Breaking up after so many years

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A dissolution of values brough on by Instant Communication,

Post by I_am_a_starseed » Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:12 am

I feel that the world is in a spiral. The values are disintergrating, and everywhere we are given subliminal images and messages which imply that being separate and on our own is a better way.

It fosters a selfish mindset in our world, where the physical dimension we are part of requires selfelessness and service to others for survival. The selfish heart takes the sacredness away from our relationships, making any one of us replaceable, like a cell phone, computer or a dead battery.

It is breaking family systems apart and children everywhere are being forced to turn to the very heart of the problem...Disconnected personal relationships..faceless human touch needed, it is all in our heads now...I find it scary.

The dimension of our humanity has a purpose. We all need each other, just a a quilt needs it separate parts to make the whole. We are becoming disassociated as a society. War and murder are entertainment and all of the intrugues that go along with the celluoid versions of war and murder are making us numb to OUR human condition.


This physical state of humanity is real and sacred. We are self-destructing the place that hosts this important state of being as we attempt to cheat our way to a 4th dimension spiritual experience with faceless relationships, on-line sex, on-line affairs, texting etc. All of this diminishes the need for the human touch,  and tears at the fabric of our personal quilt, that of family and the nucleus we all require for a safe happy life....

I post an excerpt from an on-line article on Emotional Infidelity at the Psychology Today Blog Site:

{Regardless of the rationalization behind it, emotional infidelity is an expression of either the need or the desire to absent oneself from one's primary relationship, without actually leaving that relationship. Therein lies the core of the issue, and it is what defines emotional infidelity as if not exactly the same at least the social equivalent of sexual infidelity.}

Therefore others who are cheating in this cyber world do not understand the sorrow rejection and pain they have created...and it is an echo...resonant in our atmosphere, silent and chanting a song of illness and soul is wrong to abandon your loved one emotionally and expect them to accept it...

It is wrong to think an "affair of the heart" is ok...It takes away your partners purpose in your life and the relationship, making them have a sense of fear and insecurity...It is getting more prominent as we head toward 2012...Niburu...The Starseeds are working hard to help us all understand what is happening...We Have To Wake Up Soon...

Peace Clarity Love...

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:25 am

"These men" live without integrity & honor.  Their current reason for being, is to teach you how to live with integrity & honor, and how to love, to know yourself as love, to appreciate love when you find it, how to cherish it, nuture it, and make it happen.  How to draw it into your life with positive thoughts & emotions.   "These men" are not to blame for what is or has happened.  We create each experience in our lives, to teach us lessons about ourselves.  "These men" are only teachers.  When you discover and learn your lesson, they'll 'disappear'.  The trick is, that the lesson isn't about 'them' is about you.  The answer lies with "I"...nothing about 'them'.  The trick is, to love yourself more than and above all others, taking care of yourself, choosing right for you in each instance of your being without harming another.  The rest, will fall into place.

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:30 am

you have to have happiness within to see it without.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:34 pm

You summed it up nicely, thank you :)

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Post by sushant » Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:32 am

I was committed to this girl for more than two years.Then, we went to seperate colleges because we have taken different subjects before we met.After going there, she started talkin less to me. She thinks i was the neglecting her.But thats not the case, its just i wasnt physically present there for her. She got committed to any other guy.But now after geting frrustated from him, she says she always loved me and still does.But she cant leave that boy because of his support and help at college.She still talks to him more than me.I feel very dejected and cheated.
What should I do?

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:55 pm

She has made her choices.  Now make yours.  Making the choices that show you love and respect yourself, and are entitled to a happy and abundant life.

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