Grrr! Friends are ur enemies

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Grrr! Friends are ur enemies

Post by shasha888 » Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:26 am

:smt013  :smt013  :smt010 Right I am in a delima! I have a boyfriend that is super sweet. We love each other a lot. But now my ex-friends are scraping up some bad stuff! Maybe it's best if I start from the beginning. At the beginning of 2007, my friends Cheri and Kimi introduced me to Alex (my future Boyfrind). I was crushing on him but he was taken by Kimi. Kimi was "in love with him". He didnt like like her though. I didnt want to wreck me and Kimis friendship so I didnt say I liked him. Well turns out he liked me so we started dating. Kimi and Cheri were jealous so they started saying stuff and ignoring me and Alex.  We never broke up. So they kicked it up a knotch. They hacked into my myspace and deleted EVERYTHING including all of my pictures. :smt011 so me and cheri got in a fight. :smt014  while i was distracted with my myspace kimi started spreading rumors to alex but me and him talked  so its straightened out. :smt008 but now kimi and cheri wont leave us alone

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Post by suzisco » Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:00 pm

Your right Jealous friends are no friends at all.  You haver something they want and thats happiness.

I can't give you any real constructive advice as i assume that you see these 2 girls at school.  I would get rid of your myspace stuff just now, perhaps move it to bebo and have a more secure password.  Ignore the 2 girls, they will get bored eventually when they see its not working.  If your boyfriend is the right one he will trust you and see what the other girls are trying to do.

We all go this kind of bullying at some point in our lives and how we approach it marks how we will deal with all our problems later on in life.  They key to all this is communication so if you are totally honest with everyone around you then in reality no one can harm you.  If you are close to your mum or sister perhaps speak to them about whats going on so that you have an older adult aware of how difficult things are for you.  Older adults do have alot of wisdom in them and will have been through something similar at some point in their young life.

Hope this helps.

Large Hugs for you.


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Post by soul_flower » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:01 am

Sounds to me they are really very bored and are jealous bullies.....I came across many bullies and people who i thought were my friends who then acted very nasty towards me....I found that by ignoring them,removing myself and going about my every day life they in the end they settled and gave up on me.....I think it is a good idea to tell maybe a teacher and someone who is an adult thats close to you,whoever you feel you want to.....Its important to share your problems because most older people would have gone thru these things and no one can help if you dont tell someone......

You deserve to be happy and do what you feel is right for you....Dont let them get to you to much,try to keep away from them if you can.

Heres some *huggles* heading your way.

Tamara :o)

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:51 am

dont let them beat you, there just jelous snobs with no lives of there own. just ignore them completely, change your myspace, phone number, ect ect whatever you have to do in order to completely kick them out of your lives, if neccasary call the cops on them and tell them that they are harrassing you. good luck to you both *hugs*

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Post by _Patt_ » Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:20 pm

I think they are indeed jealous. Change your myspace and contacts and move on. Ignore them, they will get fed up as you don't care and eventually will stop messing around. Find new friends too and have fun  :smt020 BIG hug to you!

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Post by dhav » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:07 pm

Big Hug to you.You can ask your angels for help ;-)

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Post by ladybloodmoon » Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:19 am

i agree i think that they just have nothing better to do and right now but give it some time remeber to talk to your boyfriend about it and anyone eals you feel comfortable talking to soon eungh they'll give up i know it's hard but just keep telling yourself it's going to be ok and it will lots of luck and heres a hug and poistive energy

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