Squeeze me I am good under pressure

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Squeeze me I am good under pressure

Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:43 am

Well I have not  really actively participated in Mysticboard for quite some time as I have been busy with the stress of raising two beautiful little children.  My son 2 (Oh yes terrible 2's) and my daughter who is 9 months and is not really thriving how we would like her to.
The last couple of months have been an absolute nightmare with preparations for my partner to go to see for two months which he sailed on Wednesday but we dropped him at his ship on the Tuesday night as they were leaving early in the morning.
I have been toilet training my son which has been fun and games but is working really well now.  To start off with I had him sit on his tommy turtle potty but he would just stuff around and then scream his head off and run away and wee and poo on the floor.  Of course my partner come home from being at sea for the week and suggested he stand up.  Well he has not looked back since.  It was very messy as he would keep on moving forward and wouldn't get in in there.  I went out and bought a trough to stick on the side of the toilet which he wees in and tips it into the toilet and flushes it.  That took a week for wee but Poos have taken a lot longer.  He didn't want to sit on his potty as it was too small so we would try to get him to sit on the cushioned seat and he would scream and run away and do it on the floor.  There was a lot of fights with my partner which we have to sought out when he gets home on the 4th of May, so the little man was picking up on it.  Sure enough his daddy went to sea and the next day he told me he wanted to do poos on the toilet and walked with me there and waited for me to put him on the toilet and straight away no mucking around he did it.  We have the bribe sticker system going so every time he does a poo he gets a sticker from his favourite show the Wiggles.  Loves them and I am sure he tries to do more poos on the toilet just to get them...lol.
Aside from that he still has his temper tantrums on a regular basis even more at the shops which makes me look like the worst mother out and I can't do anything about it as I am normally holding my daughter.
My daughter should be 7 to 8 kilos by now but has only just hit the 6 kilo mark.  As well as this she has only started sitting by herself and rolling more then she was.  She does not cry when she is hungry so we have to go check on her.  We have had to introduce stuff that I would have not given to her until she was 12 months old, so now she is eating cheese full fat yogurt and we have had to give her formula.  Because of the formula she now messes around at the breast even though I have a good supply ending in me getting so frustrated especially when my son comes in and keeps on distracting her.  I have to take her to the Paeditrician because of all of what I have said but she also has a yellowish tinge to her skin.  So next week is her appointment on the Wednesday.
I have to admit though I am less stressed now my partner is at sea then I was leading up to him going....lol
Any way that is what has been going on with me and my little boy woke up at 5 this morning and refused to go back to bed so both of us are rancid and not thinking straight,  2 year olds are a nightmare normally but even more when they have not had enough sleep.  Thank the gods both of them are sleeping now.  Wow I got to finish my post without interuptions amazing the gods be praised.


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Post by soul_flower » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:54 am

Oh wow,you sound very busy hehe......I know what you're going thru with the terrible 2's....My little boy is nearly 2yrs and 4 months and he is full on....Every time i take him shopping its one drama after another,he is very hypo......He isnt even near potty training,all he does is try to carry the potty around and tries to stick his fruit and cookies in there lol......He sorta has the idea going.......They really change your life,but life would be so boring and not the same without my little munchkin.....

I hope your little girl is ok,im sure she will be....All the best to her and you,and also your little boy.

*huggles* to you.

Tamara :o)

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Post by dhav » Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:01 am

Huggs to you Moongoddess,


glad to hear about you and children.Children are always interesting and they got great imagination.Hope you sort out the potty thing very soon.

dhav  :smt003

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Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:30 am

soul_flower wrote:Oh wow,you sound very busy hehe......I know what you're going thru with the terrible 2's....My little boy is nearly 2yrs and 4 months and he is full on....Every time i take him shopping its one drama after another,he is very hypo......He isnt even near potty training,all he does is try to carry the potty around and tries to stick his fruit and cookies in there lol......He sorta has the idea going.......They really change your life,but life would be so boring and not the same without my little munchkin.....

I hope your little girl is ok,im sure she will be....All the best to her and you,and also your little boy.

*huggles* to you.

Tamara :o)
Your little boy sound almost ready to use it, my son use to try put all his toys in it.  I tell you thought that "Weeman" is the best invention for little boys, it straps onto the toilet and they stand an we into it it is fantastic.

Thanks Dhav I love Dragon Flies they are so facinating.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:03 pm

A big Hug to you MG and several big smile too......yea to have small children are more then full time job so I can understand tha lack of time.....but it is always nice to see you online :)

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:57 pm

Last edited by taraprincess on Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:41 pm

Oh i havent heard of the "weeman" thing.....I will look for it.Might go to a baby store,here in the country these shops lack alot of things....

Thanks for that.

Tamara :o)

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I enjoyed your blog

Post by amarykans » Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:47 am

When my son was potty training we used the trick of putting about 3 or 4 cheerios in the toilet and let him try to aim and hit them. It did the trick. Luckily for the poos he often went into the restroom with his dad and watched how 'big boys' go so he wanted to be just like him. I know not everyone has both parents available but if the young ones can see older kids or adults of the same sex doing what is natural as going to the bathroom they tend to pick up on it better. Thats just my observation.
Im glad youre having better results

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Post by taraprincess » Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:25 pm

welcome back sweetie how are your cute little ones...i understand how children could make u very busy...here is a huge hug to u and your little sweeties...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by MoonGoddess » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:27 am

My son is now fully toilet trained, and does not need to where nappies any more...Yey!  It took three weeks but it got done cross fingers it doesn't get undone.

My daughter on the other hand has a UTI so we have to go get other test done just in case she has renal reflux, girls are so much more complicated then boys.  I have to give her anti-biodics when I get the script filledwhich isn't that great on little bodies but clears away infections.  Never had any problems with BK except gastro leading to febrile siezures....mmm now I think of it that was scary but this is even scarier which could effect her later on in life.  Well this will be one of my last posts as I just don't have the time and energy to come on here any more and I am down sizing my internet time so if anyone wants to contact me please look on my profile for contact info while it is still there as I have asked for it to be deleted.  It has been great talking to you all and sharing experiences but it is now time to say good bye.

Blessed Be

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Post by tourbi » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:39 am

May the Lady hold you and your family in her tender embrace, bringing you all you need and more.

Blessed Be,


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Ask & It is Given

Post by Angel_TruthSeeker » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:31 pm

You are going through a lot right now.  I see that you are the same age as I was when my children were that age.  It can be hard to be there dealing with them by yourself  mostly(my childrens father was a long distance truck driver when they were small) but you soon they will be thriving and the terrible twos dont last forever!  People told me boys were easier to potty train, but my son proved them wrong as well!  

Sending you prayers and love, I do know what you are going through.  Just like you said in your post...you actually had time to post.  Ask spirit to give you a moment so that you can have some time 4 you.  It doesnt mean you are neglecting your children...just recharging your batteries!   :smt002 Never forget to nurture yourself, even if only for a few minutes a day.  

Blessings to you and your little ones.  May you always have what you need when you need it ((Mommy hugs))

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Post by karlenespellman » Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:17 pm

Good luck with all.
We'll be here if you need us.

Lots of love

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