Am I going against Fate?

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Am I going against Fate?

Post by Izuno » Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:44 am

I've been going through a chain of unfortunate events for the past two years. Well, mostly, I've been getting sick for really random reasons. First, I got sick with my stomach and something to do with its acid. They didn't know if it was acid reflux or ulcer. Then, I had pain in my wrist. It took them six months to figure out that I have carpal tunnel. Then, I got a bacteria in my stomach and ruined one month of my life. Now, I think I have something wrong with my gallbladder.

The doctors don't know why I'm getting sick a lot. It's like I'm only sick when I'm in college. When I go back home, I'm fine. Well, it still feels weird, but it's not too bad. So, I'm thinking if me being in this college is a sign that I'm going against fate or something.

What if I'm not meant to be here? Is that why we suffer like this? All of my friends are doing well and getting their work done. For some reason, I'm struggling to keep up, and I don't know why. It has been one problem after another for the past two years, and my college is getting sick of hearing about it. They want to kick me out.

I'm scared of losing everything. My career means the most to me, and I know that I'll have a good career even if I don't go to this college. But for some reason, I can't help but want this college. It's not that I'm attached to the campus. In fact, I don't like the campus much. I feel like we're in the middle of no where, but still, a part of me is like I belong here studying my current major. Even though I've been through so many horrible things the past two years, that feeling hasn't disappeared. I feel completely exhausted and feel like I don't have what it takes to prove my college wrong to let me stay, but still, I work because I can't make that feeling disappear.

What does it mean? Am I going against fate? Is that why I'm suffering? Or is it my fate to suffer like this because life is testing me? Can't it give me a break? I've been suffering literally for the past two years straight. I'm scared I'm going to lose.

I believe in God, and he himself told me that he would give me the best option in life last year. So, why is this happening? Why am I on the verge of losing my college? I also met a man at college. For some reason, I am only comfortable with him. It feels right when I'm with him. In the beginning, he didn't like me, and when I was trying to give up on him, he asked me out. I can't see myself with another man. I used to have strange dreams of this man, and this man I'm with now reminds me of that dream guy. For years, I told myself that this dream guy doesn't exist and cried. Now, I'm dating him and can't bear to lose him again.

So, what's happening? Am I not meant to be in this campus? Am I not meant to be with the dream guy? Am I cursed? Is it my fate to lose both my career and my dream man?  :smt009

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:03 am

Well firstly im sorry that you have been ill and having a difficult time with things..

Since i was in high school i used to suffer from huge headaches,i went to a specialist many times,scans etc etc.. You name it,they tested me for it.. Then when i was 17 i started to have "acid" reflux or whatever it was.. I had my son when i was 19 and then about 3 months after i had him i got very ill.. To the point where i thought it was easier just to end my life than go through this pain.. It was aweful.. After over a year of being very ill they found out i had post-natal depression and IBS.. Im nearly 23 and still suffer from IBS,my headaches have gone away nearly.. I still get them but not what they used to be like,much better.. And im coming off my anti-depressants.. My health is picking up... But saying that now i am lacking something.. My hair is falling out (im not bald but i lose alot lol) my nails have these little bumps in them,very odd and my skin is so dry.. But i wont give up not getting healthy..

For me i believe all my health concerns were due to things i could not help.. Like stress and being unhappy with myself.. I went through some crap that i thought id never get out of but here i am,happy.. My issues were so deep that it made my life hell and as i worry and stress it came out in my body..

I guess long story short i do not believe it has anything to do with you studying or fate and you being there... Sometimes there are hidden elements to things? Perhaps you're struggling with something deeper maybe? Have you been to a natural healer or anything like that... When our bodies are out of order they can do odd things as a sign there is something wrong.. I just think you should maybe check it out before wanting to give up on your dreams etc... Please dont make the mistake on throwing it all away until you have done EVERYTHING in your power to heal from all of this that keeps you back and unwell... Never give up..

*huggles* and healing energy and my love going to you...

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:41 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by surinder » Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:34 am

Hi dear you are too young to face all these problems in life
dont lose hope every thing will be fine , have faith in God
just think positive and go ahead in life
a huge hug and lots of positive energy for you

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:03 am

I am not an I would refer you to the homeopathic forum on this sight.  I feel all your  health issues are related to "stuffing" feelings and pushing yourself too hard, and all of them are serious and not to be ignored.  Get proper help...please try a homeopathic doctor who will find the cause of your illness{es} and treat it on all levels...not just the physical symptoms.

If you are unsure of your path, first take some time to put aside your preconceived ideas about what you should be doing, meditate, ask your guide for help.

Ask for a reading....I feel something is gnawing at the back of your mind that you are having a hard time facing.  Find someone you feel safe with to help you through it.

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Post by Medical Astrology » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:59 am

At the age of 19, you sure have to face a lot of medical problems.
But so so many others I know and have known!

Some people get more than their share of woes and illnesses, because of malefic planets acting in their horoscopes in this particular period of life, which usually lasts from a few months to some years.

But you would surely be treated for all these complaints and get better! Why wouldn't you?
Then you can continue your college education, maybe after a short break if necessary.

Don't give up Hope, keep the Faith in yourself and you will surely overcome your difficulties!

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Post by Cody5202 » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:34 am

In reference to what firetopaz's comment, i suggest you to go meet with a spiritual doctor.  all that i know is this, it seems your body tends to go acidic, In order to get your PH Back in balance, it takes calcium from your body, therefore causing other symptoms. "IT SEEMS," this is most likely occurs from a chain reaction at a finer vibration, or in spirit, of energy absorbtion, of whether it be pain, suffering, or whatever it might be ,  your absorbing from the people in your reality.  This can cause digestive problems as well.  A spiritual doctor, being, reiki master, acupuncturist, chinese traditional medicine practicioner, those would be right up your alley health wise.  something you could do to help relax the tension in your body, and allow thoughts to just flow through the awareness, without judgement, just allowence, just being, isness,  is meditate.
In reference to solving the acidity,  Are you on a nutritional diet?  If your diet does not contain the proper minerals to support the absorbtion of calcium, then its reallly only a madder of time.

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Post by PrettySiren » Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:23 am

Whatever is meant to happen will happen, honey, regardless of what you do. That's not to say that you don't have a choice: you do. I believe everyone makes up their own destiny -- it doesn't mean the destiny isn't already known by God/the universe.

Like you, I've been constantly pounded with sicknesses -- one after the other. And I've had some similar ones to you too. For the past ten years, I've had acid reflux and when I quit taking my meds for it (thought I didn't need them, because I felt better), I started getting an ulcer. My first semester of college (which was fall of 2007 because I took a year off before I went), I was very healthy, happy, and I thrived at school. I made wonderful grades and had friends and everything felt like "the best years".

Then, the next semester, I started getting barraged with sickness. First, it was pancreatitis that January. I had never had that before, at the time, and I was very scared due to issues stemming from almost dying as a child. They put me in the hospital and I missed out on a whole week of classes (which is bad when you can only miss 12 days a semester!). I remember sitting in that hospital bed and watching the news. Heath Ledger had just died and that sparked something in me: even though pancreatitis can be fatal, I told myself: "you're not going to die". And even though I felt like I would, they let me out the next day -- my enzymes had returned to normal.

Then, a month later, I came down with the mumps. The MUMPS! I was very shocked and confused, because I had been vaccinated completely for the illness as a child. Mumps is almost completely eradicated in my country. It's very rare. At first they thought I had cancer and told me they wanted to biopsy my glands, so after hearing that, mumps was the better alternative. With that, I had to miss more than a week of school, because nobody wanted me around until there was no way I could be contagious (I go to a university where there's a lot of foreign students who haven't necessarily had the vaccinations, so they didn't want me starting a campus epidemic).

The illnesses bothered me, because I was still enjoying classes and I was happy otherwise, aside of the sickness. But other minor incidences in between and afterward made it VERY hard to keep up with my studies. It came to the point where I was unable to miss anymore classes or else they would automatically give me no credit (after all that hard work, I had managed to keep my grades up very high, so that would be BAD).

But then it happened. I met my soul mate at the end of that second semester (not AT school, per se, though he was a student there too at the time). Being with him made me so happy, I sailed through my exams effortlessly (without studying) and was ecstatic to get my research paper back with the grade of 96 (which I wasn't expecting). Everything was going good.

Then, my ex broke up with me (neither of us is still sure why) at the end of the summer. When it was time to go back to school, I was constantly sick again -- more often than before. Every week it was something new to the point where I lost all enjoyment in school. I was so far behind, I had to drop out with the hope that by doing so, I'd be allowed back again. Well, now it's this semester and I've been so sick, I haven't been able to keep up with my two classes -- just two classes.

Week before last, it was pancreatitis again. Then I was told I might have Crohn's disease (also had a terrible stomach virus at the same time), but instead it turned out to be polycystic ovarian disease (which isn't as painful, but just as incurable and makes life more difficult all the same).

Whew. So, you're probably wondering what I'm getting at. And that is: I've felt quite similar to the way you do now.

But I've always heard that God/universe doesn't put you through more than you can handle and I believe it. Everything happens for a reason. No matter what you do, you'll always end up doing the right thing for you at the right time as long as long as you follow your heart. Listen to your heart. Pray or meditate. Look within and ask for guidance.

I don't know why both of us have been so sick, or why college has been so difficult, or why the hope of just that one guy is our only solace. But there's reasons for it and by suggesting you look within, I've given you the best advice that has ever been given to me. I hope that helps and stay strong!

Many hugs, love, and good vibes,

P.S. As for being sick so much, just tell yourself that you'll be okay and never believe otherwise. When bad things happen, it's just stuff. But by knowing you'll be okay no matter how bad it gets, you've already got the upper hand.

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Post by MacLir » Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:58 pm

I feel so much sympathy for you. Please don't get angry, but perhaps the best option that you're waiting for has been shown by your troubles.  From my own experience, I learned that many times, I was lead to the right direction through the troubles that confronted me. I watched the movie United 93--about the September 11--and there's a story in that movie about a young man who was almost late to got in the plane. He ran as fast as he can and even cried to the stewardess to hold the door. He was luckily suceeded....but a luck that later came as tragedy. If only he had late and missed the plane.....
    Me too had gone through many--what I think at the beginnings as--misfortunes. I hardly found any lover for my preferences that I think is unique but many think as odd or strange. I thought that I must have been born in the wrong country. In my 20's, an evil shaman had cursed me(called in my country as "santet"--something like Voodoo, that is when a shaman(or in Indonesian: Dukun) put things into your bodies, like nails, frying pan, etc). In my case, I felt very itch in my solar plexus. Perhaps it sounds funny or trivial, but it made me suffered a lot. I had tried to commit suicide 3 or 4 times--and thanks to Dana & Lady Liberty, it all failed. My parents who do not believe in such things thought that I would gone mad, had tried to sent me to mental institution, but once again, Dana & Lady Liberty saved me.
    I couldn't see any future back then, but now after those darkness passed, I can see everything very clearly. I do not regret about my birthplace anymore or about the curse. I wouldn't be like I am now, with the spiritual level that I have reached, if not because all those misfortunes.
I hope these could give some considerations for you...

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