I'm leaving my home

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I'm leaving my home

Post by sderenzi » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:50 am

Last edited by sderenzi on Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by suzisco » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:55 am

Hello, I don't have any really constructive advice to give you.  I hope that telling your story has released the pressure somewhat.  I will send you some positive energy and tell you that things will work out in the end for you and you will find that place that you want to be.  Its just going to take a little time.  I feel your anger at the unjustness of your life, I hope you take time to enjoy the small things in life.  The beauty in a small fragile flower, the colours at sunset, the smell of fresh cut grass.  I think you need to look for small miracles to accomplish the bigger ones in your life.

Please take care and extrememly large hugs to you.


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Post by soul_flower » Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:28 am

That does sound like a pretty tough job,anything to do with sales or customer service is difficult.....If you really dont like that job and it is making you feel worse it is best to get out and find something else......I know this is totally different,but when i was 16/17 yrs old i worked in my aunts shop in the summer,by the beach.....At first it was cool,extra money and i grew alot from that....Then she started really getting into me and putting me down sort of, in front of other workers and customers sometimes.She said it was because i was a family member and she had to make it look like i wasnt getting it easy......I never did get it easy i did alot of work while they all took coffee breaks......Im scared of my aunt lol altho she is a lovely person,she was stressed,in the end i was also stressed and i had to get out.I was falling back into my shell and it wasnt good for my health.....It was awful......Work places can be hell.

I think getting away from the negative things in your life is a start....I dont really know what to say but just stay strong.....Sometimes things look like they have no light at the end but everything does,its just sometimes you may not know what path to take.....You have to think what makes you happy,what do you really want out of life and then take the small steps to get it.......You are strong,i can tell.....Try to keep the faith and the positive thoughts going.......I hope you feel better soon and things improve for you....I wish you all the best.

Here are some *huggles*, positive energy and my love going your way.

Tamara :o)

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Post by taraprincess » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:54 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by karlenespellman » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:05 pm

Your on the right track.  Getting out of the negative area, starting with a positive mood and location is the first best step.

Lots uf HUGE HHHUUUGGGSSS , Positive energy, and love.

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Post by Betrayed » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:50 pm

Asperger's Syndrome is a male thing right?... But I think I might have that too.

Because I have the same problems listed on this page except the fact that I am a she.(I'm a lil boyish though)

GOOD NEWS, You're not alone! *hugs*

Hey! You have the same sign as me! *hugs*

The suicidal thoughts were long gone though, so was the so-called home leaving. If you were here about two years ago, you would find really dangerous content on my blog, also caused by family changes. I would personally go mad all over again in your position.

Do you have something that you really like to do, that really interests you? That might help a little, having a goal in life or something that makes you happy. But you seem to have very little support from the ones around you, which I think are bringing you down.

If they don't give you support, WE WILL.

Wait.... I feel extremely awkward giving "advice" to someone older... o_O...

By the way, you'll probably feel a little awkward reading all our responses too. But since you've come here, we hug you :D.

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Post by _Patt_ » Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:52 am

First a very big hug to you ((())).

I had already a job where I had to follow all that things, besides I don't really agree with them in some situations. It just what we have to do in the store, but if it's not something you are comfortable with and also doesn't fullfill you, then I agree you should change =).

I also agree you should move to another place, somewhere where you can encounter yourself again. Head up and a smile in your face is all you need to succeed ;). Believe in yourself and move on! Better days are coming and don't worry, when less you are expecting, love will knock at your door =). Remember, the most precious, sacred and beautiful thing we have it's life! Living you can do whatever you want, be whatever you want, you just need to focus yourself on what you really want to you and your life and act according that. Start living, stop surviving. ;) You can do it, we all can, so come on! ;).

I hope I could help you =)

Lots of light and love to you, stay with angels. =)  


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I'm right in there with you

Post by ammo » Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:45 am

I know more or less how you are feeling. I've been chronically depressed since age 9 and have debilitating "social" issues, basically I protect myself by never letting anyone know me. For the last 3 years I have had a job that requires me to interact with people on a constant basis and it has had such a detrimental effect on me. It has made me feel so lost in life. People say to be strong and hang in there but after doing so for so long, the prospect of letting go of what you've built in your "job" seems liberating, despite the consequences. Ekk! Sorry, this is totally too chatty.

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Post by dhav » Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:50 am

I am sure you got a lot of potential in you sderenzi.recognize it and do what your heart tells you.This world is a beautiful place if you make such a place for yourself.

HUGGGsss to you ;-)

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