we are blessed by so that we may understand the Prayer to The Lord:

Lord, give me the courage to try and change that which I can
Lord, give me the wisdom to accept that which I cannot change
Lord, give me the gratitude to view the above two situations as equal


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Post by soul_flower » Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:07 am

Heres a *huggle* from me to you and my positive thoughts going your way.....I know it must suck and be hard for you,i have been lied to alot,by many,everyone has in life....Its just something we humans do at times,everyone makes mistakes etc.

That is one of the reasons i split with my long term partner,i could not trust him anymore,it hurts like hell and like you i feel as tho i will never trust another man again.....BUT that is not the case,you will again trust as I will,it just takes time to get over the hump.There are good honest trustworthy people out there but sometimes they are difficult to find and no one is perfect.Just remember you are still young and you will find someone whom you can trust and all that,plenty of fishys in the sea,plenty of girls who arent like that.Don't let one cookie ruin the pack for you ok?!

I hope you feel better soon....

Cheers Tamara :o)

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Post by lunarcraft » Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:07 am

I am sending you one of my HUGE hugs - hope it helps a little.  Please do not become so cynical - the right person is out there for you and you will find her ... when the time is right.  However, you need to go through this pain so that you are able to recognise the "real thing" when she enters your life.

Brightest Blessings


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Post by Gwenavr » Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:21 pm

hi munit ..  big Hugs for you .

You sound like a great young man .. It will be ok .. smile ok and people do care  .. Shes out there and I bet she will be worth the wait.
Remember Always demand to be loved as much and as full heartedly as you have loved.

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:35 pm

here is a huge hug for u sweetie....much love and huggies

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Post by Rejkija » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:11 pm


big hug and kiss

you WILL be fine, I promise  :smt002

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so much pain for young bloode

Post by hemantsurve » Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:06 pm

hai buddy,
a huge hug from me to you man dont worry man u will be fine in a few days u know we indians always says "TIME IS MEDICIN ITSELF"

And you are yet to get married so keep searching for the one u want till u find her.

best of luck


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Post by boldylocks » Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:30 pm

Believe it or not, but there are actually people with integrity out there.  One day you will find her, but you may have to go through a lot of relationships first before you guys find each other.
She will probably have a spiritual side to her when you do find her.

A Big hug warm hug from me to you!!  (((((Hugs)))))


Post by Tyrinaniel » Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:30 pm

Hun, you're not lame at all! Everyone needs hugs.  As someone who's been lied to by guys a lot... I KNOW how you feel!  (((Lots of hugs to you!!)))  After you take care of this situation, make sure you take some time to heal, and work on what you can do to help better yourself.  I've learned that after taking some time to learn some life lessons, you end up much more content and ready to find someone again.  I advise talking to more adults, like grandparents or older folks you feel would be great mentors.  They're so full of information; I just love talking to them.  I wish I would have done more of that when I was 17....

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lying is rong but it is right

Post by jojomojo » Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:34 am

you have to lie in a relationship trust me i know.
have you seen that film i think its with tom hanks wen all he can do is tell the truth,its funny but he is someone you wouldnt  want to know,
its not just the lie that is the problem it is the actions that are causing you to lie we tell the truth wen we feel safe and secure,if in a crowded room full of strangers and i was asked to shout out how much money i had on me i would lie just in case i was robbed but if i had 2p or a amount i dont mind looseing i would telll the truth, yes i know this is a bit/lot of a ramble but i just was worried why she feels the need to lie,especialy if she isnt actually doing anything wrong and by rong i mean wat someone other than herself deems rong.

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lying is rong but it is right

Post by jojomojo » Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:35 am

you have to lie in a relationship trust me i know.
have you seen that film i think its with tom hanks wen all he can do is tell the truth,its funny but he is someone you wouldnt  want to know,
its not just the lie that is the problem it is the actions that are causing you to lie we tell the truth wen we feel safe and secure,if in a crowded room full of strangers and i was asked to shout out how much money i had on me i would lie just in case i was robbed but if i had 2p or a amount i dont mind looseing i would telll the truth, yes i know this is a bit/lot of a ramble but i just was worried why she feels the need to lie,especialy if she isnt actually doing anything wrong and by rong i mean wat someone other than herself deems rong.

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Re: why arent there any good truthful people?????

Post by Pagancrafter » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:35 am

munit33 wrote:i just caught a lie from my girlfriend and am suspecting that shes lied to me about other more serious things. i really have been looking for years for a girl who is 100 percent honest and truthful, caring and kind, loving and there for me. i dont know. it doesnt seem like there are any girls out there like that. i dont know if my standards are too high for society or if there are actually purely loving people out there that dont lie. especially when in a relationship. ahhh. i dont know what to do. i know it sounds lame, especially coming from a 17 year old guy, but i need a hug. i dont feel i can trust her anymore and i never really felt i could ever trust anybody.
Trust is always a delicate issue; it's easy to break, and very difficult to repair.  I've been in your shoes... so....


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Here is a big hug

Post by TRACEY BOTHA » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:56 am

Hi. I feel your pain and can relate to you,There is someone out there who needs you and you will find her When the time is right for both of you, you must learn to believe and have faith we were not born to be alone.Remember the universe always gives us what we want.Trust your intuition always,if it doesn`t feel right it is`nt.

Keep your chin up and may your wait be short and sweet.

Lots and lots and lots of hugs


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