I miss my mother!

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I miss my mother!

Post by albertasahm » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:38 pm

I lost my mother, suddenly, in an accident in 2007.

My mother was my best friend. We shared everything, and I loved her more than words could ever express. If mothers could be soul mates, I'm sure she was mine!

The day she died was devastating and many days thereafter. I've learned how to "cope", but I will never get over losing her. Some days are harder than others, some are much easier than I ever expected them to be.

I so badly want to connect with my mother. My step father has shared messages from a friend of my mother's. She claims to receive messages for my stepdad from my mother. It hurts to deeply that there are never any messages for me.

Today I met a girl on a baby forum who says she is a paranormal investigator, and often receives messages via EVP. I quickly jumped on the opportunity to ask for help setting up my own EVP session, so I can finally talk to my mother.. but, well.. it weighs heavily on me, because I feel that if my mother wanted to come to me she would, and I would just "know".

So, I'm feeling kinda down today. I miss my mom. I miss her hugs, and I miss the way she always just made my life better.

Sorry to whine. Thanks for listening.

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Post by slinky » Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:41 am

Oh Honey, Im so so so sorry, My mom and I have heaps of issues but I dont know what Id do if I lost her. BIG HUG!!!!
First of all its so healthy to let it out or share it like youve done here, from my experience on this forum (which isnt much) everyone here seems accepting and caring, and this is like a safe place, and this hug forum is the right place to get the stuff out. You should never feel guilty about what your feeling, or not feeling, just let those feelings or non feelings be. I really hope you get to get a message from her, I cant do that stuff, and Im not sure how it works. If I could Id love to help you, all I can offer you is emotional support and a virtual hug
hope you feel better

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Post by albertasahm » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:07 pm

Thank you!!

The support and virtual hugs you offer me is enough. :)

This is an excellent forum. I love the "I need a hug" forum, though I'm pretty new here. I've never seen anything like it anywhere else. I can't offer much as far psychic gifts, like you, but I am a great listener. I'm sure I'll spend a lot of time here.

It's hard sometimes, because I feel bad for feeling "sorry for myself", or openly expressing my grief when it comes to my mother. I feel that there's always someone who has it worse than I do. It would be unfair for me to burden someone else with my feelings.

I can't imagine how it would feel to lose a spouse, and my step dad is still having much trouble with his grieving process. He often shares his emotions with me. It's difficult, I'm sure, but it's hard for me to listen without an output as well.

My brother, he's a loose canon and always has been. He's grown up a lot since my mother's death but he's still very much a "poor me" type of character. It makes it extremely difficult to listen to him sometimes too, like he's the only one who lost a mom, ya know? Though, I do try my best to be of whatever support I can be for him. I know it's not easy, especially since he never had the closeness that I was lucky enough to share with my mother. I guess it's like I feel that it would be like a slap in the face if I were to talk to him about my memories because he didn't get that chance while our mother was alive.

Anyway, I understand the importance of having a positive source for output. I think this is a wonderful start.

Thank you again.

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Post by Lotus1 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:26 pm

BIG HUGS* I just lost my older sister so I understand the pain you are going through.  They say it gets easier with time, but you never forget.

Sometimes the little reminders are the ones that are hardest to go through but I'm here for ya if you need a virtual *HUG*

You'll get through honey, have faith and you'll be okay.

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Post by Knippy » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:33 am


I completely understand!  I lost my Mom to breast cancer 1 1/2 yrs ago.  Some days seem easier than others, but then there are days when I miss her more than ever.

Sometimes messages from loved ones that have passed come in many different ways, and you might have to be more open to receiving them.  Have you had any dreams of her? Have there been moments where you were thinking of her then maybe a favorite song of hers came on the radio?  Be open to seeing the signs. I can tell you the dreams I've had lately, whew...she is trying to get me a message!  LOL

Please don't feel slighted thinking that your Mom has only come to this woman with messages for your Stepdad.  I'm sure if you relax and think about it, you have had visits as well.  

Best of luck and lots of hugs to you.

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Post by Invisible » Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:00 pm

I love you Albert.

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Post by albertasahm » Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:43 pm


I'm sorry, Invisible, but your comment eludes me?!

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Big hug

Post by linnette31 » Tue May 22, 2012 2:01 am

I lost my mom in 199 and I still find it hard. You just to take things one day at a time and remember the love she had for you.

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Post by dhav » Tue May 22, 2012 3:29 pm

Dear AlbertaSAHM,

I am so sorry to hear about the pain you are going through. i have lost my father it's been almost 1and half months now and I can understand your pain. She lives in your heart and you don't need someone else to connect to her to give you message.If she was your best friend then i am sure you will know what she wants to tell you. Listen to your heart deep down and you will hear her. Big huggs to you.

Dhav :)

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:45 am

Pray for your mother. May god keep her in peace.

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