The Unspeakable World

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The Unspeakable World

Post by Invisible » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:06 am

I have this world in my head that I am pretty sure I did not make up because it seems like everyone knows about it. THe only thing is is you are not supposed to talk about. In this world people can read each others minds, see loved ones, lost ones people from the past and people from the future. Its a communication system and the conversations are supposed to be good. The reason your not supposed to talk about this communication system or make it too obvious is because people have problems, problems they just dont want to talk about. Well this "world" is a problem so it defeats the axiom of being quiet. HERE is the problem I need help with: This person who I knew in high school has been getting inside my head, implanting disrespectful thoughts and numerous other disgusting things I would never think of. He is also killing me. He is taking bits and pieces of my soul, my mind and my personality and claiming it for his own. I feel like I have nothing left and I am on the brink. Is this possible? HAS ANYONE EVER HEARD OF SOMETHING EVEN REMOTELY LIKE THIS? I need help, I need advice, I need a shield or somethin'. Most of all I just need the truth, seriously. Tell me if im fuckin nuts or if im not far off at all.

THanks Peace and Love. ANd an Infinity hug for all people

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Post by suzisco » Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:16 pm

Hmm, I work in Psychiatry and I would request respectfully that you go and see your General practitioner and tell them about whats going on.  If you are having this kind of experience that is harmful and distressing then there is something else going on.  I am not saying your nuts but what i am saying is that its not a normal phenomenum and you need an assessment to see if there is any other help you need.  In my experience taking into consideration your age and your demographics this issue may not go away and may worsen if you do not talk to a professional.

Please let me know how you get on.

Kind Regards


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Post by Invisible » Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:37 pm

Im Seeing a psychiatrist at 1 today. But you didnt really answer the question. Is there a dimension or communication system like this? Or did I just make this up?

Im 19.
I get straight A's.
Im an Engineering Major at The Ohio State University.
Pretty normal...on the outside.

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Post by Invisible » Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:33 pm

Well I went to a counselor and all hell broke loose. I told them exactly what I told you and I was taken to the effing emergency room. Had my clothes taken off by [b][u]7[/u][/b] security guards, forced to take adovan and some halodol shit and spent the night in a psychiatric unit and was interviewed by at least 6 different doctors and counselors. What the ^%(*? why is this little world in myhead so serious?

Michael Lucifer Gray
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The unspeakable world

Post by Michael Lucifer Gray » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:49 am

"Psychic Vampires" do exist.  They eat away at you, steal your energy, etc.  BUT,  no one and nothing has power over you unless you allow it.  This is hard to accept, but YOU are responsible for what you experience in all matters of your life.

Learn to claim your power instead of giving it away.  I know that on the surface it seems beyond your control, but it's not.  Instead of focusing on the negative, list the things you're grateful for and focus solely on those for awhile.

As for the world you speak of, yes, we are all multi-dimensional beings.  Quantum physics proves there's no definite point where I begin and you end.  All things are made of energy, the same energy, moving at different vibrational rates.  It's natural to sense the unseen, however, we're taught at an early age that the unseen, having no way to be physically proven, must be fantasy.

If you get past semantics, psychology and religion and science all say the same thing.  I psychiatrist can help you IF you're open to truly listening and IF he/she is truly open to listening as well.  It's a two way street.

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Post by Invisible » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:44 am

2 questions.

Am I going to die if someone steals all my energy? (i feel like i have almost nothing left)
Can vampires manipulate you?

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Post by Invisible » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:47 am

and yes I am open to help, ill get on the two way street. its scary man, i feel like whenever these voices in my head they are stealing my energy/soul/brain and manipulating me at the same time. If the voices are just in my head then i can calm down, if they are real then i need a shield. im in fear for my life. i know it sounds crazy but you have no idea how scary this is.

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Post by rajman2k » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:08 pm


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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:48 am

Hi Invisible..
You have been given the right advice by a professional..
Please dismiss all else you are told your state of mind is something a trained psychiatrist can and will help you with..
the rest of it isn't even related!

The absolute truth is that no genuine psychic reader, new age coach, light worker, metaphysical practitioner, whatever.. that knows their business, and is understanding of your real needs will offer any chit chat on psychic vampires, unspoken worlds  or any metaphysical practice and belief at this stage.

Anything said, and possibly misunderstood will be counter productive to the help a trained, licensed and registered psychiatric doctor will give you.

What your afraid of is completely unrelated to any psychic or metaphysical experience.

Right now you need to get the help you need and take advice from a trained mental health professional only.
That is the absolute truth.

I can tell you. that you are not stupid and you are not a lost cause.
mental health issues in fact can occur to anyone at any time, you may also find some security in the fact that high achievers often do suffer some sort of disconnection at one time or another... so hun, do not feel like a "crazy" person for your need to consult with a mental heath professional..
AND there is help available.. this can and will be managed with understanding and the help of a professional...
When you do get a confirmed diagnosis do all the research you can to learn what you can also be doing to help yourself stay ahead of it... most importantly heed the advice of your mental health professional.

This is NOT a psychic experience or anything metaphysical related.

Much love to you.. I hope what I have said here is clear, and that it has eased your fear some.

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Post by Ibanez_demon » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:46 am

, your talking about the astral realm i would say, There is such a thing and you didnt do too bad at describing it, And if something would be leaching you it could be a negative soul I would think

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Post by Ibanez_demon » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:49 am

A phsychic vampire seems ridiculus too me, But an astral realm you visit everytime your eyes close i would be able to relate too :) dont work yourself up too much, And maybe before you sleep you could cleanse yourself to rid negative energies and banish such evil spirits, hahaha I must sound a bit crazy

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Post by caithiggs » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:17 am

I also think you are talking about the astral realm, and that is how you got the idea into your head in the first place, however, the way you are conceptualizing it sounds like it could be harmful to you. Not because you are mad, but because you are fantasizing in ways that make you afraid and make your mind spiral into thought patterns that are not grounded in reality. I don't consider this madness because you are still clearly functioning in society by what you say about straight As and all that. All human beings are highly creative, but sometimes we can take our creative ideas too far because we are not feeling grounded at that point in our lives. What you need is grounding. Then you will be able to discern facts from fiction more clearly. It is not that you are creating a world in your head per se, but that you are interpreting the context of a world in a way that is pushing your mind further and further away from what is physical reality. For this reason, I do believe psychology is a benefit. However, I'm personally afraid of people who will strip you down and make you feel severely uncomfortable because you let them in on something that was happening in your head, and they might make you WORSE. I don't trust most people out there who deal with psychology and how the human mind should be dealt with when human beings aren't grounded. Just look into grounding yourself, and I hope all the best for you. I hope you find professionals who will be understanding and caring about what you are feeling.

Also, remember that nobody can get inside of your head unless you let them. whether or not it is real or imagined is even irrelevant to this fact--if you let an imagined thing in your head that can still hurt you as much as a real thing--but that's why you should ask it to stop. and trust me, you DO have the power to ask it to leave. Ground yourself and stay focused on yourself and protecting yourself. And keep in mind that you are in physical reality, removed from this world you describe, for a reason. Whether or not that world exists is also irrelevant. You need to deal with yourself in the world that exists all around you. I hope that you are doing okay!

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Post by caithiggs » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:27 am

Invisible wrote:Well I went to a counselor and all hell broke loose. I told them exactly what I told you and I was taken to the effing emergency room. Had my clothes taken off by 7 security guards, forced to take adovan and some halodol shit and spent the night in a psychiatric unit and was interviewed by at least 6 different doctors and counselors. What the ^%(*? why is this little world in myhead so serious?
If that is true, I am seriously outraged for you. You did not ask for that. But I suppose depending on where in the world you live, people have strange ideas for keeping their society in line.

I really hope that you don't accept that as the experience you deserve. It is no way to be treated at all. I would have lost it if it were me!  Can't believe they gave you drugs either? That's 100% ethically wrong.

Anyway, as I said before you can look to professionals, but please find trustworthy ones, who have your highest interest in mind.

It is very possible you have a mental disorder, but lots of people do and lots of people live with them. I admire people who have the strength to get through them also! I believe that mental issues such as schizophrenia, etc. are in fact metaphysical related, however it is a rocky path to delve into that in case it does get misinterpreted. It's like why most religions are so secretive about their system, and make people take very particular steps before learning higher teachings--because anyone could misinterpret it, and this could be detrimental.

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Post by Invisible » Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:37 am

Thank you both so much. Unfortunately I have to work to close my mind off to these thoughts. And yes that day at the hospital was super messed up. I just have been wondering if these voices I hear are real? And can you die from this place. Love to all that is what I am about.

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Post by Bella_Cullen16 » Wed May 04, 2011 5:34 am

OMG!  i can't believe they put u in the frigging psych ward and drugged u up like that! r u ok now?

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