relationship ending

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relationship ending

Post by psychonaut613 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:08 am

Sorry about how long it is....
Ok. So before all this started, it had been a while since I had someone in my life romantically.
I had made a lot of changes in my life and was sending the following thought into the universe something to the effect that I would meet someone good who was highly compatible, possibly soulmate.
Then, one day I met this scorpio girl. I am an aries. We ended up talking all night and spent the whole weekend together and after that spent most of our free time together, talking on the phone and texting everyday when we couldn't.
She said after 2 or 3 weeks she felt like I was her soulmate. And I had felt the same. It was like an astrology thing online on both of us based on birthday and time and everything said. We both felt like how did I ever get along in life without you. And of course, she had her scorpio moments where she was like go home I need to be alone lets just be friends, but she always took me back within a day. And there was talk of spending our lives together and marriage and possibly even kids and all. The whole thing lasted about 4 months.
I hope it isn't taboo to say some of the things I'm about to say.
But, one time we were making love and she was drunk and didn't like something I was doing and yelled at me about it. I went limp and she yelled at me, then kicked me out of her house, suggesting I used her in some way and didn't really like her, but the performance anxiety was because I liked her SO much and got nervous. It persisted and we kept trying the problem was that she would always get mad at me when it happened so I couldn't overcome the anxiety causing it. I kept trying to tell her all I needed was her to be understanding and sensitive. The last couple times it happened, she kicked me out then apologized crying and hugging me the next day.
One of the times she was angry at me about this, she talked like it was over and after a while I heard her crying in the next room and went to comfort her and she told me how much she would miss me if I was gone.
The last time we saw each other in this sense in person, she was more understanding and we fooled around I pleased her and she said it was awesome then we made love later that day and everything worked, but it wasn't long enough for her. I overcame anxiety enough for everything to work, but there was still enough anxiety I didn't last. This was one of the times she kicked me out then apologized the next day. Then for the first time since I met her, she spent the whole weekend saying she wanted to be alone and didn't see me at all.
A few days later, she said it was over. That she didn't want to try anymore and it would always be that way and I talked about how all I needed was 2 or 3 practice sessions her being understanding and it would work fine. This was backed by pages I googled. But she was unwilling to try again and she was saying she only got so frustrated and angry bc she had liked me so much. And when she was saying she didn't want to try anymore it was in a tone like she was convincing herself as well as me.
In our last conversation about it, at least it was a useful conversation. I reiterated my position and she said she would always be selfish in the bedroom so she didn't think she could help me. But she was saying we will still be friends and hang out, and she said she wouldn't write off the possibility of reconnecting in the future. And she was saying stuff like, you know how people justify things to themselves when they believe something, she was saying a few things about why she didn't like me anymore but none were actually true she had just changed her mind to support what she was feeling and she has said these same things before and changed her mind so idk if anything is different now. But she also said we would see other people and that she doesn't plan to have sex with anyone for a while just meet new people and work on herself and she suggested I have sex with one or two people and it may help me, and that she wouldn't mind.  And she told me about the dates she had been on, so she is honest there I guess. A lot of the stuff she was saying was the same as stuff she said in the beginning that we would remain friends and platonic, we didn't do anything physical for the first three weeks and then bam, romantic relationship, then more lets be friends then bam again. Idk if it's a mind game at this point or not. The only difference is that she doesn't want to see me everyday and hasn't given me any kind of I love you or anything in a while except an intimate hug. During our last conversation she was even giving me the scorpio stare with wide pupils like she was still very in to me from time to time. Does this situation hold any hope? My options her I was thinking either keep the status quo and maybe things will change from "friendship" yet again, or just completely ignore her until her anger calms and she actually realizes she misses me(being scorpio). Being friends still and hanging out I'm afraid might be a game though. It's possible she still really likes me and so wants to keep me around but will take me back only if her other interests at this time don't pan out.
I really love this girl and am at a loss and don't understand how someone is completely in love one day and gone the next. And after dating with this intensity(scorpio) how can I go back to normal.

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move on!

Post by Tuca » Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:09 am

The heart of the matter is that this relationship is causing great dissatisfaction. You should reevaluate your current situation and take steps to make major changes.
Romance follows its own cycle. A relationship rises, peaks and declines. The trick is to ride the crest of the wave for as long as you can.

You are experience feelings of being "cut off", but your determination to overcome negative conditions will win out.

Good Luck!
Last edited by Tuca on Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:11 am

Hi Tuca,

I am very happy and grateful that you want to help the member, but readings are not allowed on this forum.

The phrase "that's what I see for you" strongly suggests to me that this was intended to be a reading, instead of you offering guidance, comfort or healing which is what the board is meant to be about.

Please by all means continue to do what the board was designed for.

We are an online community of people helping other people, and extend to everyone a warm welcome for doing this.

Just no more readings please on this board in future.


EoT :smt006

PS: If you do want to give psychic readings on Mystic Board please contact me though a private message, and I will explain to you how to go about it, and where. We are always looking for new and not so new readers, to help our valued members.

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