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Post by waterfountain » Sun Jun 27, 2010 12:07 am

I was sexually abused as a child, developed an uncurable disease among other things from it in recent years.. in search of healing turned to spirtuality.. now I feel like it's spirtuality that caused this predicament..

I am worried, scared and paranoid things aren't going to get better.. I feel like life or certain hard lessons are fated.. I don't understand why we incarnate on this planet.. what the goal is? what we are trying to achieve.. I've read growth.. but what happens once one grows?  I'm also frightened by the thought of aliens and negative entities etc. I've read things that we are manipulated into incarnating for our energy.. I know, I hope it's not true.. but I can't seem to find answers.. why this happend to me? and why we are here.. what purpose etc

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:00 am

Hi WaterFountain,

You need to stop reading up on aliens %90 of what you will read on these subjects is BS.
especially this "we are manipulated into incarnating for our energy" eek.. straight out of a childrens camp fire horror story.

For the easiest to understand explanation on reincarnation I recommend that you direct your learning to look at the beliefs in Buddhism.  I believe you might also find the writing on the state of Nirvana interesting. Im not supporting one religious following over another, i just think you might find this easy to understand and easier to form your own conclusions..

As for fate.. this does not take the place of free will.. Its not possible. We have a journey to take and what paths we choose on this journey are completely our own choice. Be conscious of the choice we make. Stop once in a while and if the path around you does not look so great, simply place yourself on another that has better lighting.

It seems like you might be asking someone to give you beliefs. I can tell you what my truths are, but these should not take the place of yours.
Before accepting something as truth consider if it is clear and makes sense to you, does it give you comfort and a sense of security. if it doesn't, its not the truth.
Sooo aliens and their super soul sucking powers are not the truth.

For me each time I am here ( in my earth self ), I am as a child, each existence here I add something to my knowledge or awareness. I believe that when there is no more to learn I may take my seat among the divine.  ( Im sure I have probably 1000 more incarnations before Im pretty much faulty in this life ).
Accept that I could be wrong.. but this is the truth I have chosen.

Arguing over whose truth is right or wrong makes for a never ending debate.. Im too tired to argue so I accept all truths. ( except that alien one..)
Im sure theres life outside of earth, but pretty sure too that they dont need my energy for anything..
Last edited by StormGirl Blue on Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by waterfountain » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:06 am

thanks for responding and calming me down.. i just got scared over a horary.. and bought the conspiracies that aliens control our government lol, i know it sounds ridiculous.. i just didn't understand the false wars etc, i guess trying to rationalize hopefully they are bs though

I'm interested in hearing your truths, i have an open  minded and i think it'll help calm down my fears.. I've looked into buddhism.. i sort of believe in it, but then i believe in spirtuality too.. so idk just confusion

interested in hearing your thoughts, thank you!

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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:54 am

You are very welcome Waterfountain.

Dont be hard on yourself either by being freaked out by what you read. Given all that you have had deal with Its understandable that you are vulnerable.

I was just trying to think of a way to explain existence.. what a mammoth task... For this I accept the answer of "it just is", because Im sooo lazy.

Imagine the universe is a body, like own body it is made of atoms? nuclei? and things ( dont know the science word right now ) each little atom thinggy is essential to the health of a body, when one isnt working properly, dies or is diseased it affects the wellness of the whole body. each one of us is essential to the universe.
at the same time each nuclei works to keep itself in its perfect form. Every little nuclei is supported and protected in its role by others and other more powerful nuclei. Just of this little inadequate picture imagine the more powerful atoms angelic beings.
I use this to also explain why one person may do bad things to another.. one nuclei may become diseased and attack another.. not because its bad, but because its not right, not well.

I fear I may have belittled the role of angelic beings or god in my metaphoric image, life is much greater and more spectacular than a simple drawing.. and far more than I am able to explain.
On the same hand I might say that life is more simple than that we complicate it for ourselves by trying to understand the things that are not ours to understand as beloved human beings.
Im sure God does what we oft do as parents when children ask questions that answers are not in their ability to understand... he tells us to dont worry about it let me take care of that, here are angels I place around you to support you so that there is no reason for you to struggle to understand that is beyond you at this time. You will know the answers to these questions when the time is right, have faith little one.. trust in me.. trust in the angels, know that you are loved beyond your measurable means.
I am with you now as I have always been.

WaterFountain, feel the light over you. Its there right now. as it has alway been.

lol. If you need proof that the men in government are human look at recent history.. OO Mr Clinton thank you for providing that insight..
Naa I think best to keep politics out of spiritual matters and via versa..

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:05 am

God is truth.

You dont need to follow scripture to accept simply that God is truth and in him we trust.

God is source, great spirit, or whatever name you care to call him by.
accept this and know there is no reason to complicate it for ourselves.

To worship him, live life, go forward, love and allow yourself to be loved. Laugh and play its the angels way..

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Post by waterfountain » Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:26 pm

thank you so much storm for taking the time to reply with your insights! it def helped me sleep a bit better lol

yes true! lol i like bill.. I was an athiest last year, and then discovered all of this so it's been a lot to take in, trying to figure out things I don't understand.. this was what i kept coming across on some of these sites..

i still have difficulty understanding who God, like our higher self or seperate entity.. I hope God is loving as you say.. bc some of the events that have happend in my life make me question why.. thank you so much for your time! i will respond to other post

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Post by ConfusedMind » Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:51 am

all the very bests. when you struggle, your will and optimism get a return boost. true that you have problems. the greater truth is that you have overcome them and are still fighting the rest.
I'm weird

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Post by tifi2007 » Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:51 pm

I agree with Stormgirl! God has a purpose for all of us here on earth! It was no accident that you are here now. Even though you've struggled so much in your life, doesn't mean that God loves you anyless.. we may not understand all the reasons as to why things happen to us, but just trust that He is in control of ALL! and he will see you through:) God bless!

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Post by misty sur » Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:00 am

living life and loving life is the key to happiness. love what you have. love what you own. love what you do and love what others do to help you. happiness will automatically come to you. that's all i can say.
Have fun, have faith in yourself and always have the best food!

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