i need a hug more than ever.

Here is the place to share your life's problems and questions, and to offer you possible answers and real, practical solutions. The best place on the internet for all members to exchange general advice, healing and support, and to help each other to get through at least to the next day. No readings will be given on this board.

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i need a hug more than ever.

Post by abnv » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:06 am

hi all, i just introduced myself in introduction forum. Why i need a hug is that i am very shy,insecure and emotional person as usually cancer people are, i cant comunicate properly with new people and so they take me as something else which i totally hate plus there is no help for cancer people on the net only pessimism like you are shy insecure and blah blah which is true also. So people please give me a hug and guide me as what to do which gemstone what practices shud i wear/follow to get rid of shyness, insecurity, mood swings anxiety, depression etc. So that i can live this life freely and to its fullest. I have very much hope and faith in this forum and its people. Plz reply asap. Btw i was born june 22, i hope i didnt bore you

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:17 pm

Well, first of all I will give you a big hugg, and then tell you that many have the same feeling as you, regardless what star sign one are born under.

When we are secure on our-self, then we don't have those problems, because we know our own worth and are able to tackle rejection if our approach fail.

If we are insecure, then we have a hard time to talk to people outside our "daily crowd", because we feel that we can't contribute with something that sound interesting, or we are afraid to make fool of our-self.

There is only one thing that will help, and that is to start working on oneself, building up ones own self image, without growing into an egoistic way of thinking.

Try to change your thought pattern...avoid  thoughts like "I can't...." put in thoughts like..."I can....."  or "I will show them....".....smile to stranger...you will be surprised what a smile can achieve...and the more you do it....the more natural it will become.

We all have the responsebillity on how our life develop....we shall not complain on birth sign..birth place...or parents.....if we take control...then we can do a lot...if we complain on other thing...we will never get out of the swamp...

Another big hugg....you are on your doorstep to adulthood.....use your time good...and you will do fine :)

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Post by cajajo » Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:17 pm

The most powerful words in the Universe!  Look at yourself in the mirror and say them with emphasis on I AM!  Ask your Angels to help you become more self-confident.  Archangel Michael, Dana, Diana, and Isis will assist you, too.  Invocation to Diana for help (from Doreen Virtue's 'Archangels and Ascended Masters'):

"Diana, please help me shine brightly like you.  Assist me in releasing anxieties about ridicule or rejection so that I may enjoy being my true self fully.  Take me to a higher place, where I may best serve humanity as a shining example of one who listens to inner wisdom, love, and guidance.  Help my life to be full, very full, of light.  Thank you."

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Post by inno999 » Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:13 pm

All my love dear

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Post by The_light » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:10 am

Hugs to you!

I'm sorry about your problems but try to improve your self esteem and self confidence. We all create our own challeneges and limitations, which are created in the mind by ourselves and you need to program your mind to a positive state.

See yourself as a strong, confident and charismatic person. Take breathing yoga and postural exercies. Treat yourself. Make yourself feel good. Find your motivations and passions. Love yourself completely, be kind to yourself and respect yourself. Find your strenghts and let your good qualities shine and moreover, you deserve everything good in life!

Love and light,

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Post by Ruby25 » Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:46 pm

Hi dear,

I can relate to a lot of what you have said.  What has helped me through such things is art.  It happens to be something I'm passionate about and good at.  I guess what I'm recommending is that you find the thing you are passionate about and good at and throw yourself into it when you are feeling a bit insecure.  Actively doing somehting when you are feeling depressed or insecure seems to take your mind off of it and helps refocus your energy into something positive that makes you feel good.  I guess that is just my two cents, but it has helped me a great deal.

God bless and good luck to you.

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:43 am

Hugs to you. Love you.

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Post by Duchess1964 » Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:35 am

I actually love the astrological charts and readings.  Honestly, I do.  I often use them myself in conjunction with some of my Tarot readings.  You, however have taken the charts to an all time HIGH.  Just because the personality of a sign has a suggestion of attitude does NOT mean that you must embrace those attributes.  If someone told you that your sign would grow gills and swim in the ocean ... would you use your free will and do that just because someone tells you so? I hope not.  Same is true here.  Throw away the chart and try a meditation ... to center and find YOU without all the other.

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