I need a hug...in a major way....

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I need a hug...in a major way....

Post by wisdomseeker12 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:02 am

My life hurts.....my situation is a personal hell and to compund it I am never allowed to forget it for even a moment. I believe God has let it come to this.....my free will is not free and my will is slowly being crushed.
I cannot establish any real relationships with people because of this, and thus I suffer immensely. I feel inadequate and useless to the world because of what was done to me to destroy me. I can't bring myself to laugh, smile, relax.....and it shows in my face. I havent dated in over 7 years. Last night it was very overwhleming....this is not depression...I already passed that.....this is much worse...this is what hell feels like....I need a hug and a miracle....and it seems God just stopped listening....this lesson needs to finish....

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:45 am

A BIG BIG GrandpaHUG to you.!

After reading your post it is one thing that CRY out to me....you have to build your self esteem and be able to start loving yourself.

I will also recommend you to start with meditation. This will help you to get a better perspective(because of time to think and to calm down.)

Most of us struggle in our daily life, and if we let this struggle control our life...well then we might collapse.

Try to avoid any negative influence, try to focus on the positive...try to turn around any thoughts from "half empty" to "half full"  from dam* rain to "thx for the water it brings life"....it might sound strange and be a bit hard in the start....but it will slowly change the way you see your life and it become your way of thinking.

If you feel down....visit places like this...interact with us....it gives positive impulses that might help you on the turnaround.....always remember that you are not alone in your struggle....million and millions of other have it much worse....so who are we to complain. (just said to get another focus, I use it myself :) )

Another big hug and good luck :)

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Post by pirbid » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:57 am

:smt009 I believe you are in big need of help. I send you lots of hugs and love and all the emotional backup you can take. But I feel terribly inadequate: it is obvious to me that you are way beyond the "pat in the back" stage.

So, come on, think hard: where could you get professional help real fast? Because I believe I have a (sometimes) mild depression and it has gone on for so many years that I finally decided to seek psyc therapy, after trying all sorts of alternative healing methods.

Come on, try to help yourself to come nearer to the help you badly need. In the meantime, a huge hug from me  :smt056

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Post by dhav » Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:31 pm

Yea i completely understand you.i myself feels same many.don't lose hope.I feel this year is the end of it.LOts lots of lights,love and hugs.and hope you find a true fulfilling relationship very very soon. :smt006

http://mysticboard.org/we ... 2008&day=3

In my blog there is some vizualizaltion to help you.i hope you may like them.they are at the bottom. one is The magick helaing bag and the second is Your heart,heaven and source.

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Post by sonicpixie420 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:18 pm

I understand exactly what you mean when you say you're BEYOND depression.
I've been through all that and can tell you:

1. You're at you're lowest point now which means it can't get any worse which means right now all you have to do is try to SURVIVE and let some time pass

2. Time does help the healing , esp. after a traumatic event - LIVE ON, SURVIVE and you will feel this effect , do not procrastinate yourself and do not ask yourself 'Why don't I have this or that?' right now - that's torturing yourself. Love and other good things can't come your way if you're not OPENED to it, and your WISHING is simply not enough at this time.

3. Try AS HARD AS YOU CAN not to dwell on that past event or past in general. It has no use if you just repeat it in your mind and then relive all the negative emotions that arise from it without any constructive realization,

3. Do not dwell , but rather analyze the past with help from a close person or a professional

4. Don't be afraid/embarassed to seek professional help. I myself have been avoiding therapy for 10 years, refusing to open up , but now I found a great therapist I trust and like personally and things started to get much, MUCH better.
Ask for recommendation for a therapist, then go to a few of them and see right away which person 'clicks' for you, which one do you feel most comfortable with.

5. I'M SENDING YOU A HUGE, WARM HUG  from Croatia hoping you will try to take these steps.

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Post by Nicole » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:58 pm

Hello wisdomseeker12,

Sending you Hugs, good thoughts & prayers your way..  :smt051

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Post by taraprincess » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:03 pm

here is a huge hug for u sweetie... keep a positive attitude dont lose hope...u are a beautiful person and we all love u..... much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by Betrayed » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:46 pm

For something like this... it takes a while and a very simple comparison.

I'm pretty sure I went through that depression/hell phase. It was torture. I lived each day like a paranoid person and was unreachable and thought I was never going to get cured which made it worse.

We are fortunate people, with or without relationships. Those without relationships can be happy people too. I've never dated but I'm happy. :)

I recovered because someone who barely knew me told me that I was lucky. Luckier than children who didn't get to go to school, eat proper meals etc. I always feel sad that I got the chance to be better off than those poor people, but I learnt that I do not have as much of a right to think that I'm living in hell as much as they do.

It was just these words that did the magic.

I hope it works for you too. : (

If they don't, I will FORCE YOU TO EAT BROWNIES because that was the other thing that cured me.

*GROUP HUG* I need to give you a bear too!

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Post by CaraCat » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:22 pm

This sounds really bad. I recomment to get professional help before it gets even worse. I wish you a lot of strength and try to get back your self esteem. Ask friends for help to support you. It's not a shame to ask someone for help. May the light of love shine upon you.
Many hugs,

CaraCat  :smt049

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huuuuuge hug

Post by lluvia » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:54 am

:smt003 sending you big hugs n healing with possitive energy :smt007 lluvia ps believe in your self :smt020

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Post by jld » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:17 pm

A big hug for you and lots of love :smt007     The more we talk and open up the less alone we feel. You are not alone. And professionals are there to help us through these times. Focus on taking care of yourself, be kind to yourself.  I always have to remind myself to not beat up on myself for feeling bad. This just perpetuates the cycle of feeling bad. You can surround yourself with positive influences. It has helped me too to write a gratitude list. Add new ones as you start feeling better. Don't quit before the miracle :smt007

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Post by karlenespellman » Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:54 am

Hi Wisdom,

I say iy how it is. I NEVER let anyone tell me how to think or act.

I have alot of people try to make me like them. I am not I am me, and I'm very proud of that.

You need to be proud of who you are. You do what you have to in your situation.

Be true to you. You are the only one you have to answer to.

A HUGE  HHHUUUGGG and positive energy and lots of LOVE to you.


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Post by soul_flower » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:09 am

Heres some huge *huggles* ,my love and positive energy going your way....

Please dont give up,seek help and know you're not alone....If this is your lowest point then in time,with help it can and will get better,know it will....You have alot to look foward to,and you are already such a strong person but you will be even stronger when you come out the other side,then you will smile,relax and enjoy.

Never give up and always keep the faith.

Tamara :o)

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Post by _Patt_ » Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:33 pm

Wisdom... BIG hug to you. I understand you are having a bad time and you cannot see any hope, BUT there is hope, there's light and I believe you are strong enough to get out of this!

Try to get professional help that will guide you and help you, also you have us here, you are not alone. So anytime talk with us, send pm or whatever you want, we are here and we will always give our best to help you.

So head up, you have a bright future ahead. Have positive thoughts, pick your strength and believe in you! I believe in you, we believe in you. ;)

Much light to you and you are also in my prayers.

Stay with angels :smt051

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thanks for your help...and hope

Post by wisdomseeker12 » Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:55 am

thanks for the hope....I saw a therapist...he said Ive been thru hell and doesnt know how I made it this far keeping it all in....thanks.

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