Psychic Links? lil bitta office romance. ;)

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Psychic Links? lil bitta office romance. ;)

Post by AutumnRobyn » Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:51 pm

Hi! This is my first official post, I've been hunting for a board like this for a good long while.

Here's my long(-winded) story. ^__^ If anyone can pull things from this and give me their opinions I would REALLY appreciate it...I feel like I've looked at it from every avenue... and now I'm just confused.

I've always been a little spiritually gifted. I can usually 'catch thoughts' as I like to put it, and discern the emotional state of people I come into contact with relatively quickly. When I was little I could see shadows and figures right before I would go to sleep, and every once in a while I feel like my dreams are being invaded (or maybe I'm just astrally projecting elsewhere).

For those of you who are into the signs and use that as a part of your understanding of people (I personally use whatever I can get.) I was born on the Libra/Scorpio cusp of October 19th (according to most charts).

What draws me here right now is that I've recently begun working with a Scorpio man, born November 2nd.  

Most of the girls who work with him are completely smitten with him. Despite their constant flirting he has maintained that he's not interested and even gone off on a couple of them because of their overly flirtation manners. He's friendly, but also very guarded. He carries an ice-like exterior, and will only tolerate nudging or poking from a select few.

I've gotten lucky, being empathetic, I've only caught his attitude once, and it was sharp and scary.

From what I can discern from him, he's got a bottomless pit of emotional depth (lol, does that even make sense?) But he is all kinds of reserved about it.

In the last 6 months we've worked side by side. I've worked with good looking men before. I've worked with good looking men who hit on me before.  Most of it just rolls off my back. I take it as a compliment, feel good about myself, and move on.  

Not with this one. When either of us walk into the room it's like lightning strikes, two or three times a day.  I'm thinking that he's very powerful psychically, though he might not even realize it. Like I said, I can usually discern people's emotions, and I'm not even sure he realizes how much I pick up on.  It's starting to get exhausting.

It first started with a dream... about 2 or 3 weeks after I started working with him. My dreams are pretty chaotic. Like a masquerade ball with crazy, grotesque masks and about 10 different bands playing. I never know who I'm gonna meet, what they're gonna be doing, and rarely if ever, does it involve anyone in my life right now. (And if they do, the aren't acting like themselves.) You know, the meatball hoagie dreams.

I won't explain the actual dream (i might get banned, lol) but I'll use the masquerade analogy. Everyone's waltzing around chaotically, and he just walks up, in street clothes, says, "This is kinda nuts, wanna go hang out in a corner and watch?"  When I woke up I was pretty shocked. It was the first time something normal had happened in my dream, and on top of it all, it seemed completely natural. Which was totally unnatural to me. That's when I started researching astral projection. I was starting to wonder if he astrally projected onto me. I had about 3 or 4 more dreams like that since then, and it's been about 6 months.

This is the kind of man who doesn't reveal his feelings much, but it seems that the more we work together, the more I'm sensing that he is in fact, interested in me. But I do believe we're too perplexed with each other to actually figure out how to pursue it.

It's getting worse, however. When we go to company related functions and sit next to each other I can't even move. I feel so much intensity coming off of this person I can't even breathe.  Normally, to snag what I want I try to portray a powerful, charismatic character... but almost all of my nerve was lost sitting next to him. ^^()

And then the straw that broke the camel's back. Last night I was working by myself. I've noticed a trend... he does feel more secure when the 'girls' aren't in the building with us, so once the other co-workers go home he opens up more. Well after everyone had gone home and I was the only one scheduled to be there I had the thought, "I wonder if he's going to call and 'check his schedule' for tommorrow." Not even a minute later he was on the phone.

So my question is... is it just me, or is it getting hot in here? lol
No seriously, is he projecting a psychic aura onto me or something? I've never had anything like this happen...  I know that I'm in tune, but I feel like I'm standing next to someone who has about ten times the power that I do.

Does anyone out there feel me? Help! ^^ I gotta keep workin with this man. Any advice?

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:17 am

After reading true your request, we think it is more suiting in "I want a hug" then in psychic itself, because most of what you describe happen to a lot of people who have fallen in love.
Here you will also find many who can give you advices and have been in the same situation.

If you later will have a "love reading" or a general psychic Reading from our good Readers, then post a short request in psychic reading forum.

As for now I give you a big Grandpa hug and a hope that the man you have found is the man who will follow you true life.

When we fall in real love, the appearance of the person has little or no impact, everything goes on feelings and connections.
In fact can a very nice appearance can create a false "love", that might be destroyed fast  when you start to learn each other. :)

Our dreams reflects our thoughts, and when we are in love, our dreams creates lots of messages  that are roaming our brain, they can be both real and as fantasies.

When we are in love, we always expect that our lover shall contact us, we know about each other habits and so on.
This might lead to the feeling that they are psychic, but it might be other more sensible solutions to it :)

As for hot, I hope so, If you have good feelings for this man, then follow it up.
Be as natural as possible, let all have a natural development, and try to keep most of your common sense :), so you don't go around with blinders of love, and wake up very hurt if everything goes wrong. :)
Another BIG HUG and good luck to you both!

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Well, lets put out the fire

Post by Psychic Chef » Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:40 pm

Well thats a hoot.
Lets see whats going on. He is attracted to you and he does have trust issues with the women staff. He doesnt like his personal business aired around the block.He was burned numerous times by failed relationships and i bet they were inhouse. and tends to do the blame game.
Because of this he is slow to approach and even slower to act. Im feeling that he is not so much as powerful psychicaly, but you are being influenced by your attraction to him ie 'crush time". Just let the journey run its course and dont push or advance more than a few baby steps at a time or he will shut down instantly ..
Good luck
Cheers Pete

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Post by AutumnRobyn » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:07 pm

^^ lol well, yeah, there's definitely a crush factor involved, but there's also a really insane intensity with this person. I recognize some of it as his Scorpio side, because I have a scorpio cousin who's the same way. Really funny, likeable persons, but in love or hate, the intensity is pretty scary. ^^()

Anyway, I'm tryin my best to keep my socks on with this one.

lol, the more I think about it, yes, this post was best suited for "i need a hug." because the more I think about it, yeah, I need one. ^^

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Post by taraprincess » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:25 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug i think he really likes u and u like him... but scorpios are very intense and they are private and dont show there feelings to much on the outside they hold it luck...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by karlenespellman » Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:13 am

Here is A HUGE HHHUUUGGG, positive energy and love to you both.
Since i am not taking the time to go read up on Libra's meaning, I will just say, I follow the signs, but I DO NOT let them define life for me. They are there to help, but they can be wrong. Follow your heart and do what you know feels right.

You will be very surprised.

Disclaimer--feelings only---not a reading.
Lots of love to you.

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