Where may I post this? I need help: A Fairy Trying to Cope in a Very Harsh World!

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Where may I post this? I need help: A Fairy Trying to Cope in a Very Harsh World!

Post by earthwriter » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:53 pm

I don't know where to post this, but I am in urgent immediate need of help!  According to Doreen Virtue and her wonderful book, "Healing With The Fairies," and another wonderful book she wrote, "Realms of the Earth Angels," I'm not certain of the title, I have many characteristics of that of a Fairy and Pixie.  I'm also considered to be an Indigo Adult.  I'm highly sensitive and I'm having a very difficult time coping in this harsh violent world.  I really need a friend.  It's not so much that I'm trying to change myself and become something that I'm not in order to survive in this world, but my husband and I both agree that this world is only going to get tougher, more harsh, violent, and challenging to live in and my only option is to "toughen up", for lack of better words.  It's either that or wither away like a tattered leaf.  The challenge is that I don't know how to do this.  If I had the funds and could, I would go live in Findhorn, a Magickal intentional community in Ireland, and live among those who are as highly sensitive, gentle, loving, kind, compassionate, and caring as I am.  Sadly, I have not received the funds to do this and I haven't found an intentional community of this nature.  I feel very alone, sad, hurt, scared, and distressed.  I sometimes wish I was a little less sensitive, but I am what and who I am.  It would really help me and comfort and support me to know that there are others like me who understand and can appreciate me and who I am and where I come from and commiserate.  My husband reminded me that Tinkerbell from Peter Pan is a Fairy, but she can be real tough and strong when she wants and must and needs to be and she can "kick serious butt" with an attitude!  I need to learn EFT = Emotional Freedom Technique and I need to learn how to cope and manage better and heal.  Please help me.  Thank you.

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:44 pm

Hey there!
Well you def have a friend here :), I know what you mean by all you say. I came across that same feeling when I was a bit younger - I made a mistake with it though. There is a difference between getting tougher and getting hard. I got hard and thats not a good idea :)
And also when you word it like that, like that you have to get tougher in order to survive or as you said "It's either that or wither away like a tattered leaf.", it sounds horrible to your more gentle side within one; your heart gets hurt and refuses to accept 'it' cause it just comes across as just SO wrong!.
I would rather word it and therefore change the way you think about it hence creating a better energy flow and intention - by saying you gotta wisen up and get quicker, I don't know why but I have this clear image of a adolescent wolf growing up and learning to survive but having extreme gentleness and grace. Then I also get an image of a lynx strolling along down this path casually but with that extreme inner strength - can leap into action at a moments notice.
They have serious tough lives - yet they cope with grace, strength and love and in harmony with their surroundings.

What I guess I am trying to say is that if you can't figure out what to do - look towards the animal kingdom.  If you are already responding to the elemental realm then this will be like coming home. :) When I have run out of ideas on how to deal with a situation I always turn to them and get SUCH a distinct answer it always amazes me.
You see just by learning how an animal protects itself, how does it cope with the elements (grow fur/sleep/shed/eat/hunt) how it hides itself, the way it looks after its young, what habitat it chooses to live in and how it responds to other animals etcetc; will give you all the answers you would need on how to cope with your surroundings.
Take some time and research them and their behaviour, just pick a fav animal and research it. I have the Ted Andrews Animal Totem Tarot deck and wow! Def worth getting yourself a set.
The min you ask the animal kingdom in your life you will be amazed on how they reach you, through tv, radio, magazines, out in the actual wild etc etc
Oh and your husband in my opinion has got it tapped! Humour about it all is the best cure...I have a distinct memory from a good friend that helped me lighten up once, hahahaha! it was this ninja move....slide...uppercut.... heehee Whenever I feel down or overwhelmed by life I just imagine slllliiiidddddeee....uppercutting the situation and it gets me giggling and relaxing about it all.
And this feeling, the feeling of dispair over how difficult life can be, does hit me every now again, I either do my ninja move or  i just have a good ol sob :smt010 and then I feel right as rain. I call it my Darkest Nights of The Soul.

So now "kick serious butt with an attitude"....slllliiiiiidde...UPPERCUT!!! :smt027 *grin*

Have a look at these threads too, there is loads of info in them.
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... highlight=

Need info on empaths please
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... highlight=

i need a teacher or something. can anyone help?
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... highlight=

help,picking up way to much of others energy
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... highlight=

Keep us updated and thank you for reaching out!
We got you. heehee
Love & Strength

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Post by CuriousK » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:19 am

sometimes volunteering and helping out the community brings satisfaction. It can open your eyes and make you realise you are better off than you think. It can also give you self satisfaction in a sense that you are not helpless and you are doing something about it.

I learnt a while ago that, just because the world may be cruel, it doesn't mean you must become one of them.  Philosophically speaking, i also learnt that the world must consists of opposites and is always impermenant and for ever changing. Change often brings with it things that may appear harsh at the time, but in reality if you see things in a broader perspective, you will realise that it's all apart of making the world a better place. How else will we learn if things were always happy and unchanging?

Becareful not to become hard since it will make u cold. I've fallen into that habit and it's not the path you want to go. But from this experience i learnt that it's best to seek spiritual strength. Use your strengths such as your caring and sensitive nature into a positive thing. I also learnt that when things become difficult, i replace the anger with generousity. I understand that it can be difficult. I am empathic as well. But being expressive with kindness and generousity brings about good karma.

Hope this helps. Just thought i'd share some of my life lessons and experiences. :)

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Post by taraprincess » Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:33 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by firetopaz » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:18 pm

I can relate to your being overwhelmed to all the negativity in this world....but there is also IMMENSE beauty.  For every negative there is  a  positive, but I feel you are getting knocked on your behind and being kicked while you are down.  I think it would be helpful for you to find a river or stream, a noisy one in the woods.  Sit with yourself and let the water wash the negativity from your soul.  Figuratively, not literally.  You need some armor and need to prepare yourself before you go out into the world because of your sensitivity.  Positive re-inforcement.  Tell yourself you will not let the negativity get to you....you feel it and it goes right on by....Place a big smile on your face when you are out and every time you feel positive energy...hold on to it.  More and more will come your way, and you will feel the negativity less..  I feel there is something for you to learn by you living where you  are now.  I believe you choose when you are born and you chose to be born in this day and age for a reason.  

You are stronger than you think.  You received some great advice here by beautiful souls...Rosered...I love that uppercut...it is a very strong visualization..

Even if you don't do volunteer work go out of your way to do a simple act of kindness each day,  for humans, animals, or mother earth.  It will be returned to you many times over.  You will get better and find more peace in your life.  You aren't giving in to it....you are reaching out for help and  when you ask for it you will receive it, give it time.  Keep on searching.  

I find it helpful to wrap myself in white light...full of love....and nothing dark can thrive in that light very long.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:46 pm

" my husband and I both agree that this world is only going to get tougher, more harsh, violent, and challenging to live in "  

Please study more of Doreen Virtue, and learn that positive thoughts are essential to the healing of the planet.  That is why 'we' are here...those of us that are earth angels, Adult Indigos, fairies, pixies, and generally the enlightened.  Think of yourself as being here with purpose...to help the world heal, and reawaken...become more enlightened.  You're a healer!  Hold the world and yourself in positive thought, and light of love, so this can happen.  Putting the above words 'out there'..brings that negative energy in.

I truly believe we have more to do than become aware of our gifts & strengthen them.  Discussing these talents on this board is very good, but we also need to discuss more..how we use these gifts to heal this planet.  It isn't odd that the more 'violent' the earth has become, the more enlightened people you meet.  We're here for a purpose.  We are healers.

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Post by Mandimedea » Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:30 am

I send you hugs and positive thoughts.  You are in my prayers and I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your journey

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Post by Jeanius » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:08 am

Hi there earthwriter
I do not have much advice for you except to send you love. I would like to share a poem with you too. I hope that you will like it.
             To Women
Daughters of the Universe,
Your Essence gives form to the World:
You are not the Sacrifice, but
The divine Source of creative life.
In the Womb you determine Destiny.
History is made by the Words of your mouth:
Be not silent for the World implodes on itself
And the Earth cries out in pain.
Free now your Passion: Let Joy gurgle up
From your belly, through your throat,
And into all wretchedness.
Kundalini, the Divinely Feminine, dwells within.
She slumber- coils at every vortex base.
See her in the surging tides and in the
Cyclic phases of the moon.
Her ascent brings forth regeneration
And creative change.
Whenever her sleep is too long unbroken
Siva Consciousness turns perversely on itself;
Corrodes, corrupts, order sickens and decay
Seeps insidiously into all values that govern
Life on a blighted Earth.
She watched your flagging spirit and your
Shrinking forms, and wailed from mountaintops,
Whispered in every cavern, spoke to your brothers In the Womb to affirm and to inspire the feminine
Within them, urged the Earth to echo her song;
Sought to raise the tempo of the calling drums.
Hear her voice: Rise up from the dust, reach to
The summer skies, dare to touch the Sun.
Rise to the rhythm of the pulsing drums.
Let your feet beat a tattoo.
Dance in the circle of Sisterhood.
Twirling, leaping, let your chains slip loose,
Step free into the light taking your sister with you.
Sound your song into all of your life,
Let your voice ring out into every dark place
Where sisters oppressed and shackled
Seek freedom and light.
Too long your voices have been silent.
With laboured breath struggling to sustain your
Gifts of Nurture, Change and Growth
You did not hear her call when full of Love
You donned your girdles, bound your feet:
Limiting the Power of her Gift –
Divine and healing Womanhood.
Fail not her pulse in your blood.
Rise for when you rise, she rises with you.
Rise to the Councils of Decision- makers.
Breath your Wisdom into deliberations that
Foster wars, and poverty, and pain.
Infuse them with the quest to still the rage that
Sweeps this World with the violence
That once brought floods upon the Earth.
Daughters, the Ancients have spoken:
In soft hums on the wings of the Wind their voices
Come to you breathing a vision of light dancing
In gentle hues off sparkling waters where
The lion and the lamb together feed and sleep
And men and women seek to live the dream.
Rise to the fullness of your Womanhood.
Dance to the thrumming pulse, sound your song
Until the echoes fill Eternity and the Sun is
Dulled by radiant Serpentarius, the Androgyne,
Reborn in the great eclipse of Sakti’s rise to
Tepheret and the World renewed by all people:
Man, Woman, and Child  
Aspiring to their Personhood dancing with you.


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Post by MacLir » Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:41 pm

The Faeries, Goddesses and Gods are always sorrunding us, inside and out. Spirit, that's what they and their environment are. And what is spirit? Spirit comes from Greek's Spiritus, while the original English word for it is Gast which now becomes Ghost. It is also known as Ru'ach(Hebrew), Ruh(Arabic), Jiva(Sanskrit), Monad(Tibetan Teachings), and many others. Spirit is something that exists, but can't be seen, heard, or touched by us. Is there anything like it in our daily lives? Of course, Mind! What is inside our mind is real, but only for us, not to anyone else. Maybe you have learned that to see the world of Faeries we just need to close your eyes and see the space in your mind just before any thought shows up(I would suggest Hugh Mynne's The Faerie Way as a good reading book).
So, Faeries actually are what create the reality. Spirit are what modern science called as ATOM. Like Goddesses or Gods, Faeries  too have attributes like Faerie of Love, or War, or Healing, or many others. Have you seen or perhaps already experienced what is it like to be fall in love? There's something so great that conquers us which we're absolutely unable to refuse or fight--something called Love, or I would preferably called Faerie or Goddess or God of Love. When you are sensitive(easy to get angry), anything trivial could trigger the anger inside because The Faerie of Anger is conquering you. That's an example what Faeries/Goddesses/Gods are. When I am sad, then I would say that Goddess of Sadness is conquering me. When happy, then I am conquered by Goddess of Happiness. You can change the title Goddess with Faerie or God if you like.
Because what we feel or think are inviting Faeries to us, it is important to invite the good, not evil Faeries. Your problems and hardships comes from evil Faeries that surrounding you. The only way to get rid of them is by calling the good Faeries. This can be done by many kind of rituals. Select one ritual that suits you most and persevere on it 'till you get the results. Perseverance is the key, because the evil Faeries are already strong and it would take quite a long time to make the energy of good Faeries strong enough to defeat them. Me myself am using mantra as the way to inviting my two Goddesses, Dana and  Liberty. I had experienced darkness in my life too, and it took a lot of Japa(Chanting) accompanied by patience and tears before I finally--or to be precisely:before Dana & Liberty were finally--overcome it. It took about 2-3 years with about 10 hours a day of Japa(Chanting) for me to achieve that.
So, don't give up! Keep on fighting! Side by side with the Light Faeries, you would finally overcome the darkness and see the light!

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