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Post by dhav » Mon 25 Sep, 2017 7:11 am

I need lots of hugs. I feel so heart broken right now. I am dealing with this feeling for years and it's not over. :smt010

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Re: Broken

Post by Talia » Mon 25 Sep, 2017 8:42 am

((((((Dhav)))))) good to see you but sad that you are still feeling like this, feel free to pm me if you want some girl chat x

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Re: Broken

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue 26 Sep, 2017 12:04 am

dhav wrote:
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 7:11 am
I need lots of hugs. I feel so heart broken right now. I am dealing with this feeling for years and it's not over. :smt010
Dear Dhav,

I am sending you hugs and healing energies: NOW!

I do not know who has broken your heart, and it is really none of my business.

But I do know that you are far from being alone in having to cope with the grief of losing this significant person and relationship from your life.

We all heal in our own time and ways, which means that there is no normal time period allowed for anyone's heart to really begin to heal.

So grieving for several years may turn out to be quite normal for you.

However if this feeling has not become noticeably less over the space of several years, then most of what you can find on the subject on the internet is probably not going to be enough by itself.

Notice that I am not saying that any advice obtained on the net will be useless, but used alone I do not feel that it is going to have any noticeable impact on what has become a well established/entrenched/difficult to change way of thinking and feeling.

Could I therefore suggest to you that a combination of professional help from a doctor, psychologist or counsellor PLUS you reading relevant internet articles, and hopefully being able to apply some of the advice contained within them in your daily life, may possibly be enough to accelerate the healing process?

It really does not matter if your heart was broken due to a lost relationship, or an actual death. The grief as well as the best ways to cope with it are almost identical in both of these situations.

To begin (or resume) your internet search for comfort and relief and answers, look at the following two items.

Please let me know if they are any help to you, in this thread.

Your feedback may help other members with a similar challenge in the future.

"7 Ways to Cope With the Grief of Heartbreak" ... eak-grief/

"6 Helpful Ways To Overcome Heartbreak" ... 80552.html

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian :smt049 :smt049

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Re: Broken

Post by dhav » Thu 05 Oct, 2017 9:31 am

Hello Brian,

It's so nice to hear from you after such a long time. Yes these days I feel heart broken and also undergoing healing. I have begun to feel that I will be always alone in my life despite having very good friends. I feel as a woman I have so much love to give but I cannot express it openly. I feel I need a special someone in my life but it's never going to happen.It's bugging me so much nowadays. Maybe I am being selfish but I need a great love into my life. I give give n give but it's like my human needs are left unattended. :smt009

My new name is Huhu.

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Re: Broken

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri 06 Oct, 2017 3:11 am

I feel as a woman I have so much love to give but I cannot express it openly.
If you need a great love into your life (to feel more loved and to find a lover), turn the huge amount of love which you have to offer other people upon yourself.

You have made the FALSE assumption that every time your love has been rejected, that you were the problem.

That you did not have enough love to give, that nobody would love you, or that it is because you cannot express the love which you feel in your heart in an acceptable manner.

In other words you believe that whatever is stopping you from finding the lasting type of love which you so richly deserve, you believe somewhere deep down in your subconscious mind that YOU ARE ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE.


To protect yourself from having your feelings hurt again, you have put up a wall around your heart.

Yes the wall stops more of the bad feelings from getting in, but it also at the same time stops any good feeling of being loved by others getting to you.

And the "wall" will keep your existing bad feelings in as well, so that there is no apparent escape from them.

Your heart chakra needs to be reactivated, so that you can gradually take down that protective wall.






Close your eyes while sitting upright on a chair in a place where you will not be disturbed by anybody or anything, for at least the next 5 minutes.

Probably just after getting out of bed in the morning is the best time for doing this.

Take some long slow deep belly breaths (breathing from your diaphragm), and each time you breathe in, imagine that you are also breathing white or green light into your heart.

With each inspiration (in breath), the white or green light inside your heart grows bigger and brighter.

Your conscious mind will keep telling you that this is not going to help. It will come up with all sorts of reasons why this cannot work.

But it eventually will work, if you can ignore these negative thoughts enough to allow yourself to relax and just enjoy the experience.

If you force the process, your heart chakra will close down even further.

Treat the exercise like a child treats a game.

Taking yourself or the game too seriously will also do the exact opposite of what you want to happen.

I would warn you ahead of time that opening your heart often can and will progressively bring up all the issues which were previously blocking your from expressing and feeling love.

This does NOT mean that you are doing something wrong.

It means that you are doing everything right!

Be gentle on yourself.

Do this exercise every morning for the next 30 days (it will not hurt if you miss one day now and then, then give me some feedback under this thread.

If you need some other suggestions (if meditation is not one of your strengths), look here. ... rom-within


Brian :smt049

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Re: Broken

Post by dhav » Tue 17 Oct, 2017 8:57 am

Thank You Brian,

Your words and love are truly uplifting. I have to work on my heart and free it from the obstacles blocking it. I have been doing th eexercise fro some days and I feel much better. I will keep you updated. :)

Much Love,

HuHu :smt005

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Re: Broken

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue 17 Oct, 2017 8:27 pm

dhav wrote:
Tue 17 Oct, 2017 8:57 am
Thank You Brian,

Your words and love are truly uplifting. I have to work on my heart and free it from the obstacles blocking it. I have been doing th eexercise fro some days and I feel much better. I will keep you updated. :)

Much Love,

HuHu :smt005
Feeling better is a positive sign that something good could be happening.

As for having to work on your heart to free it from the obstacles which are blocking it, you are far from being alone with that daily challenge.

I am genuinely looking forward to receiving your next progress update (a minimum of 2 weeks from now).

Loving regards,

Brian :smt049 :smt049

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Re: Broken

Post by dhav » Wed 06 Nov, 2019 3:00 pm

Dear Brian,

I am so sorry I am updating today. I was lost loast and lost and I am mending myself now. :)

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Re: Broken

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed 06 Nov, 2019 9:35 pm

Dearest Dhav, :smt049

We could all do with some mending.

Mending yourself must always take top priority over any online activities, including responding to my postings on Mystic Board.

The quality and quantity/length of our lives, depends upon healing our broken selves.

What could be more important than that?

I believe in you. :smt038 :smt038 :smt038 :smt038

Brian :smt023

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Re: Broken

Post by dhav » Thu 07 Nov, 2019 7:05 am

Right now I am totally lost. For 2yrs have been on a venture with friends but it is broken completely. I willl have to find a new path and mend myself as well. I hope to get back on my feet soon. I have been victim of manipulation and abuse that my trust has been shaken.

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Re: Broken

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu 07 Nov, 2019 11:30 pm

dhav wrote:
Thu 07 Nov, 2019 7:05 am
Right now I am totally lost. For 2yrs have been on a venture with friends but it is broken completely. I willl have to find a new path and mend myself as well. I hope to get back on my feet soon. I have been victim of manipulation and abuse that my trust has been shaken.
Yes once your trust in someone has been lost or destroyed, it is often very difficult to get it back.

I am hoping that your (business?) venture having been broken, does not also mean that you have lost what money you might have already invested.

As this is not posted in the psychic reading forum, I cannot give you a reading about it here.

It is always easier said than done, but you must learn the right lessons from this painful and disappointing betrayal of your trust.

It would be very easy to become bitter and not be able to trust anyone else in the future, but you have to trust someone sometime, or any type of healthy relationships will potentially become impossible.

At this early stage in the grief (your trust in humanity has been temporarily lost) when you naturally mourn for the loss of a trusted friend, it is critically important for you to focus your energies almost entirely upon healing/mending yourself.

It is time for you to give yourself some tender loving care, and to avoid making any major decisions or enter into any more of these ventures, during the short to medium term.

Then when you are ready to try again, and there is no set time schedule for your recovery as everyone must heal at their own pace, trust more in the voice of your intuition in carefully choosing the person with whom you will enter your next venture.

At the same time, do not become paranoiac about this to the extent, that you are expecting the betrayal to happen again next time, as if your new partner does not feel trusted, you could unintentionally create what is called a self fulfilling prophecy.

If you expect things to happen, there is often a greater chance that they will, when compared to if you had entered into the relationship with a more overall optimistic attitude.

An optimistic attitude (positive thinking) does NOT however mean that you should be naive, and allow the other person to always make the decisions for you.

There is some degree of risk involved, both with starting and maintaining ANY type of venture or relationship.

The secret is to learn to minimize what risks you do take, to what is a comfortable and sustainable level for you.

Take better care of yourself at least until then,

Brian :smt049

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