Feeling Down

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Feeling Down

Post by PrettySiren » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:02 pm

So, where do I begin?

To get to the point, I have pancreatitis. And then yesterday, I found out that I might have Crohn's disease as well and, at the age of twenty, will have to get a colonoscopy to find out.

So, yeah, I need a hug.

Also, I have this thing where I don't like sitting at home while I'm sick. I can be deathly ill and long to be anywhere else, living. I suppose it stems back from my childhood.

At the age of twelve, I had appendicitis for six months and none of the doctors could figure out what was wrong was me. Finally, a doctor decided to do exploratory surgery and discovered my appendix in an awful state. He wasn't a very skilled surgeon (as we found out) and had only ever done one other appendectomy. He never sewed me up on the inside, and my insides began leaking. I got peritonitis, blood poisoning, and kidney failure; I nearly died.

Another thing that's bothering me is the state of my social life. I'm not the type of person who has to be constantly amused, but everyone needs friends. A couple of months ago, I had to cut off two long term "friends" (I used the term loosely, because they really treated me terrible near the end) and I'm not with my former boyfriend anymore.

And it's difficult for many reasons, one important one at the moment being, I don't have the support system I once had. My ex, who is one of the nicest, sweetest people I know, has his own problems, and I can't wave a flag in front of his face that says "hey, pay attention to ME!!". I don't blame him of looking after himself before others. After all, if we don't have ourselves, how can we ever help anyone else at all?

But it's still hard, not having anyone I can reach out to in person, that can be there for me and be my friend. It's never easy having serious sicknesses, but having support and just someone to help take your mind off things, always makes it so much better.

Just saying the problem out loud makes me feel a little better about it. lol I haven't been able to tell my family, because they always throw their own problems back in my face (worrying about me being one of them).

So, thank you all for your sympathetic ears (well, possibly technically eyes and hearts). :)

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Post by Mandimedea » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:29 pm

I don't know where to start except to first say hello, and then I am so sorry to hear about your medical issues.   I am also sorry that you don't have the support system you are use to having.  I am sure you will find a lot of support here, I certainly did.  You are so young to be going through so much, I wish nothing but the best for you and I send you lots of hugs.

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Post by PrettySiren » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:33 pm

Hello, Mandimedea. And thank you so much for your kindness! *hugs* You're right, this is a very supportive place. Everyone here makes you feel welcome and cared about. It's nice. :)

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Post by Mandimedea » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:40 pm

If they were truly you friends they would be there for you, don't give them any energy.  I want to ask why you can't go to your family for support and why you feel you are burdening them, but then again I know what that is like.  I feel that I can get more support from strangers than from family at times.  I haven't spoken to my father in almost 6 years, so much negative energy around him and could never count on him.  I am surrounding myself with people who care about me and give positive energy.  Good luck to you.

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Post by PrettySiren » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:55 pm

Well, I suppose the main reason I feel as though I can't turn to my family is: I've  spent my whole life taking care of them. My parents haven't been well (she has schizophrenia and he was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's). Aside of that, they are very immature people. They kind of look up to me. It's kinda like I'm their big sister instead of their daughter. I have two younger sisters (one is only 18 months old), and a nephew who's turning a year old this week. I can't very well turn to them, because they're all so young (two of them are VERY young). So, it wouldn't really be fair on them. My grandmothers are mature and they love me, but they don't exactly understand my feelings about wanting friends and feeling alone. They come from a generation where people just gritted their teeth and did their duty. No questions asked and you definitely don't complain.

Long story short, I have a good family that loves me. And their love is a great comfort, but I can't open up to them, because I'm the one they look up to and depend on.

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Post by Mandimedea » Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:17 pm

That is such a heavy burden to carry at such a young age.  I truly believe that struggles in life make you a stronger person, I wish you the best.

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Post by taraprincess » Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:39 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by PrettySiren » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:20 am

Mandimedea wrote:That is such a heavy burden to carry at such a young age.  I truly believe that struggles in life make you a stronger person, I wish you the best.
I've always believed that too. :) Everyone has their own struggles and overcoming them is what moves us forward to the next (and usually much brighter) day.
taraprincess wrote:sweetie here is a huge hug....much love and huggies
Awwws, thank you, dear. Love and hugs to you too!  :smt058

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Post by firetopaz » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:35 am

oh hon, I am so sorry you are suffering.  I will send you some healing energy and a warm momma hug....my children say they help them...hopefully it helps you too.

I will also send you an angel hug...it feels so good to be enfolded in them huge, warm, soft, feathery wings...if you close your eyes you will feel it... :smt059  


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Post by kellysa111 » Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:37 pm

Hi! Lots o' hugs for you!
Keep your chin up! and go find some friends, be they in the hospital too. ( they can become youre best friends sometimes) or online (like us).Most of the friends I have right now are online and they are better friends than most of the "friends" that i talk to and see almost ever.

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:26 pm

OMGosh!!!! This is some heavy news hun!
What are the next steps?

Like so now you know what you got, now what to do to start the process of healing?
Are there operations involved?
Change of eating?  Diet
Did the doctor give you some idea(s)?

My aunt has Crohn's disease, did some research on it real quick:
Treatment includes medications that are anti-inflammatories, immune suppressors, Infliximab (Remicade), Cortisone or Steroids. or antibiotics. Surgery can be necessary in severe cases.Surgery becomes necessary when medications can no longer control symptoms. Surgery is used either to relieve symptoms that do not respond to medical therapy or to correct complications such as blockage, perforation, abscess, or bleeding in the intestine.  
Because Crohn’s disease often recurs after surgery, people considering it should carefully weigh its benefits and risks compared with other treatments. Surgery may not be appropriate for everyone. People faced with this decision should get as much information as possible from doctors, nurses who work with colon surgery patients (enterostomal therapists), and other patients. Patient advocacy organizations can suggest support groups and other information resources.
For More Information

Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America
386 Park Avenue South, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10016–8804
Phone: 1–800–932–2423 or 212–685–3440
Email: info@ccfa.org
Internet: www.ccfa.org

Reach Out for Youth with Ileitis and Colitis, Inc.
84 Northgate Circle
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: Phone: 631–293–3102
Email: reachoutforyouth@reachoutforyouth.org
Internet: www.reachoutforyouth.org

United Ostomy Association, Inc.
19772 MacArthur Blvd #200
Irvine, CA 92612–2405
Phone: 1–800–826–0826 or 949–660–8624
Fax: 949–660–9262
Email: uoa@deltanet.com
Internet: www.uoa.org
Alternative medicine
Involvement of the large intestine (colon) only is called Crohn colitis or granulomatous colitis, while involvement of the small intestine alone is called Crohn enteritis. The most common part of the small intestine to be affected by Crohn disease is the last portion, called the ileum. Active disease in this area is termed Crohn ileitis. When both the small intestine and the large intestine are involved, the condition is called Crohn enterocolitis (or ileocolitis). Other descriptive terms may be used as well.
Which do you have???

And I asked her - she said that you really really need to see a dietician.

Okay enough medical stuff out of the way.

Support...yes I know that while we may be able to be there with you and supporting you its not quite the same as having a human hand holding yours or a smile.
Actually human company is a Godsend - but heehee :) you could bridge that gap by getting hold of skype/yahoo etc and a webcam! Then you can chat for hrs face to face with any of us. Woot!
And about that ex bf... it depends on how you feel about it, but not contacting him cause you don't want to be a burden is not in my opinion the best of choices.
If he needs to handle abit more responsibility in his life then thats just the way the cookie crumbles. :)
You guys were extremely close and so I feel you should tell him, unless he really is not apart of your life at all.
He can be a friend.

Tell your family!!!
You might be taking all the responsibility for them and serious kudos to you at that - but there is a chance that you have been taking too much responsibility and they might have become 'lazy' cause they know you'll take the reins.
You need them now.
And I really believe that even after the initial shock horror there will be acceptance and a love will be automatically generated as the family pulls together and starts pulling strength together.
There can be much said for groups esp family units. You guys all chose to be together and there are many many reasons for that - who knows what they are but your higher selves seemed to think it was a good idea! heehee :)
I have always been amazed at how much my family can handle, I never ever thought it would be possible - I always thought...why not tell them?
You need as much support as you can get at the moment.

Even ask the Universe for support - maybe start a mantra saying something like "The world is conspiring to get me healthy" you never know what might pop out of the woodworks!

And like Mandimedea mentioned. We are certainly here for you in a big way.
Just holla!

Will also send good vibes and healing thoughts and some reiki

edit to add more info as I found it

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Post by Jeanius » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:45 pm

Hi Mandimedea, I hope that your health has improved and that you feel more cheerful. Although your family may in many ways be dependent on you it is important to give them the opportunity to comfort and support you from time to time. When one is able to 'give' to some one else it adds dignity to one's life. Allow them to give to you in some way. Talk is cheap I know but I had my own struggles with health and dying and had to learn the humility that spoke to me being vulnerable and being able to accept help and support from those that I would normally consider weaker than myself and in need of my care. Once I understood this everything became a whole lot simpler.
It is also at these times when one is so ill and vulnerable that one is painfully aware of one's mortality. One must make peace with this. I struggled for a long time with the thought of leaving my children behind when I died and at some point it became clear to me that I had done the best I could for them including allowing them to care for me in my weaker moments and that I had to trust that what I taught them and shared with them would carry them through when I moved on. Funny how one's energy begin to be more available for healing when one stop trying to be Hercules and somehow it is often us women that believe that we must be Hercules.
Allow yourself...allow others...

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Post by Medical Astrology » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:41 am

At the age of twenty, you are surely burdened by seemingly overwhelming problems. Pancreatitis and Crohn's are never easy to deal with. Having them on a background of past appendicitis makes it worse.
Your family doesn't seem to be an answer to your problems, either.

But as the saying goes, "God helps those who help themselves" and I can see that you are a fighter! You are not just going to quietly fold up and sit awaiting your fate.
I think rather you will stand up and say, "Here I am, and I am going to look after myself, despite what you have done to me!"

And I wish you all the Luck, in this.
There are so many subtle Energies surrounding us all the time. Without our knowing, they sometimes become our 'family' or 'friend in our need' and step in, where we thought there is no one to help us!

Keep the Faith in yourself, and the bad tide will perhaps start flowing away.

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