life without love

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life without love

Post by kamnika.p » Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:17 pm

i feel like my life is horrible... i need someone to love me and i have nobody... i mean a guy... i hate being single

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:29 pm

A big huggg to you.......and a hope that your situation soon will change.

The only way to get out of the situation is to keep a positive outlook to life, don't become desperate, but mingle with people with good humour and a smile, this will create friends.....which again....might lead to something more lasting.

This is of course easier to say then to do, but with a little self development, and focus, it should soon become more natural.

The worse thing you can do is to go into self pity, and look negative on life, this will only push those people you will attract away, and you will feel no happiness at all.

Remember there is a lot of people in the same situation as you, so this is nothing special for you only,  you are still very young, and if you manage to have a good positive outlook, I am sure your Prince will soon be there :)

Another big Grandpa hugg, and Good luck :)

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Post by swetha » Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:28 pm

a hug for you :)

Why dont you try opening your outlook towards life...then everything will seem to be welcoming and happy.

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Post by Philipa » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:59 pm

Start making a list of the good things you admire about other people you meet, and the (Power of the Secret) will develop a "energy positivity" of always noticing the good in people, instead of noticing negative stuff.

Humans are magnets that pull to us a reflection of our thoughts.  If we always notice good stuff, our magnets grow stronger and our life becomes full of nice and interesting people around us, and your dating chances grow.

Make it a policy to talk about other people behind their backs in a very nice way - never utter anything bad about them - and you will find that people start to think of you as an incredibly nice person who has a kind word for everyone.

When you develop the habit of only noticing good stuff, your body language (including your smile) will encourage friends to come into your life.

Ask questions of people that require more than a "yes or no" answer.   This encourages people to talk about themselves, and help you to find out more about them, which can snowball into more questions and answers and a great friendship growing.

When you are lonely, people notice that in your body language.
If you don't like yourself, you won't allow anyone else to like you either.

Every child born is loved by God, no child is more important than another.  Every child will eventually go to Heaven even if they do some bad stuff.   Those who do bad deeds on earth may find they have to live several lifetimes on Earth by re-incarnations before they have learned enough lessons to get into Heaven.

When you believe that God loves everyone, and forgives everyone (eventually), you can start to feel the truth that it does not matter how you look.  

The most important quality you can develop is to be a great listener, so you can find ways to help others with the problems they have in life.  If you help them, they usually find ways to help you back, and may line you up with dates or new friends.

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Post by quietness » Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:53 am

Being single ain't all that bad. :D Take it from a guy who's been dumped all his life. ;) If you would focus instead on all the things that make you happy, then you'll be even more inspired. Other people may inspire and motivate us, but you can also focus on other things. For example, I enjoy reading, drawing, playing strategic games, writing stories, walking in nature, going to the beach. And I usually do all those things alone, although you don't have to, it's just me, since I'm a loner. :D

Look for something that will inspire you other than guys. :)

Peace and blessings.

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Post by Pegasus46 » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:35 pm

First of all here is a huge ((hug)) to you. If you feel life is horrible then that is exactly what it will be, if on the other hand you feel life is good, however it is missing that certain something or someone then that is how it will be.

May I suggest you explore the positives in your life, the things that make you happy, no matter how silly or insignificant they may seem. Remember it may be nice to share those things with someone else but they are still positive without.

Once you are happy with yourself then happiness will follow!

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Post by Misscpb » Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:55 pm

Lots of Love & Hugs to you. I am sending you healing energy, start loving yourself and doing things to enjoy your life and the partner of your dreams will follow.

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Post by gryxzl » Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:29 pm

A big hug and well wishes to you, luv.  Please know that yes, you are loved.  True love begins by first loving yourself, and then works itself from the inner spaces to outward expression.  Trust me.

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Post by misty sur » Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:55 pm's a big hug for you.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:36 pm

here's a hug for you.  go get a guy. don't think life would be a better hell.

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Post by CMyst77 » Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:36 am

Boy do I understand! &nbsp;What's worse about feeling alone is feeling worthless when a man DOES pay attention to you! &nbsp;<pouting cutely> &nbsp;I do truly hope that life turns around for you... &nbsp;I'm workign on my own feelings of insecurity and worthlessness that seems to be pushing men away... I'll pray for us both!

Warm Hugs and skwunches!!


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