Numerology; another aspect of myself I can hate

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Numerology; another aspect of myself I can hate

Post by Anime89 » Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:58 am

I can't believe the weekend's almost over. I guess it wasn't COMPLETELY unproductive. I can

never seem to get anything done myself! Augh!

Today I returned back to obsessing over some 'sign' of greatness. This time it was through

numerology; an accident - we were at Barnes and Nobles and I saw an Idiot's Guide for

numerology. I got home and downloaded it...

A couple of life path systems have me pegged as a 2, not an 11. I don't feel really bad

because there are still quite a few (3/4 of the main systems) that have me as an 11/2. I've

know about the master numbers since I was a kid. When I was younger, I thought 11 was better,

but now I'm convinced that 22 is better. What I wouldn't give for some serious grounding in my

chart; then I'd be too busy rebuilding the world to care about all this crap.

Squares, aspects, trines, master numbers; I'm tired of it. I just wander around, looking for

some sort of sign that I am not an ordinary and useless person. Today I read a lot about soul

urges, and how having a 1 soul urge contributes to the "feeling" of wanting to be recognized,

or whatever. It made me feel very insecure and sad. I am a very poor student, and I don't do

much in terms of hobbies or physical activity. I had always hoped that somehow I would turn

things around, that I had a special purpose or something. Now I just feel ordinary. I have

failed to attend an exclusive university, and even when I was younger I was just getting by;

sure an honors student but never a very good one, you know? My younger brothers are already so

promising; you can just tell that things are in store for them, but what about me?

I've failed to realize the most basic concepts for my year in school. Last semester I ended

with a 2.3, and my cumulative is a 2.6. I presently weigh ~200 lbs; that's about 100 kg. I

have gained about 20 more pounds since January. I can't control myself, I cannot get my work

done and I don't know if I have a learning disorder or what. I have tried to take comfort and

move forward by likening myself to great people, but I always feel forced and fake. It makes

me feel sad because there is no one I can talk to about my problems, and people who are really

great never question themselves or even wonder if they will be special. I have a deep desire

to be recognized or even important or just good at what I do, and now I don't know if that is

even possible. Even if I was in the upper echelons of power I would feel like a complete

outsider, I would feel as though I didn't deserve it,like I was just twisting fate. What if I

somehow made it but things got messed up because God just wants me to be a normal and

unspecial and ordinary person? Everything else says that I have to learn servitude. That I

will be fulfiled by being a subordinate. I was a subordinate growing up and when I was around

friends and peers. I'm tired of being nothing. I always used to just tell myself that someday

I would get my chance, but I was born a loser. Even my mom said that I will never be the

center of positive attention. Why? I don't understand. In any stellium some stars have to

shine brighter. Why can't that star be mine? Just once, I'd like to feel relevant. I don't

know what I'm going to do with myself as a normal person. Maybe become a serial killer or a

terrorist or something. I don't know. I don't know what to do with myself, taking orders and

being billionth best all the time. I hate feeling competitive. Truly great people never

compete with anyone; they just come out on top. They don't even notice it. They just do. I

know that because I've observed people that are good at stuff. But what about me? Why did I

have to get left behind, me of all people. I know that I don't have a weird thinking style, or

good ideas or anything. I'm just normal and a bit lazy and mostly below average. I hate

'special' people. I really brother, famous people, everyone. I hate them. I just live

on the outside. I can't accept being a nobody like everyone else can, and I;m not good enough

to rise to the top. I've never been noticed for anything. My whole life. Now school's almost

over. I have to go get a real job and get bossed around until I die. Why? Why me? I hate them.

Use to think that someday I would shine. Now I know that I'm just unrealistic 2 + 1 soul urge

to be unique or whatever. Maybe I'll be assistant head of a sales team, and that will be good

enough. I turned 20 this  year. The only thing different about me is that I'm slower and

fatter and I get depressed more easily. None of my projects have come to fruitation. It's so

easy for me to feel bad. I can't make any of my ideas real, I never do anyhting cool or

exciting, and I'm just below (sometimes well below) average in everything that I do. I feel

like I'm trapped in an iron cage. Sometimes I wish I was dead so that I could escape this

frustration. There's nothing wrong with me other than a confusing refusal to conform. I'll

never be happy as a normal person. I'm so tired of internally fighting. I never get anywhere.

I can;t change myself unless I just want to become the perfect subordinate. The perfect

cheerleader. Who's gonna cheer me on? My whole life, no one's ever supported me.It's because

they all know I don;t belong in the spotlight. They know that I belong on the support team

with a fake smile plastered on my face, watching someone else lead my life. I wish I could

disappear and come back as someone else. I'll drive myself to suicide before I let other

people walk all over me and steal everything I've ever wanted. I live in a cage, pacing around

, repeating the same mistakes, same thoughts, same visions of grandeur. I don't know how to

materialize anything. I can' t do anything myself. Theres' nothing in my brain. I can't

perpetuate anything.

One of the worst parts is how the time just slips away from me. It's Hell. I can't think,

period. I don't understand anything. I'm just lost and searching for nothing / searching for

what I can't have. I hate myself; this self and the true one or whatever. I have to choose

between being behind and a nothing and being someone else's backup dancer. I'm tired of being

in the background, but now I know that's where I was born to be. Maybe I will just do

dangerous and stupid things for the rest of my life, hoping to die. I don't want to live a

long life. I don't want to stick around, year after year, watching others best me and rise

above me. I don't want to pretend all the time, being "happy to help". I'm never ^%&*%^&% happy

to help. Why can't people agree with ME? Follow MY lead?  Go along with ME? Respect ME? It's

always the other way around; I'm expected to be ordered around by other people all the time,

like it's the natural order of things. I think it's unfair that you're not allowed to kill

yourself. You just get cast in some role and that's it. You're done. I don't want my role. I

want ot lead and create. I want to be the best. I want to be the best at all the things that

matter to me. There's no other way to live. You're going to be on earth for a long, long time.

Why the hell would you want to spend all your time underneath, boosting other people up,

kissing someone else's ass? Bent over til you die? Who would want that?

Why should I want that?

It's even worse because no one gets it. Every time I try to tell people about how I feel, they

just don't get it. They don't understand why I would want anything better for myself, as if

it's the most absurd thing in the world for me to want to be an important or even independent

human being. I hate all of it. I hate being alone. I hate knowing and not knowing. I wish that

I had been given the mindless complacency of the masses, or at least some sort of special


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Post by kgirlsmomma » Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:16 pm

Re-write this entire paragraph...taking our all the negatives...Because the universe doesn't hear negatives.  For example
I can't accept being a nobody like everyone else can.  The universe hears "I accept being a nobody like everyone else can".  The unverse hears and grants your words, wishes & thoughts.

" It made me feel very insecure and sad."  Our interpretation and perception of things is what makes us feel.  No one, or nothing else can.  Change your perception.

"I live in a cage".  Who put you there? your own best friend.  Love yourself no matter what.  You have created yourself, in this moment, to be exactly who you are to learn something or things about yourself.  Dig deep, very deep, and find those things.

Best wishes for a speedy journey thru this to finding the light, joy & love that you are.

And a big hug.

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Post by taraprincess » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:56 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by boondoggy » Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:02 pm

What an age.
I remember it well. The luxury of indecision. The constant questions about consciousness.

Stop looking for answers and just do something....anything at all....(as long as you chose something that doesn't cause anyone pain.) Find something you like doing and concentrate on what it is you like most about it. The more you do it the better you'll get. It's the secret of life!
Once you have skill, learn as much as you can about that skill. You'll find you have an unlimited amount of energy to direct towards something that you love doing.
Eventually you will realize that there are no "losers" in life merely people making choices utilizing their own freewill. You are responsible for your choices and the older you get the choices to make become more obvious.
Your anger is is actually misinterpreted fear of the unknown. Everybody, even the people you label "winners" experience the same fear. It is how calmly you deal with the vicissitudes of life that determines your measure.
So basically hang in there and dig on it!

The majority of the population spend their entire lives working hard but actually doing nothing. Very few people in life do anything real for the planet or humanity. Those that do are the unsung heroes of the cosmos.

Dabbling with numerology or scrying of any sort should never be undertaken when the mind is in a negative  mood or to relieve boredom from inactivity. In those mindstates the mind filters the information by obscuring the very needed positive aspects of all things and giving a distorted view.
The heart must be calm and loving and the mind must be clear and open to all possible meanings and determined to find positive outcomes. Every negative thought and feeling has an equal and opposite positive aspect which can be interpreted to provide a balanced perspective.

Don't take life too seriously.

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Post by Crow » Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:29 pm


Like I said before...please do not harm the cereal as I find that they taste yummy. I'm sure that the greats had their moments too, where they questioned but never showed it. I mean really, do you think that they do not go poo?  Their shit stinks just like the rest of us.  You are still young, better now to question than to do it years down the line.  It's perfectly normal to want more for your life.  

I'm a number one too...yet I have a life path of 9 same as my partner who is totally rebeling against it.  You both share the same mentality in that area.

Why the heck should you two be on the bottom. When will it be your time? I really don't know, but I hope that one day you find it when you are ready.  He always tells me that I am settling, I say no, just happy with where I am in my growth.

I have a lifetime to leave my legacy. And when one was to look at it that way it doesn't seem as bad. Many of the greats didn't get their big break until later in life.  Something you might keep in mind.  Sorry that I don't have the magick words to fix things for you. Just know that my heart goes out to you.  It can suck egg at the bottom.  Sometimes always seems like one step forward and 100 steps back.  We just get back up and fight like hell.  I'll be damned if they kill this spirit of mine.  I will rule my life. I will have happy days. Let them go pee on someone's day.  

Humor helps, I will always say...OMG that man needs some midol.'s true. They PMS worse than some of the women I see.  Like my friend Danny once said, it is that poo that makes the soil nice and rich, one day you will have a wonderful bounty of fruit for all your labor.  

Take care, and hugs to you.

Safe Journey

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Post by boondoggy » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:21 am

"Numerology; another aspect of myself I can hate"

There's a clue to your dilemma. Maybe you need to find aspects of yourself that you can love.

 6  5 = 11(soul urge)
LOVE = 9 (true expression)
3  4   = 7  (outer expression)

"hate" however is not an emotion but a manifestation of "fear".(Much in the same way as "care" is a manifestation of "love")
Wisdom shows that the chaos of life consists of the two states "Love" and "Fear" in a constant re-balancing of discordant and concordant energy.
This chaos is well represented in your seemingly chaotic thought processes.
You can think of "hate" as a highly specialized "fear" (or "fear" at a higher harmonic.... just like music has the same notes in different octaves)

your life path is 11/2 and all systems observe the emergence of 2 from 11 as both numbers tell the whole story.
this difficult path is that of hidden mastery and has two very different possible outcomes.
At present you're dealing with 2 (this represents the beginning of spiritual thought and the fleeting hint of awareness)
All people with this number in their charts are borne with an innate sensitivity for spiritual matters. However the innate skills we are borne with are often taken for granted and are left undeveloped as
we strive to develop skills that we find more difficult to master. Some people with a 2 lifepath will be quite happy to maintain the status quo but those with 11/2 feel a gnawing desire to develop their spiritual awareness and some do. Mastery of these skills is within your reach. You have some other interesting aspects in your chart that are worthy of note. A study of your table of inclusion shows you to be specially endowed.
I now understand your rage.

A good way to free your mind is to investigate a mental discipline like Discordian-ism (Although some would maintain that it is a mental non-discipline and they would be right and wrong but that's another story...Hail Eris)
This belief contains the theory that all people are popes even though some don't realize it.
Each ordained Pope is totally infallible and therefore never can be held responsible for anything within their realm. This may sound great but the exact size of a personal realm is mostly limited to the space and time that The Pope actually occupies but its a start. Each realm has its own sovereignty and every Pope can ordain other Popes and has the right to excommunicate, de-ex-communicate, re-ex-communicate, and de-re-ex-communicate (no backsies!)

Love your life, it's yours!
Hope this helps

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Post by surinder » Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:17 am

we all are God's creations , we all go through ups and downs  but life does not end there
we are to be tested under challenging conditions to  see how we will live
the most important thing of all to love one another      and to love others we must learn to love ourselves first
we should never compare our talents or  weaknesses to another's
we are all at various levels of development      so we dont have to judge ourselves according to others succeses or failure
we all are unique in our own way
you are still very young and this is a beautiful world to live
if you choose to successeed  i  am sure you will
here is a big hug and positive thaughts for you

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Post by boondoggy » Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:39 am


       If you can keep your head when all about you
       Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
       If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
       But make allowance for their doubting too,
       If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
       Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
       Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
       And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

       If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
       If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
       If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
       And treat those two impostors just the same;
       If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
       Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
       Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
       And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

       If you can make one heap of all your winnings
       And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
       And lose, and start again at your beginnings
       And never breath a word about your loss;
       If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
       To serve your turn long after they are gone,
       And so hold on when there is nothing in you
       Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

       If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
       Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
       If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
       If all men count with you, but none too much,
       If you can fill the unforgiving minute
       With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
       Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
       And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!

       --Rudyard Kipling

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Post by Anime89 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:44 am

=/ I guess you can tell I was pretty pissed when I wrote that. I didn't even think anyone would pay it much heed.  :smt053 Well...thanks for noticing...and thanks for the hugs.  :smt053

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that's a relief

Post by boondoggy » Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:08 am

Your welcome.

In fact, while I'm glad that the feelings you espoused were cursory, short lived and subject to later qualification, the exercise was beneficial and positive for me as it helped me explore my own understandings.

It is a good thing to question everything always!

Insights are at best fleeting however each new insight slightly alters your overall perspective and over time refines your discernment.
I have found it helpful to study music , electronics, sub atomic theory, electromagnetic wave theory and propagation (I'm still grappling with quantum physics...but who isn't?) as well as Numerology, Astrology and Tarot cards.
It has occurred to me that they are all telling the same story at differing levels of abstraction. Quantum physics seems to link all these realms of information by busting the anomolies that have previously created the divide between different scientific disciplines and metaphysical realities.
(I almost don't believe I said that sounds vaguely pompous!)

When questions trouble me, I play a game with the question.
(I found this in an old book on Magick (not magic) apparently it was a method that Count Cagliostro used for divining answers to difficult questions e.g. life expectancy, the length of a King's reign etc. )
It simply states that....
"the answer to any question lies within the question it-self!"
The method is simple,
Write out the question in its clearest form.
Remember that "only that which is asked will be answered" you must use a persons complete and specific title.
Cut up the sentence into its individual letters
Toss the letters in the air and notice where they land.
Randomly observe the letters and rearrange them into whatever words you can.
group the whole words and group the leftovers. this can be done numerous times.
Each group of words can be read and further grouped into phrases and even sentences. All words in a single toss can be read with the remaining letters being initials to further make sentences(as is often done in Latin)

some people can do the exercise mentally (i.e. without scissors) and still achieve amazing results.

However its best done in fun. One should never make important decisions based on the fall of the dice.
Have fun

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Re: that's a relief

Post by Anime89 » Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:01 pm

boondoggy wrote: I have found it helpful to study music , electronics, sub atomic theory, electromagnetic wave theory and propagation (I'm still grappling with quantum physics...but who isn't?) as well as Numerology, Astrology and Tarot cards.
It has occurred to me that they are all telling the same story at differing levels of abstraction. Quantum physics seems to link all these realms of information by busting the anomolies that have previously created the divide between different scientific disciplines and metaphysical realities.
(I almost don't believe I said that sounds vaguely pompous!)
Are you a professional in any of these areas? Like an electrical engineer or something? I've noticed the same sort of connections with the 6 major world religions, mathematics, especially dimensional theories and string theory, physics, and a lot of electrical theory too...

How does quantum theory tie into spiritual applications?
boondoggy wrote:When questions trouble me, I play a game with the question.
(I found this in an old book on Magick (not magic) apparently it was a method that Count Cagliostro used for divining answers to difficult questions e.g. life expectancy, the length of a King's reign etc. )
It simply states that....
"the answer to any question lies within the question it-self!"
This works really well when you are trying to answer riddles, brain teasers and general problem solving and is generally how you get the 'right answer' for brainteasers, I've noticed. But does it work with coursework and mathematical problems?
boondoggy wrote:All words in a single toss can be read with the remaining letters being initials to further make sentences(as is often done in Latin)
Do you mean this is how Latin is linguistically structured, or was it a scholastic practice?

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Post by boondoggy » Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:48 am

I have worked for forty years as a Pro Musician but have studied music for much longer.
I also worked as a Government Radio Technician, specializing in VHF and UHF communications and micro-wave theory and technology. During that 7 year course I studied EM wave theory, EM transmission and propagation, pulse techniques, electronic design and was employed at transmitter sites and other installations across South Australia.  
Eventually I was forced to chose between my two careers and music won.
Quantum Physics is too difficult to explain here but some aspects suggest that professional skeptics may play some role, of which they are unaware, in achieving their desired conclusions . (try Googling - "quantum physics - double slit experiment")
As for the initials, I was referring to using them as an acronym, which was often done with Latin phrases (eg "SPQR" - which was a roman standard or flag meaning, "Senatus Popules Que Romanus".)
Have Fun

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There you go.

Post by joker » Mon May 18, 2009 11:47 pm

I gave you a big hug anime89   :smt006  :smt020  :)

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Post by carfon » Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:46 pm

do not try to find answers out of yourself, you wont find them, all the answers are within, nothing is goin to change unless you change first, you are focusing on your results, and your results are that way because you have been thinking like that in the past, think in ideas first, they will guide you to the feelings and with good feelings your actions will start reflecting your thoughts, and therefore your results will become what you want of them.

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Post by Anime89 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:50 am

carfon wrote:do not try to find answers out of yourself, you wont find them, all the answers are within, nothing is goin to change unless you change first, you are focusing on your results, and your results are that way because you have been thinking like that in the past, think in ideas first, they will guide you to the feelings and with good feelings your actions will start reflecting your thoughts, and therefore your results will become what you want of them.
How do I go about doing that?  :smt017

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