Tough Life/ No Love

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Tough Life/ No Love

Post by Brightwater » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:09 am

Hug pleeez...!  I got an issue.  My life is super duper difficult.  And I've got a tough husband with a difficult marriage which really is in all our best interests to remain intact.  He's got medical issues too.  After my daughter was born, 16 years ago, my husband started refusing to have sex with me.  He didn't care if I went elsewhere.  I did a bit-- and found, like, one loser a year for a few years... so unsatisfying that I just didn't want to do it again for a long time.  And every time I had to find someone else....  It's been 6 years now that I just don't want to play that game anymore.  Gawd, I'm only 51 and the idea of not having sex the rest of my life is just so depressing.  Add the fact that the two teenagers are banging everyone in town (well, an overexaggeration) but they throw it in my face all the time.  Frankly, I don't want to get near men anymore at all.  The idea nauseates me.

I'm also wondering as a studying solitary Wiccan how that will affect my Wiccan spirituality and energy.  Wicca is all about power from the God and Goddess, as through creation and human sexuality toward procreation.  I just feel that this imposed chastity has sapped me horribly of life.  What say y'all?


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Post by dhav » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:58 pm

hugs to you and light to release you of this mess, ;-)

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Post by suzisco » Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:47 pm

Hey Brightwater, I can't advise you about wiccan stuff but i can say being repressed like that is damaging you in lots of other ways.  I hope it really trully is in your best interests being in your marriage?

I can only give you a large hug and say if you ever want a blether let me know.


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Post by taraprincess » Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:44 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by karlenespellman » Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:28 am

Brightwater  HUGE HHHUUUGGGSSS to you. You should have an honest sit down heart-to-heart talk with yourself. Make sure it is in your best INTEREST and not just what's easiest. pm me, I think I can help you.
love and positive energy and more hugs to you. Kar

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:07 am

I can't offer any advice but i can give you some of my *huggles* and my love.Hope things ease for you soon in this difficult time.

Tamara :o)

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Post by Brightwater » Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:23 pm

UR all real sweet, thanks.  I know what you mean about it being "easier," trust me.  Yes, of course it is easier but there are so many ramifications.  His health-- he's 62 and had 2 heart attacks, 2 strokes, is pre-diabetic and pre-cancerous and has a chronic B12 deficiency I give him monthly injections for.  I've always felt that to send him packing is to send him to his death.  I will not be responsible for this.  We did separate once.  It was a disaster as he would not care for himself-- he never has, going from mama, to wife 1 to wife 2 (me).  He still works-- he's not decrepid, just a horrid bear, but not even all the time.  Add the kids in the mess, 17 y/o drug addict in and out of jail and 15 y/o just had a baby- we are raising.  He's a living doll.  Me, with minor, long passed issues have never had a high paying job.  To divorce we would lose the house and the kids and I be on welfare.  I could go on and on. It works together.  He watches over me and protects me/us.  He isn't abusive physically nor a drinker nor a bad gambler-- LOL, a bad Dunkin Donuts habit.  Frankly, the wee-wee is non-functional anymore anyhow.  But, fact is, with all these financial issues-- did I forget to mention we are in the process of claiming bankruptcy and defaulting on the 2 home equity loans and losing the house?....we just aren't in demand for friends.

I look at this a lot like a devastating cancer-- you do what you have to and don't let it destroy you.  He doesn't care if I seek outside interests, but at 51, frankly there isn't much out there that I really care to pursue for the most part.  No, I don't have any friends anymore, nor family that wants anything to do with this seemingly horribly family- drugs, the police, unwed mothers, etc.  The pretension is rampant and heaven knows I have needs.  Conversely, I felt more lonely and stressed when I was younger and single and lonely.  

Put it this way-- everyone in the house has wonderful hearts and good intentions, are caring and loving but stressed to the max in a financially broken and emotionally broken environment.  

I had a lot of psych training when younger, and EMS, where my husband still works.  We hold our own.  It's just tough.  Yes, I ALWAYS am looking for friends.  Bright Blessings and thanks all!


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Post by suzisco » Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:39 pm

Well you have many friends here.  Your life strikes many chords with me, I work with substance users (drugs and alcohol) and i see the heartbreak users cause parents.  Long term Chronic pain is so hard to live with, not surprised he is a bear.  Financial problems and marriage are never compatible and strain relationships and twists them beyond belief.

The fact your here and have broad shoulders says alot about you.  Think you are a mother to everyone there and have stopped being a wife a long time ago.  A word of caution you are not responsible for your husbands predicament as well as your childrens.  Their burdens are theirs and theirs alone, you have chosen to help them for many reasons and I think to stop yourself from drowning in all the negativity remember that you chose to help and these are not your problems (even if they do affect you personally).  This might give you time to pause and take stock and remember to allow yourself alone time every day for at least half an hour.  How you use this time is up to you as long as its not doing family things.

Remember to pop in here and recharge your batteries!

Lots of hugs


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Post by Brightwater » Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:17 am

Many thanks Suzi for the kindness.  I think that as I grew up, most of my time in high school working with the handicapped and in a hospital, several years preparing to be a teacher (unfinished), then many, many years working in the medical field in allied paraprofessional venues has prepared me well for such a task.  As a Christian (Witch), I have felt it is my task to carry on with my family caring for them and encouraging them to make positive changes in their life.  I don't believe I am taking any of their issues personally and was told long ago that my husband's pathology is resultant of mental status and neurological changes from his medical issues.  For all the angst and suffering, I've continued to grow in strength and energy, not wane, and as I desire, am learning and growing in a positive forward thrust toward good.  I'm too old and too much like shoe leather to be trodden upon and defeated.  I was that way a long time ago, and have passed on to a new realm, not finding the depressing, defeated, and terminal attitude satisfying or comfortable in any sense.  My strength and desire and vision have been given me from the Holy Spirit(s) and I know often am aware of their presence and communication.  I have desires and I am on a path to move forward in that direction.

Brightest blessings.

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Post by swetha » Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:38 am

hello Brightwater,
a hugeee huggggg for u:)))
i guess sometimes life is just too tough to handle and we are all ready to give up.. believe will pass if u work on it. u need to keep urself up and about and POSITIVE:) thats the whole trick.. and i am sure the problems will slowly disappear or atleast u will find a solution. i am happy to see u are still ready to fight it one more huge HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
and whenever u want to talk we are always here:)

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Post by Brightwater » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:57 am


That's right...I'm bad....I'm bad.....uh huh, I'm bad......

I've long said, if this was anything new and different, it would be devestating and I couldn't handle it.  It's not and it's not the end of the world for me....x-cuse-- baby crying.  BRB.....Back.... Seriously.  My life has never been that great.  It's been deceiving.  Lots of folks think that I had it easy.  I had to be emotionally strong, and I was not when younger.  As I became older I became wiser.  And stronger.  I will honestly say, as difficult as my life is now, I truly believe that my life is presently the best it's ever been.  That is not an easy thing to say, since my life is presently pretty difficult, but, in my eyes, it's better than it's ever been.  I've got 2 kids I love, though difficult I love them, I have a lovely grandson, regardless of circumstances, I have a husband who isn't bad, not good not bad-- he could be far worse, and I have a home, though the finances are on shaky ground.  And I have a faith in the Holy Spirit.... and I have myself and my health and my mind.  Thanks be to the Goddess and God.

Bright blessings to all.  May peace reign upon all the earth!!!!!!

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Post by karlenespellman » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:08 am

Hi Brightwater,

From your last post, you have a very positive attitude. KEEP it!  Karma is a great thing. I really believe what goes around comes around. I do believe that you are on the come around side.

Hang in there! You'll make it!!!!

Lots of HHHUUUGGGSSS, positive energy and love.

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Post by Brightwater » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:17 am

I appreciate the words of reassurance and support Kar.  I do need them.  My teachings have taught me to be humble and emotionally poor, as per St. Francis.  Clare is my patronness.  Yes, I'm storing my treasures for heaven.....

Imbolc blessings!!


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Post by CurlyQ » Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:22 am


My heart cries for you.  I offer many hugs and happy thoughts.  Another member mentioned having an honest sit down with yourself and I agree.  I

I wish you love and luck for your future.


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Post by Navs » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:35 am

<<<HUG>>> just for you....

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