Falling Apart

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Falling Apart

Post by ammo » Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:23 am

Please bear with me. This is a huge rant and I just need to let it out. I'm in a relationship where the guy is just there, kind of. No more love, no more compassion, no more feeling.  It's like having everything you wanted hanging in front of you, but you just can't get to it. We were supposed to get married 2 years ago and he just blatantly says to me "I changed my mind, get over it". Like I'm just some object that's supposed to not care and agree with him. It feels like someone took a knife to my heart. Through all of the crushing things that have happened to me during my short 20 years of life, this is going to be what kills me. I don't know what to do anymore. I am so in love with this person and wanted to legitimize our relationship and have it last. It torments me that now he seems to be having doubts about whether or not he really wants to be with me when I am so confident in my heart that I could love him till I die. Either that, or he has just met someone else. Why else would he be trying to look perfect all of a sudden? I gave up everything that I had to make this relationship work just to be betrayed without discretion. I can't take him distancing himself from me all the time. I feel lost in a daze and don't know what to do anymore. I feel like waiting to see what happens will just destroy me.

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Post by taraprincess » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:26 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug...i know its hard when u love someone so much...u need to talk to him and ask him does he really want to be with u... and if he doesnt i know its hard but u have to move on and u deserve better u are a great person and u could meet someone that really is meant to be with u...maybe this one wasnt your soulmate...your soulmate could be out there....so hang in there hope it works out but if it doesnt there is someone else out there for u that will care for u and be there for u and love u like u deserve wish u all the love and happiness....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by diamondell » Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:15 pm

Hug Hug Hug -  If he is emotionally unavailable get the heck away.  Your just tormenting yourself.  You are worth and deserve so much more.  Someone whose eyes light up when he sees you. Some one who is glad to be in the same league as you. Losers can't commit and this one won't. Take back your "power" and spend your energy on something or some one useful - not using.

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Post by kybunker » Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:53 pm

So young is the heart,
First off, I want you to vision a baby, some innocent little babe, that only has you to rely on, You want to show that girl so much love and protect it, dressing it up as cute as can be, only allowing it in the hands of others that you trust in love.
Now in your vision, make that baby your heart and mind,

There are so many different personalities out there, You don't have to accept just one type into your world,

So young and so beautiful.

Would you please go back over your letter you wrote, and pretend you need to write me a response as if I'm the one who wrote the letter,
What advice would you give me?
I could pull a spread for you,, but do you think a spread would help me in this situation if I was the one who wrote the letter?
hugs to u!

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BIG BIG HUGS and prayers

Post by mialane214 » Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:13 pm

You don't have to feel like this, you are worth more and it sounds like it is literately driving you crazy.  When you were little, what did you want to be or what did you want in life?  Think about it and think about some of the things you may have given up due to this man.  I know its hard to imagine getting past the pain, right now it seems unbearable and impossible, but trust and know that time heals all wounds.  And maybe there is something to hang on to.  What he is doing to you right now is horrible, but maybe try sitting down with him and having a heart to heart and clear communication.  You deserve to know, and if you guys can't work it out, at least you will gain a little bit of closure so you can stop the healing process.  Remember, you are never dealt anything you can't handle, learn from this and just know that throughout life, we will all bruise, but we can't let ourselves break.  I hope you find the answers you need and I hope that things work out and your pain will start to ease.  I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  Be strong and keep your head up, you'll get through this:)

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