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Post by ForrestTheFish » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:49 am

hello everybody, i'm young seventeen year old man, and i just feel soooo damned lonely. i get like this every once in a while. i lead a very spiritually driven life. i am alone a lot, in solitude. i spend maybe 85% of my time or so in solitude. i find it's very hard to relate to the other teenagers around me. i don't have any very close friends and sometimes i feel like i have no one. i am okay with being alone a lot, but sometimes i just get so lonely and sad...like right now. i need a hug and some love. people don't really know me because i barely feel any real connection with most people. many people know me and i know many people around my school, and everybody likes me, and i always enjoy saying hi to people, but......................................maybe i should get a girlfriend. Lol!


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Post by Jazameen » Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:18 am

I may not be a hug, but everyone loves puppies.
But I do understand where you are coming from. From a very young age I was alway solitary, living on a farm helped with that. It helped me get in touch with nature, which lead me on my path.
I find that many highly spiritual people like the solitude, I know for myself, it helps me learn about who I am. I really enjoy the quiet.

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Post by Evard » Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:30 am

I was considered isolationist.. I like to stay home.. and I like to be alone..

I talk with all available media and gri1 computing .. I like living at home @
a non profit deal on Tenant and I don't like hearing disorder.. I am the non
profit person who spent half my life with a non profit environmental educate
organization and I spend the rest in the way I am proper with erratic though
proper accord of my environmental attitude too much ecology protest and uh
psychedelic history made me non violent defiant.. and I am uh odorous.. OK!!

When you have the history [Pagan would say a spell] of not attracting friends..
you have the propensity to not be locally admonished as the warm aura of new
ways the common thought about those people who would be admiring of proper
thought to be noticed as friendship ready and you don't make friends.. they are
not your magnetic personal co-intelligence with ways they are your colleagues ,.
and not your companions until you relieve the power [:spell] to be happy again..     Evard ., eccentric defiant.  Welcome.

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misty sur
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Post by misty sur » Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:36 am

here's a hug.

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Post by swetha » Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:47 am

huggggg for you :)

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Post by Idontevenknowanymore » Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:11 am

dude, one thing iv learnt you've gotta put your self out there man. thats the best advice i can give, sometimes you will get hurt and sometimes you wont, its better to have loved and been loved than not to have experienced it at all like some unfortunate people(for them i feel extremely sorry for).

i can relate on some sort of level tho, not to drop my problems on to you because i dont expect a respond just that i hope you can learn from my mistakes.

i am a young dude not bad looking at all(not that i am up my own ass) but one thing i have come to notice is that, over the last year iv had alot of fun with women, but iv not been the best of person towards them at times specially when its come down to a break up, i seem to always want them to be more hurt than i am for e.g someone tring to break up with me giving them a week to think things over and going out and doing things with as many girls as possible and then throwing it back in her face.

the point i am trying to put across here, is that i am in some sort of karma payback point for my misrespect of women cause. Now in the time where i am lonely and want a girlfriend it is far from possible, i keep tring and tring and keep getting fucked around etc etc not that i completely deserve it because i am quite a nice, romantic guy among other things iv just used it to take advantage and its biting me in the ass. so whatever you do, when its comes down to meeting a nice girl (not some skanky girl thats gunna mess you around although thats very hard to find these days no offence to women)
: put yourself out there find a nice girl and act on it because not everthing in life can just drop into your lap no matter how much a good person you are.
: threat her nice
: be yourself
: dont ^%(* her around because no deserves that
: and never try and get the last laugh cause it will come back for you as it has for me, like i said i am not a bad guy iv just made some misstakes and its come back to teach me a lesson so learn from my misstake dont do it cause karma will come for you.

hope what i said helps :)

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Post by ombra » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:01 pm

Hi Forrest, I'm really surprised by this post because it sounds just like something I would write. I thought I was the only loner scrounging around here. For me it's really difficult to find people who think similarly or who kind of vibe on my same frequency. It really forces you to be absolutely independent. The only thing that really keeps me on my path is remembering why I choose to remain so solitary....It's just not worth risking becoming affected by common ideology. Sometimes it feels like a curse...knowing too much for my own good.

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