Man does my life suck right now!!!

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Man does my life suck right now!!!

Post by TinaM » Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:34 am

So here's the story: I fell in love with my best friends brother; J, the kind of epic never-ending read about it in romance novels kinda love.
He wasn't ready for a relationship and I got that, I was ok with that. I met someone else, D, and we had a baby together but the torch still burned for J big time so we didn't last.
Anyway about 10 months ago J finally wanted to be with me. This was my dream come true I was so happy I was singing (figuratively). So six months down the track things kinda stalled. We live in different towns you see and it was hard for me to get to him all the time because I have kids at school. So I was making more of an effort than he was and intimacy was an issue, me not getting as much as I would have liked but that wasn't my biggest problem. Oh no I had a bigger one.
I freaked out. I was so used to wanting and worshipping him from afar that when I finally had him I ran scared and ended the relationship.
Here's the kicker though...I had convinced myself that I actually loved D and began a relationship with him directly after ending things with J.
I've since realised I transferred what I wanted from J onto what I knew D could, and would, give me. I'm NOT in love with D and need to end things before he gets more hurt than he will be.
I feel awful as rightly I should and not sure how to get out of it. I miss J and don't know how to handle that one either.
I really hope hugs work. I think I need one...and maybe a few stiff drinks.

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Post by taraprincess » Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:52 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:46 am

Did you ever stop to consider perhaps you're not ready for a relationship, and should take some time to be alone?  Learn the difference between being alone and lonely?  One is learning to love your company and yourself first, so you know what you have to offer in a relationship.

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Post by agata » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:23 am

I agree with kgirlsmomma. What's more, I think that the problem is that you first do something and then think about what you've done. In my opinion you are a little bit lost (or maybe not just a little bit), your emotions are not ordered, you are not really sure what you want. In this case it is good to give yourself time and rethink everything because not only you do harm to yourself but also to another person. My advice is not to break off with D, but just to say that you need to stop seeing him for some time because you have to pull yourself together and order emotional mess inside of you. I think that if you discover once again that you want to be with D (after breaking off now) he won't trust you anymore. And please consider one more thing. Are you sure that you love D or J, isn't it just a need to be with someone and don't you transfer all your love from one man to another just to feel that there is someone who will care about you? Unfortunately it can bring you only disappointment. I understand it, really, I think I had the same problem, but this makes me worry about you much more.
I'm giving you a biiiig hug!

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:23 pm

So how is it going TinaM?  Is there an update for us?  

What have you learned  so far by creating this huge lesson for youself in your life?

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Man does my life suck right now!!!

Post by TinaM » Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:15 am

Well I read all your advice and while D was out of town with his father and J was where he is I sat down by myself and thought about my situation.
I am always going to love J. I have him so hig on a pedestal that no one can say anything remotely bad about him to me. We are what we are and nothing is going to change that. My problem with J is that as much as I love him I'm not sure being with him is good for me emotionally. Sure the physical side of things was great. I was so happy that I had more energy, I looked after myself and my house more and I was losing weight (I'm overweight so this is a good thing). The kids are always looked after to the best of my ability so they don't facter into my new energentic life; they always get the best of me that I can give them.
But as for my emotional health I'm not so sure it's a good thing to be in a relationship with him. When I look into my future I see him but I'm not sure in what capacity.
As for D, well with him it's the opposite on the physical side.
I know both these guys love me no matter what size I am but I know that D is turned on by my curves and I get complacent when he's around. For example - the month he was away I lost 3 pounds. Since he's been back I've gained 4. But on the emotional side I find it difficult.
Sometimes he annoys me to tears. He's younger than I am and I'm very old for my age, he's very young for his despite growing up fast when I had our daughter.
I personally think I shouldn't be in a relationhip of a romantic kind with either men. They are both bad for me in points and good for me in others but I think i've burnt my bridges with the two of them and I need to find someone who can challenge me, make me laugh with them, not at them, be good for me in every way and come without baggage (which both men in my life at the moment have).
I see D on occasion when he sees our daughter and I see J on occasion when I go to see my best friend.
I will always love him, even when I'm with D I'm thinking about J, if I sleep with D (not that i'm doing that anymore) I feel like I'm betraying J.
It's messy and complicated but you have to go through the pain.
I know the difference between alone and lonely, I spend most of my time surrounded by family and feel completely alone, I think i'm adopted LOL or born too late, I don't really have anything in common with just one family member, more like snippets from each one.
But that's getting off the track.
I can be surrounded by people and feel massively alone.
I can be alone and be the most peaceful I've ever been.

I've been alone and I've been lonely and I'm sick of it. I want someone I shouldn't have and at the moment there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm ok with that, I think it'll be good for me.

Thank you all for your hugs and comments. I appreciate each one more than you know.[/b]

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:41 am

I do not like to give 'personal' opinions on this board, because they really don't matter one way or the is just my perception, and nothing more.  But I believe you like all the drama.

Aside from that, and the over analytical part, you, deep inside KNOW what to just isn't what you WANT to do.  Taking a self-imposed 'break' from both would be the most recommended.  A term only YOU decide, without telling them.  Make it one month, or 2 or 3..make no plans to see them, accept no invitations..and just 'allow' you life to unfold without them.  See where it takes you.  Release yourself from the cage you've put yourself in, and allow yourself to expand and grow in an open space, free of self-inflicted pain & drama.  It's a wonderful adventure...see where you end up, and how you've 're-created' yourself on the journey of self-discovery, without expectation of outcome.

If you decide that route, I'd be interested in hearing how it turns out..and what you discovered.
Last edited by kgirlsmomma on Mon May 11, 2009 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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life is full of challenges, isnt it?

Post by freda » Mon May 11, 2009 8:45 pm

Hug Hug!

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