When it rains it pours!!

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When it rains it pours!!

Post by ravenrose » Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:32 am

This week has just sucked all the way around. First I was sick for over a week. Lost my voice and just felt like complete crap. Then we get a letter from the IRS saying we owe $4,000 in back taxes. (old employer didn't do the right paper work) Then I failed my astronomy class causing my GPA to drop just below what I needed to keep my finacial aid. I am so desperate. I busted my ass for that class. I thought that might count for something. I am so depressed right now. I can't see the light at the end anymore.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:48 am

*huggz* I am sorry that you are going through such a hard time right now ( I know like understatement of the year) But I am here if ya ever want someone to talk to about it... I have F/A too and am waiting to start back to classes so I get the stress and pressure that you are under there... Sorry to hear about all your woes... *HUGE HUGGZ* Just try to not lose hope hon'

                      Light, Love, and Blessings,

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Post by pirbid » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:48 am


So sorry to hear it. Have a big hug. I trust things will get better soon.

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Post by taraprincess » Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:01 pm

sweetie sorry u are going thru some difficult times... im sending u some positive energy... everything will get better... much love and huggies
Last edited by taraprincess on Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sophie03 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:54 pm

be optomistic here, first of all IRS will help you make a payment plan, trust me my father has back taxes from 96, so im trying to get his stuff straightened up because he is a small business owner and his old secretaries literally screwed everything up, hes delinquent on his quarterly taxes, i just filed some from 05, we are currently making payments on his personal taxes, and his business end of year taxes are delinquent from 96 and each of those range in about 1800-1900, so with that said if your old employer wont comply with you and adjust that 4000 tax error, you can always make payments, as far as being sick, i completly understand , i got strep throat about two weeks ago, took antibiotics, and finished them all, then 3 days later got it again, had to take those again, then the antibiotics, made me nauseated and i threw up everytime i took them, then after that i got a infection because all the "good" bacteria in my body was gone, so now everyday im taking vitamin c 1000mg and vitamin e 800mg im also taking a calcium chew, and this has been helping my immune system, if you dont like to take pills (like me) get chewable vitamin c, and viactiv calcium chews they come in caramel and chocolate, they taste like candy mmm. Also for your financial aid, what will it take to get it re- instated if you can?? or will they just cut you off completely? heres a (hug) for you, keep your head up!

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Post by Nicole » Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:02 pm

sophie03 wrote:(like me) get chewable vitamin c, and viactiv calcium chews they come in caramel and chocolate, they taste like candy mmm.
chocolate, Did you say chocolate~!! LoL
Pass them around... :smt003
That's like Prozac to woman..LoL

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Post by remusa » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:49 am

Here's a big hug for you. :smt041

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Post by tollyt » Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:23 am

sometimes we need bad things to happen to really appreciate the good things. big hugs..things seem to work themselves out for their own reason. Good Luck

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Post by peculiar08 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:57 am

yeah ravenrose things will get better soon...sometimes things happen because there are better things to come...just dont lose faith...there's a light at the end of the tunnel they say ...just hope that ...that light would shine on the IRS too haha and clear their minds of that 4000 dollars whew thats quite big...and by the way have you tried drinking honey and lemon?...it would ease your stress...sometimes you lose your voice because of too much stress too, try to relax and take deep breaths to release some tensions on the muscles...go watch a funny movie. sometimes in a time of depression all you need is a little time off for yourself...

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I feel your pain....

Post by Shortyfrm » Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:23 am

I am sorry that you are going thru so much right now.....I can totally relate to what you are going thru now and I feel compelled to share m story with you regarding what you are going thru due the fact that it is soooo similar (to a situation that I recently dealt with regarding my educational assistance.

As most of you who have read my recent posts (I am a newbie around here).....I am a military service member.  I served a total of 11 years in service and was recently medical evacuated from Korea during my tour there due to two strokes which resulted in me becoming blind in my left eye.

Since then, I developed bellspalsy type symptoms of the left side of my body and face and no doctors can figure out what is causing my body to act in the manner that it is.  Because of this I was recently awarded medical retirement for my conditions.  

I was enrolled in an astronomy class which I failed due to the fact that I have consistently hospitalized due to my medical conditions and it caused me to fail my astronomy class due to not being able to be in attendance for it.  I was worried to death and didn't know how I Was going to be able to come up with the money to pay my tutition assistance back because of the failed class.  Well, needless to say, it all worked itself out....I ended up getting a credit to my TA (tutition assistance) account and they chose to clear up the issue without even seeing medical documentation.

I share this with you because I know that you feel things are really bad right now and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but keep your faith.....as there is a solution to every problem, no matter how bad it may look.

Take a step back, take a deep breath and utilize meditation to get you thru this negativity cycle that you feel that you are going thru at the moment....burned candles and incense with intent while meditating and use your subconcious to see you thru to the solution to the problem....

This method of stress relief has seen me thru alot of hard times.....

November of 2006 doctors told me I had polycycstic kidney disease and that I would be on Kidney dialysis by November of 2007.  Not only has my condition improved but I am testing negative in all things that I tested positive for in November 2006......

the higher powers have a way to revealing themselves to you when you reach out to them...call it divine intervention, but whatever it is, I am grateful for it and I am sure that you could reap the same benefits as I have from meditational studies.  

Take care and stay blessed...I will keep you in my prayers.

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huuuuge hug

Post by lluvia » Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:07 pm

:smt007 big giant hug 4 u sweetie,things will get better,talk to teacher,tell him(her)to give u the test again because u where sick,doent hurt to try be blessed :smt007 lluvia

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